Fatal Shot

Chapter 1147: A group of quasi-BOSS pets!

"Are people coming together?"

The location where the figure of the wind reappeared was in the office of the pastor of the city.

"After the meeting, no one is absent. Well, except for the seven of our internal staff who are ready to enter the field at their own location for work reasons, but have already arranged communication projections!"

Shepherd Road.

"The specific rules of the game have not been announced yet?"

"No, I feel that np doesn't seem to want to reveal details, and does not allow players to be prepared enough to balance the gap between the super guild and the general guild, as well as the average player."

“However, after analyzing the strategy, the strategy department believes that since the competition requires everyone to enter the competition together.”

"So guessing is likely to be a distracting melee in the early stage, to see personal strength, and after the collection, the main focus is on the ability of the guild."

"And, the map of pk should be very large. After all, more than 1.5 million original players, even allowing the whole people to watch!"

The animal husbandry said.

After a month of hard work, the players who awakened the Force in the game increased a lot.

Although there are some life professional players who should not participate, but the number of participants is definitely more than 1.5 million, it is conceivable that the competition is fierce.

"However, this kind of melee is more beneficial to us today. After all, because of your reasons, our people are more pet drugs and life protozoes than other guilds!"

“The chances of getting the first place, our chances are definitely among the top ten.”

Shepherd watched the wind and the face with self-channel.


At this point in time, three days ago.

Located in the largest conference room in the city that never sleeps, thousands of advanced players come together.

“Thank you for your support of the city that never sleeps. The reason why you concentrated everyone in the city of the city that stayed in the city in advance was mainly because you wanted to practice it in advance.”

Finally, I awakened the Force before one day, and I had the commanding qualification of the pastor, sitting in the deputy main position and speaking.

"So, I hope that everyone will stay in the city for the next three days, don't leave."

Having said that, he looked at the players below and didn't complain. After all, this is something that has been notified in advance!

"Before the game, I hope that you don't want to disclose the contents of our training outside. In addition, there are two things that everyone will know."

However, if the animal husbandry went on, it would make a subtle curiosity sound in the conference room.


The animal husbandry summoned a projection screen and clicked it.

Then, in the air in front of each person in the conference room, a virtual projection of two items appeared.

One is a metal tube-like liquid injection, and the other is a mist that flows in a different color.

"It's a pet evolution!"

There are instructions on the side of the two items, and after the attributes of the items like the injections, many players are at first stunned.

But it's not too exciting, because Pet Evolution has been on the market for a while, and it has the potential to evolve pets into a leader.

However, the players present can participate in this task, except for a very small number of people, they must have at least a leading pet.

"Wait, this is not an intermediate pet evolution fluid on the market. This is a premium pet evolution fluid that can organically allow pets to evolve into quasi-boss!"

However, someone immediately saw the property and found it wrong.

This is not the market, the low- and mid-level pet evolution liquids that are rare, but not much higher.

Instead, they have never heard of advanced pet evolution fluids!

The pets at the leading level are indeed very common among advanced players, and it is not unusual at all.

In particular, for those players who have awakened the Force and have a lot of legendary equipment, the actual combat power is only equivalent to the elite-level monsters. The pets can't play much role, and more are only used in combat. Auxiliary.

However, the quasi-boss level is completely different!

Even if the quasi-boss pet is weakened, it also has a leader-level attribute.

Coupled with the skill advantage, the actual combat power is even stronger than most players.

This time, the pk game, did not notify the pets in advance, then you can definitely use, a quasi-boss pet, can make the player's strength more than double.

The most important thing is that everyone is not badly equipped, and has a boss-level pet. In terms of personal ranking, there is definitely a chance to compete in the top 100!

After all, the current exposure of the game's quasi-boss pets has not exceeded 500 in total, and a large part of these people have not yet qualified.

"The city that never sleeps will be taking out 150 advanced pet evolutions!"

