Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 950: Collapsed Nether Cave

Everyone at the scene hesitated a bit, really thinking about the end of the two gods, even if so many of them went out at once, would it really work?

But it was their hesitation.

That thoroughly annoyed the strongest.

"What are you still hesitant to do there? Everyone else has already reached the doorstep of your house, and you haven't avenged yourself quickly, now you are still thinking about miscellaneous things."

"I don't need you to sacrifice your life. I just hope that you can see which **** is **** outside the door. If you want to let me know, I can report it."

"I will deal with it myself at that time!"

"As long as you go out and see what is going on, then you have completely finished your task, and don't give me any hesitation."

After hearing such words.

All the people present felt the same reason. After all, everyone knew how strict the rules of the void cave were, even if they were powerful, they had to be obeyed.

These are all the rules set by the ancestors. All people must abide by them. No one is exceptional.

Therefore, what they do feel like they are bound to do things, perhaps because a thing that has happened is too bad, so this is a very strict rule.

Although many things have been avoided and many of their freedoms have been restricted, unlike in the current situation, others have already come to the door, but they can't call them directly.

Instead, look at who the other party is.

This is more uncomfortable.

The others looked at each other, and finally nodded and gritted their teeth and rushed out. Now they can only see as soon as possible who is blocking the door outside.

Only after knowing something.

Then they can really let go of their hands, and still say that this rule is too unacceptable, which directly limits all their actions.

Almost all layers are managed.

The most powerful person here is absolutely impossible to go out because he is not authorized. Once he goes out no matter how worried he is.

In the end, it will definitely be severely punished.

This is a very inflexible rule, and this is how it has prevented many things from happening over the years.

No one expected that this would be the result.

God Emperor has made up his mind, countless rays of light rushed out towards the entrance of Nether Cave, now they just want to rush out to see what happens.

It doesn't matter if you can succeed in the end!

But hope not to be killed!

But ... it is obvious that they think too much, an energy that can shake the heavens and the earth, suddenly rushed towards their faces, and in it, they felt an evil, and there was a mixture of bright energy.

"This ... no ... !!!"

"Do not!!"

They didn't have time to escape at all, they were directly killed by that very powerful force, after all, the space for this entrance was so small.

Killed everyone right away.

The strongest man completely slammed the "force". He did not expect that this would be the result. Now he has become a bare pole commander.

Looking at a person left!

He's crazy.


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