Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1198: Who is the prey

Seeing that the entrance was completely closed, Gaopeng also knew that it was no longer possible for anyone to come in. After all, the access token was limited. Everyone had only this one access token, not only that they could enter here. You can also lead them out.

If there is no access token, then they will be completely left here.

In fact, that's the best way to kill others.

But ... sometimes it's not necessary to really kill the enemy. Some people are worth more than killing them.

For the time being, Gaopeng doesn't want to solve these guys, it's just that they just want them to be a stepping stone to improve their strength. In addition, they don't want to send them a ride.

This is not his original intention ...

After all, these guys also have a little bit of blood from the ancient demons in their bodies. If a few of them really awaken this blood, then their strength is also considerable.

Especially now, he didn't know what had happened, so that the old people would feel special helplessness, then something unintelligible must have happened.

He must not act lightly before he fully understands the matter, and he does not want to create any more sins.

Over time.

The Tianjiao of the Demon Clan has slowly been able to take control of his body, and even those who came in last can basically come and go freely.

All I saw was that Tianjiao of all the demons looked at Gaopeng at this time, and their faces "showed" a little bit of bad smile.

It really looks like the hunter is watching the prey.

However, Gaopeng also looked at them with this kind of look. In fact, who is the hunter and who is the prey is also unclear for the time being.

Everyone considers himself a hunter, and the other party is a prey.

"Now ... we want to see where you can run, no matter where you run, you now have to pass through us, can you still be arrogant now?"

The Tianjiao of the Demons is not arrogant. At this time, all of their people have arrived. This will allow them to flex their muscles.

But no one is so easy to do it, and because it feels a little "fuck" to win, it seems more calm.

That sentence was answered in the past.

The villain died of much talk.

These guys have been trying to prove themselves, but they have been losing opportunities, but in fact no matter how they are not Gao Peng's opponent.

But if it is dealing with other people, it has been nonsense, it will definitely be overturned by others.

Gaopeng "Lu" looked out at the idiot.

"Are you guys afraid of water in your head? How many times do you want me to say? Or I have water in my head before, and I haven't made water out, so it will affect your judgment?"

"Otherwise, I don't think you have any use for that brain. It's just like a tumor on your neck. You won't need it anyway."

"You might as well just cut it off? If you do n’t use it, you just throw it away. It's almost like a tumor anyway."

These words of Gao Peng are simply vicious, and at the same time, all the demons present are disgusting enough, they wanted to have a look at Gao Peng's terrified face.

But this is not the same as what they think!

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