Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1208: Tianjiao shame

The Tianjiao of all the demons looked at the magic sky in this way, did they really feel that the magic sky was their shame, even if they died, they would not ask for mercy?

This is simply too shameful, and even stood with them before, does that not make them such people?

But they didn't think about it at all. In fact, now they are also greedy for life and fear of death. Otherwise, they would never do the kind of abandoning their companions.

It is even more unlikely to dare not approach Gaopeng.

In fact, the two are similar, but at this time they are hiding well, and even show such a carelessness, but the magic void is like a poor worm.

This is the gap between them.

One of the demons, Tianjiao, hated and said, "This **** magic space will be so lowly. I didn't expect this guy to be a greedy person who was afraid of death. Now he even kneels for mercy. Lose our face. "

"I also thought that this guy was standing with us before, and I felt particularly sick."

"If I can, I really want to kill him directly, it's just a shame."

Many of the Devil's Tianjiao also have various thoughts in their hearts, and almost all of them have been shown on their faces. After all, they feel that the Devil Sky is particularly unpleasant.

I really feel dignified.

How dare you get kneeled for mercy?

He also said that he could do anything as long as he was released. Isn't this a loss of their faces? How to say that they are also the noble Devil Tianjiao, the blood of ancient Devil is flowing in the body.

Oh no ... Magic Sky is gone.

Now they almost don't need to guess. After all, from the fierce reaction of Magic Sky just now, it is almost known that he has completely lost the qualification to stand with the Tianjiao of these demons.

Already become those lowly demons.

This also makes these Tianjiao present even more disgusted. Even if Magic Sky is not killed, they will never be able to walk together, because they all think that Magic Sky is absolutely not qualified to stand with them.

This is too real.

It was also particularly cruel.

Mokong suddenly gave a glance at the Tianjiao of those demons, from which he could almost feel the disgust in those people's eyes, but at this time he didn't react much.

But looking at his hand suddenly raised his fist, you can know how angry he is now inside, after all, he used to be able to stand together, but now he is disgusted by others.

Even his next life will become particularly dim, and there may be no darkness, which will directly distort his heart.

The future was bright, but now suddenly he has lost such precious blood of the ancient demons, how can he bear it?

It was as if he was a millionaire, but suddenly became a penniless person, which made him completely unable to adapt, and suddenly made his emotions extremely intense.

But he hid well. He just wanted to live from Gao Peng's hands. Everything he was thinking slowly was going to make those guys all pay the price.

"You all wait for me ... I won't make you feel better !!!"

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