Fatal Shot

Chapter 1160: Reaction of all parties

"This skill..."

If you say that the first two skills fall is not too surprising, after all, he knew that mental power has these functions. .

Then this third skill is enough to make the wind and face look moving.

This skill description may be a bit confusing. In fact, in simple terms, it can be regarded as a passive "strengthening" skill.

The subjective consciousness of the person wearing the necklace will be able to influence the things attached to the mental power, including but not limited to the bullets that are fired by themselves, the alloy swords that are thrown, the energy shields that are turned on, and even the speed of movement of the feet. The power of the fist...

This skill has to be said that some subversive winds are aware of the game.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there are traces to follow.

"The subjective will affects the objective world..."

The wind blew in the air.

"This is not the core principle of the power and the Force!"

However, this skill, obviously at a certain level, should indeed exceed the level of epic equipment skills!

As for the fourth skill [God's Soul] attribute is completely a "?" number, which shows that even the spirit of the wind is not qualified to light it, or for other reasons.

However, the effect of the previous three skills is more powerful than a strong one. This last skill will obviously only be more powerful!

Moreover, the term "spirit of the gods" is inevitably let the wind fall to the "spirit of the gods" that the dark phoenix said.

Will there be any connection between the two?

"God's right eye, sure enough, like the left eye. Can add lucky attributes, and have set attributes!"

After wearing the necklace on the body, the wind fell and reached out to remove the two epic rings from the hands of the world.

Looking at the property, it was not too unexpected.

"Well, it’s not right, it seems that these two 'eyes of God' rings, and the ‘God’s True Eyes’ necklace don’t seem to be a real set.”

"The former seems to be designed to create the power of the latter!"

However, when the wind fell on three pieces of jewelry, all of which were worn on one's own body, it was aware of one thing.

Although the two rings are identical in shape to the necklace, they are more like some kind of guiding device, just like an atomic bomb detonating a hydrogen bomb.

And from the material above, it seems to be more new!

The most important point is that the true eye of the **** does not activate the "set property" between the two rings.

"...what do you want to do, these things are just replicas in the arena, but you can use them in the game. The secrets about these things should not be known at this time. ”

The wind fell over a few seconds and reacted.

Of course, to be honest, if you say that the world is always pk, the gambling win is the string of necklaces.

No matter what, he will not be able to promise the world to buy back the request!

Of course, it is estimated that the world is not likely to take this necklace as a bet.

Finally, the wind fell to the front of the corpse in the world, and a poker card dropped on the ground was picked up.

This is a card with no numbers above, only a black and white pattern, the mysterious poker king, additional skills: chaos (spiritual power)!

This is why the spiritual illusion formed by the "God's domain" and the skills he is guiding have suddenly disappeared.


"I am going, this is lost, what happened?"

"can not read it!"

The battle between the wind and the fire in the world is completely full of surprises.

At the time of the battle, many people were still worried about this time.

Originally thought that this is a dragon fight, but did not want to be an anticlimax.

The confrontation between the two super-masters is just a moment, and they have already won the game and won the game!

The key is that many of them feel that they don't understand.

"Spike, win!"

"Haha, the grandsons of the Sanmu consortium, your first master was killed by our president. It’s really shameful, before you put it on!"

"Win, win, I pressure the president, directly earned tens of thousands of credit points!"

As for the players who never sleep in the city, although many people do not understand, but do not hinder a piece of lively and proud.

In addition, there are still a lot of people who have won the wind in the gambling area, and the players who made a small profit have opened their eyes.

Of course, because of the start of the game, the odds of winning the championship fell directly by more than 50%.

Fortunately, the money has long been bet.

" Lost, even lost!"

"Original, I thought there was some suspense, and there was even some expectation. After all, the world is burning its own epic necklace as a baby."

"But I didn't think that it was killed like this."

As for the watch box of the Miki consortium, it is obviously a sigh of sigh.

"It took only two hundred pieces of legendary equipment to get back. As a result, at the beginning of the battle, I went back and took another two."

"The world is full of fire, it will not be the spies of the city that never sleeps!"

Even some people can't help but complain about it.

Although, now this system, in fact, the two hundred pieces of legendary equipment really talk about, has little effect on the combat power of the guild.

Because, according to this situation, as long as you can survive in the first stage of the game, you will definitely get at least one of the legendary equipment.

However, the world has lost all the battles related to the face of the Sanmu consortium, and those of the subordinate guilds who want their own superiors naturally seize the opportunity to suppress.

"Wood is less, how much influence will the necklace fall into the hands of the wind?"

However, the wood that really can determine the destiny of the world is still calm and calm as usual.

"There is definitely an impact, but it has already happened. So much talk is meaningless. Now, there can be no way to inform the people inside."

Facing the middle-aged person in charge, he looked anxiously and curiously, and answered without much expression.

In the Miki consortium, the true attributes of the "eye of the gods" necklace, except for the world, are only known to the wood.

It is also because of the lack of wood, otherwise, the Sanmu consortium is actually not very willing, take so many legendary equipment to replace an epic-level equipment that is only useful for the world!

"The world is full of fire, you are really disappointing... but, as expected, with you really can't beat the wind that has already awakened the solitude... though, I was still somewhat fanciful."

"However, if you go out so early, it may not be a good thing... At least, in this case, everyone will think that my Sanmu consortium has no ability to win the single first!"

At the time of his speech, Mu Shao looked at the body of the assassin-type player who fell outside the fort in the arena, and there was a hint of inexplicable light in his eyes.

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