Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1224: Outside conversation

"Who the **** would you say the first place this time?"

"It's hard to say. After all, this time basically, the gap between all people is not so obvious. Basically, they can only see who their luck is."

"If anyone finds a way first, then he may really win the first place. If not, then he is really not sure."

"Really ..."

"If you can tell them skills, that's fine. They can definitely open up their racial talent as soon as possible, and they don't need to take so many detours at all."

In the outside world, all the demons are talking, and most people are looking forward to this time, who will get the first place this time, because the first place represents his Racial talent is absolutely extraordinary.

And the magic energy reserves are also particularly high.

But this time there are no obvious people who stand out, so they don't even know who will win the first or the top 10.

They can only communicate with curiosity.

They basically already know in the talent pool what kind of skills should be used to really open their racial talent as soon as possible.

But all of them didn't say the same thing, as if it were a convention. All people didn't tell their juniors. This makes them completely unaware of how to get to the center as soon as possible.

One of the demons said: "This is also for their benefit. If they tell them how to do it so easily, then they are clearly gaining nothing."

"It is also good to beat them, so they are not too arrogant, and they have been too spoiled. They always think that they have the blood of ancient demons and can do whatever they want.

"Sometimes having strong blood doesn't mean anything at all. If you don't work hard, even the best potential is wasteful."

"It is only by making them truly aware of the evils of this world that they can really grow up. The burden on them is very heavy. Do they have to have the blood of ancient demons?"

"If you can truly awaken the blood of the ancient demons, it can definitely help, but the odds are too slim!"

In fact, all the demons who were present knew what the truth was, and also knew that they were too pampered with their juniors, but it was so easy to have such a baby.

Sometimes he can't help but hemiplegia.

Otherwise, the Tianjiao of those demons will not show such an arrogant scene every time, it is because they have long been used to the moment when someone rubbed their butt.

No matter how they get into trouble, or even what they do, there will always be someone who will help them, and over time they will become really used to it.

And it is because of the indulgence of these guys that they will make the arrogance of the demons become so arrogant, and at the same time think that they can do whatever they want with the blood of the ancient demons.

That is, because of inattentive teaching, this will make the Tianjiao of those demons take a detour.

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