Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1212: You are so cheeky

"You know what we are doing in this talent pool these days? It's all about improving our strength as soon as possible, letting us turn on our racial talent, and then we will practice faster."

"We didn't come here to fight for your life, so I hope you can figure out what's going on."

"What's more, now we don't have so much time to mess with you here. Now we need to start our racial talent as soon as possible."

Obviously, the Tianjiao of these demons now dare not provoke Gaopeng easily, and in order to take care of their own faces, such grandiose words have been spoken.

However, all the Demon geniuses are very cooperative, because now they are also afraid to act rashly. Instead, they want to open their racial talent as soon as possible, and finally wait to open their racial talent.

Then everything is possible.

It is because of this idea that at this time they are more eager to open their racial talents, instead of entangled with Gaopeng here.

From the previous performance of Gaopeng, we can see that Gaopeng's strength is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination. After all, you can kill the magic sky in an instant, and everyone in this strength may not be able to do it.

What's more ... The methods shown by Gaopeng are too weird, just like the power of absorbing the blood of others, which they have never seen before.

In order not to end up in the magical void, all people dare not to act lightly, or even dare to approach Gaopeng easily.

They are also afraid that the blood in their bodies will be completely drawn. At that time, they will truly lose everything they have now, and they will also lose their more powerful racial talent.

It was simply too much to pay for it, just for revenge for one sword, and finally took all of their future into it, which was not what they wanted to see.

Now that it's a little bit risky, why can't you just take it easy?

So there is this scene, all the demons of Tianjiao dare not act rashly, and even the words spoken one after another are so magnificent, as if they really let go of Peng Peng.

But their hearts were truly scared.

Gaopeng also felt particularly interesting when he saw the scene in front of him. After all, these guys simply didn't pant when talking, and they said exactly one by one. I really don't know why their skin is so.

In the beginning, one by one was anxious to kill him, but now one by one is starting to deceive himself, I really don't know how thick these guys are.

How exactly is it made?

Gao Peng suddenly laughed.

"Your cheeks are so thick. You have never seen a cheek so thick, and you are still deceiving yourself. When you are afraid, you are afraid. You also say that you do not undermine the rules of the clan."

"It's really funny enough."

"You coward, you ca n’t even compare to the magic void, at least he dared to yell out angrily. Although the final performance was indeed a little embarrassing, really, you guys are afraid to admit it People are terrible. "

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