Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1170: There are stories of people

Gao Peng saw Mo Yan's eyes and expressions, including the tone of it, which made him feel a little doubtful.

I saw him say something sloppy: "Why do you have a little approval when you say this sentence? As if you feel empathy, have you experienced anything?"

There was a twitch in the corner of Moyan's mouth, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he stood so quietly, and now he started to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

This makes Gao Peng recognize that he has a ghost in his heart, and he has definitely experienced certain things. Otherwise, why would he be so identified, or even have deep feelings.

Gaopeng "touched" and "touched" his chin and said, "I think you must have provoke this tribe, otherwise, why do you feel so empathy, as if you have experienced it now and tell me this descendant . "

"Um ... a bit interesting."

"Since you have such a story, why don't you tell me directly? Talk about what you have done, maybe I can learn from it a little bit, and that will not happen in that time."

"Why do you have so much nonsense?"

Moyan was a little bit embarrassed and angry. After all, this kind of being taken over by others made everyone feel particularly uncomfortable, not to mention that at this time.

It is its own privacy, which is naturally impossible to say directly, so just seeing him completely does not want to ignore Gaopeng.

But the more he did, the more curious Gao Peng felt. After all, at this time he really wanted to see what Moyan had experienced.

Other people are so afraid of the magic rock, it also shows that he is considered to be particularly powerful and even a very strong person in this demonic tribe.

You can tell from what just happened, but now he is very afraid of the clan, then there must be something happening, otherwise it would never show such fear.

That would be interesting ...

When Gaopeng saw that he had not spoken, he did not say anything again, but instead he was meditating alone, thinking what was going on.

What's more ... now that old tribe doesn't appear from beginning to end, it is nothing more than a word that disappears instantly, and I don't know what the situation is.

Isn't that the guy holding the opening of this racial talent? Why isn't it appearing now?

When is this going to be delayed?


When Gao Peng was thinking, he didn't notice that Moyan was suddenly silent, and even the fluctuations in his eyes were intense, that is, he was slightly controlled, so other talents didn't find it.

At this time, Magic Rock seemed to be involved in his emotions. He looked at the distance in silence, no one knew what he was thinking, and no one found his current situation at all.

Other people may not know what he is thinking, but the secret clan does understand.

"Well, it hurts him."

"But at this time, some people need to stand up and carry all the pressure, otherwise our race will really disappear completely, although I am sorry to say that."

"But I can't help it!"

A long sigh, said all helplessness.

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