Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1200: Refresh cognition


All the people at the scene were stunned and looked at all this. They didn't believe it at all, and Gao Peng could defeat a Devil's Tianjiao with one fist.

But ... they couldn't help but believe them, they really felt the original shock, they just thought that Gaopeng was nothing more than walking through the back door.

At best, it is just a hybrid, but now it seems that it is completely different from what they imagine, why every time the final development they think will be too different from what they imagine.

I don't know why this happened.

If Gao Peng's strength is strong, then the blood of ancient magic should flow in his body, but he hasn't seen the peak completely, which is why they think Gaopeng is a hybrid.

It is not the same as them, there is no blood of ancient demons flowing in their body, that is, they will think that Gaopeng is not very powerful.

However, the results are somewhat beyond their expectations. After all, Gao Peng hit the Tianjiao of that demons with a fist, which had a great impact on them.

"How is this possible? How is it possible? Without his hybrid, it would be impossible for our opponents to be right. Even in his realm, being slightly stronger would never be our opponents."

"What's more, his realm can never surpass us. With his low talent, he can't fight us without the racial talent at all."

"But why is his combat effectiveness so strong, and why can anyone tell me?"

"Fake, all this is fake, I absolutely do not believe that he really has such terrible strength, all of this is absolutely fake!" With Tianjiao at this time, I can't believe it. After all, they are because of the modern demons in their bodies, and finally they will be so powerful.

However, what qualifications does Gaopeng have to compare with them? It is a person without the blood of ancient demons, and the realm is much lower than them.

How could such a person be their opponent?

This makes them even more angry.

Feeling that all this is different from their imagination, in fact, not only do they feel special anger, but the person who was hit with a severe fist is really feeling shame.

Originally, he stood up angrily, and wanted to solve Gao Peng as soon as possible, but now he is not only not resolved, Gao Peng was even punched by others.

The most important thing is in front of everyone.

This brought him a great shame, and even he himself could hardly bear the shame, so he only saw the expression of "outer" on his face showing a particularly angry expression.

Even his teeth were about to be bitten by him.

Such things can never be forgiven!

He was blown down with a punch, and even in the presence of so many people, the blood of the ancient demons flowed in all of them, but he was suddenly knocked down by this one hybrid that they recognized.

What makes him face everyone next?

After just thinking about it a bit, he felt a special feeling of humiliation, and even felt extremely uncomfortable, and his eyes became **** red instantly.

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