Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1188: Runaway Demon Race

At this time there were more than a dozen demons of Tianjiao in this place. They were extremely proud, but when they met Gaopeng, they were repeatedly frustrated.

And when they entered this talent pool, they had already thought about it. They must definitely learn from Gaopeng, and their spirit was particularly great.

So the heart is also extremely arrogant, but at this time they came in. Not only could their bodies not move, they were even ridiculed by Gao Peng again and again. It was too angry.

All the expressions on Tianjiao's face have changed, and even their eyes have changed significantly, and the breath has skyrocketed.

This change is particularly remarkable. After all, they seemed quite normal at the beginning, but now, with their real anger, the power is directly out of control.

"You guy ... you guy is so arrogant ..."

"Do you really think we dare not kill you? Outside there is nothing but rules that bind us. Otherwise, it wouldn't make you crazy at this time."

"Now you dare to laugh at us in front of us. Do you think we really can't move? Just because we haven't fully adapted to it, you can be arrogant here. If you really think we are Nothing can be done. "

"Then you're totally wrong!"

"I want you to know what is really regret. Have you felt despair now?" Some of the demons are really straight up, and the breath on them has become extremely irritable, but they do n’t have much expression on their faces, they just have a kind of Very resentful look.

When they looked at Gaopeng, they were very expecting that Gaopeng would "expose" that particular shocked expression, but disappointed them. When they looked at Gaopeng, Gaopeng didn't have much expression change, but if there were Staring at them thoughtfully.

Then let the Tianjiao of these demons feel that they have been particularly ignored, and everyone is very speechless, but at this time they can only secretly say.

"You will continue to install now ... I don't believe how long you can hold up, this guy is more able to install, but after a while you can only kneel for mercy."

Several of the Demon Tianjiao also had this idea, and now more and more Demon Tianjiao slowly stood up.

This also made them more deflated, and the look towards Gao Peng became even more fierce. After all, Gao Peng had been laughing at them all the time, it was just too intolerable.

Now it is finally possible to revenge.

This also made them feel special excitement, and cruel smiles were "shown" on their faces, but because they had not adapted to the gravity here, they could not easily move.

At least they are no longer so embarrassed. With the passage of time, more and more Tianjiao of the Demon can already stand up straight, and can even slowly control their bodies.

It also made them see more hope, that is, the lesson of Gao Peng, they all slowly "showed" their faces.

There were even some evil laughs.

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