Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1181: Have long complained

The old man looked at the entrance to the talent pool and was so stunned. In fact, his heart was also very speechless. I didn't expect to put a stinky kid in, and now he still has such a mess.

Do you want to make everyone mad?

The old man looked at the Tianjiao around him a little bit. All of them were already mad at this time, and one by one started to grit their teeth.

It's too irritating!

To say that others are making up numbers, and that the world simply doesn't care about them anymore, isn't this finding uncomfortable?

No matter who hears these words, it is unacceptable, and even feels special anger, Gao Peng has already done so many angry things.

At this time, it can almost be said that there have been long-standing grievances. All the demons Tianjiao already had a special dissatisfaction with him, and then suddenly such a sentence came out.

This is simply irritating!

Magic Rock also felt particularly speechless.

"What the **** is going on with this guy? At first he was quite honest, but why is it that the more he looks at him, the more wrong he is. Is this guy itchy?"

"Or has he owed it all the time?"

Moyan didn't know how to describe it, but at this time saw Gao Peng really entered the talent pool, he finally felt a little relieved. At least it was not blocked. This is already the best result, and what it will look like after that depends on his performance inside.

If his performance is not good, he may not be able to afford his racial talent. As for what kind of reserves his magical energy will have, it depends on his own efforts.

"Next, you can only look at yourself. If you want to have more of your own magic, then you try to rush forward and come directly to the middle."

"Otherwise, even if you really open up your racial talent and others, there is no big difference at all, and then you will be backward."

"What's more, now you have completely provoke other people. If you don't improve your strength as soon as possible, you will definitely be retaliated by others. I won't care about the grudges between you."

"That's what you're looking for. Who's blamed?"

After Mo Yan saw Gao Peng truly entered the talent pool, he finally let go of his mind, and whether he would be able to get a place in the end is not his business.

This is also very much looking forward to what kind of ranking Gao Peng will get, and how much magic energy reserves in the play, but he will not pay much attention at all.

Expecting to return to expecting, but there will not be much hope. Who made Gao Peng make such a stupid thing before directly provoke all Tianjiao, isn't this setting up an enemy for himself?

When all the Demon Tianjiao enters it, all the people will definitely join together to deal with him, and I don't know if he can survive it.

It depends on his fortune!

At that time, all the Tianjiao of the Demon Clan saw that Gao Peng had entered, and naturally they seemed extremely anxious, as did the other factions.

After all, Gao Peng entered in advance, but there was a chance to get closer to the center as soon as possible. At that time, wouldn't it mean that he could turn on his racial talent as soon as possible and would he have a lot of reserves?

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