Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1206: Ways to boost blood

Everyone was jealous of Gaopeng.

Gao Peng felt extremely happy in his heart, because the blood was completely removed at this time, and the system even surprised him.

【Ding! 】

[A fragment of the ancient Demon blood is drawn out, and fusion is ongoing. 】

[The fusion was successful. 】

Ancient Demon Bloodline (ancestor) 1/100

When Gaopeng saw this change, although he didn't know what kind of changes he had for the time being, but since it can be integrated, it can definitely improve his strength.

And now it ’s just a copy of it, so it seems that it is necessary to extract 100 copies, then all the Tianjiao of the Demon here seems to only be enough to promote his blood.

Doesn't it mean that he is going to attack all the demons?

Originally he didn't want to kill these guys at first, but now that such options have appeared in the system, there is no other way for him.

How to say it is also a way to improve his blood, how could he give up like this, first improve his strength and then say, if there are other troubles, then consider another.

He was not afraid of anyone else anyway.

What's more, as long as his bloodline power is completely improved, other demons will not be his opponent at all.

This also made him have such a decision, so when he looked at that magical void, a little coldness appeared in his eyes.

"It was just just trying to extract your blood, but who knows your luck is too unlucky. If I said, all of your blood would be drawn at once."

"I think you should hate me?"

"Since that's equivalent to letting the tigers return to the mountain? I'll just kill you all. I won't be of any use to staying here anyway. I have no blood."

"You have all become waste, so I will solve you as soon as possible, and I will be traced to me in the end anyway."

"In order to avoid you guys from obstructing me outside, then I will send you a good trip directly, and now you all contribute to me to buy it!"

Gao Peng has already thought about it, he has to deal with all the people, anyway, now he just wants to improve his blood power.

By extracting all the blood of all people, he will also get promotion. As for these guys, all of them will give them a ride.

There is no need to worry about it.

Anyway, when you go out this time, you will definitely be guilty of Xingshi by others. You just do n’t need to make things too rigid. At least you must let him know what happened.

Even the demons seemed so helpless.

It was definitely a particularly huge event that made them so anxious, but he was now particularly curious.

Such a powerful race will choose such a helplessness in the end. This is definitely to understand clearly, otherwise he would not dare to go out easily.

He has a strong system ...

But he also has shortcomings. Because of this, he has to understand it before he dares to make a decision.

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