"Fifty of them, by members of the guild, use points to redeem. The other 50 are used by internal members to compete with information points. After the competition is successful, they can also offset part of the guild points."

"The last fifty, competing by foreign aid friends, in order to be fair, certainly can only be decided by pure credit."

After the animal husbandry announced the distribution plan, the participants below suddenly responded one by one.

"Fifty, too little, I am so many people!"

"Yeah, there is only one in ten chances. If you want to successfully advance, I am afraid I have to use at least a few."

There are complaints that are provided too little.

"The original pet evolution fluid turned out to be from the city that never sleeps."

"On this point, I am afraid that many super guilds can't match. If the city does not burst out of this news, I am afraid that people who want to join will be doubled."

It is also known that the company has always been a highly confidential pet evolution fluid, and it is thoughtful.

"The people inside the city that never sleeps can actually use the points to redeem. This welfare is very good... In other words, we are now a city player who never sleeps. Why can't I redeem points? In fact, I found that I really want to join the city that never sleeps!"

More, speak loudly.

"Do you have points?"

"The amount, it seems that there is no!"

More than 400 foreign aid players, although they only took out more than 100 advanced pet evolution fluids for the city that never sleeps, and they only have a disappointment of only 50, after all, only one-eighth chance.

However, there is no way for this. After all, things are taken out of the city, and they will definitely take care of their true people.

"Wow, the guild points can be exchanged directly. Why don't you say that, I only exchanged a legendary alloy sword from John the Master for half a month ago. Now the points are definitely less than the top 50! ”

The players who don't sleep at night are happy, except for a few people who lament.

“Is it not possible to bid with credits?”

"Although we don't count as many people in the city, but there are definitely a lot of rich players. Even if it is internal competition, it is estimated that there are not tens of millions of credits. I can't get it. How can I have so much money? More than 10 million?"

"So, Pharaoh, lend me your money, I have a lot of points, plus you are ten million, you can definitely compete for the next one!"

"I am going, I will calculate it with you."

Also, it has already begun to count on companions.

Although it is definitely a lot of glutinous, it is much better than the external players. As long as a few good cooperation, you can definitely win one.

If you can be lucky, advance to a boss, then make a big profit.

In addition, there are some players with a smile on their faces, and they don’t move like a mountain.

Their chests all have diamond badges that represent the upper floors of the city.

In fact, half a month ago, the high-rises of the Everbright City had all used the pet evolution, and they had the top culture medium that evolved the pet's evolutionary rate by 10% to the quasi-boss level.

Today, almost everyone's pet level has become a quasi-boss level.

No way, the wind is now a local tyrant.

If one is unsuccessful, there will be two, and no more, three or five!

After all, there are only a few dozen people, even in the current version, the cost of a high-grade evolution liquid is close to 100 million credits, and the wind is completely affordable.

It is to be issued in advance, and it will be rewarded for the first anniversary of the city!

"Boss, the organic rate has evolved into a quasi-boss, and our pets are all elite."

In the last row of the last row of the conference room, the two gunners are envious of each other, and there is a bronze sniper player on the skin between the two.

It is the left-handed reflection of the three people mentioned in the bullet mark.

"Or, let's consider what the boss said before, and join the city that never sleeps."

"Although this time it is definitely not a play. But there should be opportunities in the future to exchange the pet evolution with the guild points."

“At the very least, you can buy intermediate pet evolution fluids at an internal price before the game and raise your pets to the leader level!”

The two talked to each other, but the voice was deliberately increased.

However, for a long while, I did not hear the left hand reflection.

"Hey, why didn't you boss?"

Turning around, they found the left hand reflection, at this time the eyes were staring at the details of the second kind of misty items, and they looked at each other.

"Oh, yes, there are two things!"

"It is definitely not an ordinary thing to be able to put it together with the quasi-bos pet evolution liquid... It turned out to be the life protozoa... Hey, it turned out to be the life worm!"

Then, they remembered something and cast their sights on the screen.

The next moment, the eyes are more rounded.

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