Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1222: Easily reach

"It's still so easy." Gaopeng has completely converged his breath. If other people saw him at this time, he would never know what kind of strength he was.

Moreover, his breath performance is particularly weak. Once others find out his natural state, he will definitely think that his strength is not good.

Because he wants to show such a state now, so as not to be really crushed by gravity, he doesn't want to try the moment when gravity is directly pressed and cannot move.

What's more ... he's not in the same place now, he's getting closer and closer to the center, if at this time he would explode all his power directly.

Isn't that looking for death?

The gravity here will definitely be more horrible. Once he truly explodes his full strength, it will definitely press him to the ground instantly, completely unable to move.

He doubts that if he releases his power, he will definitely explode in an instant, because it is about to reach the center.

Gravity is absolutely scary.

As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat. At this time, there can be no curiosity at all. After all, he didn't dare to try it easily, it has made him so embarrassed.

Once again, he felt that he was absolutely finished, so at this time he did not dare to try again easily.

It's still honest, relying on the current state to reach the central area as soon as possible, at that time he can quickly reserve enough magic energy to see if it can break through the original boundaries.

In this way, he should be able to turn on a stronger racial talent. Although this is only his guess, he thinks it is inseparable.

Although there is no reliable basis.

However, he has extraordinary perception. He thinks that this should be possible. After all, the system is absolutely impossible. It just allows him to absorb enough magic energy and start the racial talent.

How to say that he has such an advantage, it is absolutely necessary to obtain the most powerful force, and even he himself does not allow himself to only obtain barely strength.

This is not his "character"!

"It seems to be coming ..."

After passing through a layer of film, Gao Peng really came to the middle area of ​​this place, and when he just entered, he suddenly found that the system was banging.

The surrounding magic can be particularly abundant.

Allows him to absorb much faster, at least even faster than the previous outside countless times, and he feels that it won't be long before he can fully open his racial talent.

"The magical energy reserves here are simply too abundant. No wonder everyone is crushing their heads and wanting to come to this central area. If you want to open up your racial talent here, it will be too easy."

"And almost everyone can turn on a particularly powerful racial talent? The magical reserves are also particularly impressive."

"But I don't know why other people don't tell the Tianjiao method of these demons. I think they should also know some of the rules here."

"But they didn't say anything, which is strange. Is there anything else?"

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