Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 805: Exciting news

"Oh ~ it sounds very powerful, but I'm curious."

Gao Peng said a word thoughtfully. This immediately caught everyone's attention. Why was this word intriguing?

It doesn't matter what Gao Peng thinks in his heart, but his words directly made everyone present to him. After all, Gao Peng said that he was curious.

Could it be that……

No no no, this is absolutely impossible!

They immediately forgot the idea in their heads, thinking that this idea was too horrible, and they didn't think about it at all.

Even they already feel that Gaopeng is definitely a lunatic, and from what Gaopeng's words can basically guess, what exactly does he mean.

Shen Yiyi was equally in shock, saying something incredibly: "You won't ... you don't have any ideas?"

"Don't be impulsive. The midtown pool is not as simple as you think. There are extremely powerful people in them, and the city owner is a strong person in the realm of the emperor."

"There are already a lot of **** emperors in the middle of the city pool, let alone **** kings. That's an infinite number of times more than us. It's not something we can provoke."

Shen Yiyi explained with anxiety, she was really afraid that Gao Peng would get an impulse, and went directly to the trouble of the other party.

The rock bird city is in the surrounding midtown pond, or it can be the top ranked town, there are definitely many powerful people in it.

If it is such a storm, it will definitely pay an unimaginable price. This is where Shen Yiyi is most worried.

Gao Peng didn't bother her, instead he looked at the people in front of him with sharp eyes and said, "I already know where you are from, so now it's time to talk about your purpose."

"After all, the city you are in is so powerful that there is no need to compete with our Hurricane City, but you have launched so many monsters."

"There must be some secrets in it, right? Now it's coming from the facts, so I'll let you go."

"But I hope you don't deceive me, or it will be very serious."

Gao Peng's face was still expressionless, and he did not "show" his signature smile. In fact, many thoughts had already appeared in his heart.

And at this time he was also a bit excited, and finally knew that a place has a strong man in the realm of the emperor, which is simply the best news he has heard.

After all, this continent is too large, so vast that he is desperate, and the distribution of various forces is so scattered, "chaotic", leaving him a little "troubled".

Then now he knew it completely. There was a place with the strong in the realm of God Emperor, which made him suddenly excited.

Isn't this just enough for him to improve his strength?

Although you have to plan well, after all, it is a city!

There must be a lot of strong men in it. He doesn't want to be sieged to death by others. Although his strength is very strong, no matter what opponent he meets, he doesn't need to be afraid.

But he was afraid of the sea tactics. If he was really piled alive, it would be too wrong.

It's better to plan well and directly improve your strength. At that time, even if the number of weak people is the largest, it will not have any impact on him.

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