Fatal Shot

Chapter 1156: Sniper "match"

As the world is arguing, the area around the fortress is full of energy flames.

This assassin player, on the move, can't show no traces.

The wind fell through the subtle anomalies of the energy flame, and discovered the existence of the assassin player. He even understood that his goal was that the world was in flames.

Undoubtedly, in the case of already severely residual blood, it is still dare to count the world.

This person is definitely a top "Assassin", courage is big enough, and my heart is big!

An assassin who can't even find it completely quickly is obviously a threatening existence. This assassin-type player needs to be solved more in the wind and even in the world.

Therefore, in his head, there has been an idea quickly, and the "windrunner-" in the form of a sniper rifle in the hand also quickly moved the muzzle.

The whole process of observation and thinking was even two or three seconds, and waited for two more seconds.

When the world is ignorant, the sniper rifle gun also issued the first bullet in the game when the sniper's scope is about to coincide with the hidden position of the assassin player.

In the case of the "Dragon Ball" block that can interfere with the spirit and the Force, the Assassin player can have the ability to detect the danger of "death perception", and there is no time to evade or use the force field deflection attack. .

Therefore, just the bullet, in fact, the result is nothing more than a few!

Either killing or seriously injuring the world, or harvesting the head of the assassin.

Of course, it is possible to kill both of them with one arrow and two, or both of them are hiding.

In the end, the result is the second one.

Although not able to kill the sniper, but the harvest of an assassin player is still good.

"[You killed 403259 entrants, earn points: 1500 points, current ranking: 30950!]"

"1500 points... Is it the basis for everyone?"

The running wind swept over this point, and the eyes were slightly thinking.

If a person's base is so high, it means that if you want to unlock 24k, you only need to kill more than 30 people to complete it. This is not very difficult.

It seems that the system does not want to limit the strength between players for a long time, which is obviously good news.

As for the rankings, the wind is not in the heart.

This has only just begun, the ranking is meaningless at all, the only thing that can be explained is that at least 30,000 contestants have been eliminated in the short time of the game.

Of course, because the Assassin player killed the Light Armor, the actual ranking of the points is in the game.

The number of people killed is far more than 30,000.

"Wow, this large pk is too exciting."

"It’s not enough for the eyes. The scoreboard has broken through 100,000. It’s only a few minutes, killing so many people.”

"So, you have to choose to watch the battles of the top ten seed players in the power list, generally not so fast."

"This is not allowed. Don't say the first 10,000. The top 100 people in the power list have already been eliminated."

"No, the top 100 people, most of them have been selected as advanced masters, so three dead."

"There is nothing strange about this. It is because the top 100 is too angry. As a result, the battle is stared. In the case that most of the equipment is blocked, it is a super master. It is impossible to pick ten... but it is better. Ah, more interesting!"


In fact, the reason why the wind fell, there is no first time to solve the world is fire, there are also some reasons.

The reputation of the world is not necessarily a good way to attract firepower.

Feng Feng clearly knows that his "first person" title is more harmful than this in this game.

Once exposed, it will definitely become a "public enemy", leaving the world with fire, at least to a certain extent to attract firepower.

However, things can't be completely developed as planned.

This sniper, as an unexpected factor, would choose to discard the threatening world, and attack him at the first time to expose him to the position.

The wind did not feel that this sniper is a helper in the world.

Because, the range of maps that are blacked out after the game is enlarged is calculated.

With this equipment supply point as the heart, the first wave of players that can be reached is only one hundred.

And when you enter the game, there are tens of thousands of guilds. If you want to meet the guild players here, the theory is really impossible.

In particular, although the guild channel of all is open, the initial effective communication distance is only one kilometer.

More specifically, the initial stage of this game should be a test of individual strength.

So, this guy should be staring at him.

A sniper is a special occupation that may not be taken seriously when it is blamed on weekdays.

However, at pk, it is extremely easy to attract firepower.

This point, the more the masters, the more reflected.

Because the master players know that a top sniper, with its own range and high single-cell damage can play a great effect.

Perhaps, in the group battle, a fire master master grasps the time, and a skill can get a sniper more than dozens of times to kill.

However, it is obviously not a group battle now.

Moreover, since they are all masters, then at least nine people, confident, as long as they are not sneaked in seconds, find the opportunity to turn over.

Sniper is the only pk, the only possible second person.

"It’s already the target of the public, and it’s not ‘solidarity’, then it’s blame me!”

The wind shook his head, and the figure entered a forest. When he walked under his feet, there was no sound from the leaves.

In this state, after ten seconds, he has reached his destination.


The wind of the movement fell, and the eyes flashed.

Because, between the two tall trees in front of him, it seems to be unobstructed.

Actually, when you look closely, it is a wire that is more transparent and completely transparent. The wire surface is connected with a warning instrument buried in the earth.

And if the eyesight is sufficient, it is more visible that the wire actually encloses a circle with a diameter of about ten meters and a ring on all sides.

However, in the scope of the circle.

But there is no place to see any local people, only a small mound filled with leaves.

The front of the small pile is aimed at the direction of the fortress.

There was nothing to say about the wind, and the stealth stepped over the past. There was no trigger at all, and one hand had already explored the pile of soil.



The sound of a broken bone sounded.

["Killing participants 1039450, earn points: 1000!"]

With a boring and inexhaustible struggle in the mud, the windy view of the brush through the second killing tips.

"So, the base score is actually a thousand. After killing the player, you can get about 50% extra points for the opponent!"

The wind is falling.

Of course, it is also guessed that the assassin player should have been involved in the fortress or got a kill before, so it is worth more.

"The leaves of the wind!"

"I know you are here."

"Very good, the system let us meet at the beginning, it really fits my heart!"

At this time, the public channel suddenly sounded the sneer voice of the world!

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