Fatal Shot

Chapter 1177: The wind and rain will come!

This game, as the wind and the wind think, is the first individual to follow the team. .

Therefore, in the beginning, except for players like doctors, the rest belong to being assigned to a relatively independent small supply point.

After that, when the players are generally in the second to third regions, they will actually encounter one or two players in their own guild.

Of course, because the combat downsizing also has the time difference between each other, it may be necessary to reach the fourth or fifth time.

In addition, some master players will be assigned to the area where the enemy is ringing, and the time when they encounter their own guild player will be pulled back, just like the wind, until the sixth supply point is first encountered. Big pineapple and others.

However, everyone's tenth supply point will be concentrated in several adjacent supply points.

In this way, in the process of collecting the equipment of the players, the players gradually become the guild war.

Among these replenishment points, there is another item that is geographically the most core, or has special items, which is the most important "base camp" for the guild.

"Well, it should be like this!"

The wind fell and nodded, thoughtfully.

This conclusion, in the case of obtaining sufficient information, may not be able to be discovered by his analytical ability.

It was only because he was "thrown" into the enemy's area from the beginning. Until now, the supply point has only just met the big pineapple. Even if it is even more powerful, it is impossible to speculate on this conclusion.

"However, in this way, the September Guild will not easily let go of this refuge. It is very likely that this is their home base!"

However, with his thinking, based on the information here, he quickly got another conclusion.

In fact, as the wind has guessed.

Because this area where the refuge is located, in fact, is the most central point of the distribution of the September guild.

Among the equipments that lighted the entire supply point, there are actually more than 70 players who belong to the September guild, and they have the means to store food, and they are special items for the guild camp.

That's why the September guild can get together three sniper players in a short time.

Just because this is the last replenishment point of their guild, most people have not yet reached this area, so they have not shown much advantage in comparison with other guilds.

"Tonight, it is estimated that it is really raining!"

The wind fell and looked up at the outside, his eyes flashing.


The weather conditions at this time are completely unsuitable for combat.


In the middle of the sky, there was lightning and thunder, and the black clouds rolled over and the rain fell.

The surrounding light is already very dark, almost like midnight, even after the rain, it will definitely enter the night. Most of the players who fought for a day will choose to find a place to wait for the day.

However, there are certainly some who want to take advantage of this weather!

After all, this weather is too difficult to be discovered in advance.


At the same time that the wind fell and talked to the "base camp" team of the city that never sleeps, the distance was only about two kilometers. One looks like a man-made structure built in a bomb shelter. A dialogue is also going on.

"In the position of the refuge occupied by the city that never sleeps, our guild personnel are close to one tenth and have equipment to be brushed here!"

"And if you say, to expand this range, about five kilometers in diameter, even the entire guild has at least one piece of equipment to be brushed here!"

"So, Mr. Wen means that the shelter is very important. In theory, it should be our 'base camp'!"

In a dark area that is not illuminated by light, a voice is turning to something.

The content coincides with the judgment of the city that never sleeps.

"Mr. Ge, look at your appearance, already have a judgment on this matter!"

At the center of the bomb shelter, there is a middle-aged man of about forty years old, tall and complex.

The body is engraved with dragons and faucets. The overall power of gold is full of gorgeous and noble atmosphere, while the chest represents the president's crystal material September guild badge, which indicates his identity.

"Mr. Wen’s insight is really amazing. I used to have vague ideas before, but I didn’t know him so clearly.”

Next to the "Golden Warrior", an energy robe dressed in a retro style is like a counselor. Waving a middle-aged player who modeled the energy converter that was designed as a feather fan, he replied.

However, when he said this sentence, his brow was wrinkled concealedly.

"It turned out to be the case, so to say, there is a must for us!"

"If you know this before, you shouldn't have to quit. Let the grain fall in the wind. At this time, it will not be evacuated by people from the city that never sleeps."

A sniper player who ambushed the wind, his face was a little regretful, and the mech-armor's hand next to him frowned.

"Reassured! Although the food there is not too much, but it can't be loaded into the backpack, they can't move."

The ancient advisers dressed up as middle-aged players and shook their heads.

"And, if you choose to retire, it is not necessarily a good move. In this way, I have a better plan to implement!"

Then, gently swing the energy converter feather fan, a piece of bamboo in the chest.

"Oh, what is Mr. Ge's opinion?"

The badge of the president is hung on the chest. The middle-aged man with the extravagant "Dragon Gold Armor" has a face that is quite interesting.

"After ambushing the leaves of the wind!"

Middle-aged counselor shaking a feather fan, confident in his face.

"What? You have to ambush the leaves of the wind, this..."

Hearing this, the September sniper sniper player who was somewhat afraid of the wind, his face is not very good-looking.

Before the ambush, he did not participate.

However, I also learned the detailed development of things from several participants. Even such a series of sophisticated ambushes did not kill the wind. In the end, the wind has occupied the refuge. It is almost impossible to kill. opportunity.

More importantly, the previous ambush must have angered the wind.

If you do it again, if you don't succeed, you may be tempted to brush up the heads of their September guild.

Being stared by a top sniper, it tasted him once, and it was really uncomfortable.

"If you can really lead him to actively attack us, then it is not necessarily a bad thing!"

"However, the target of this attack is not only the leaves of the wind, but it is still not clear about this hidden situation, the people who occupy the center of our center and stay in the city!"

The middle-aged player of the counselor is shaking the fan and being more confident.

"Although we did not monitor people, there is no doubt that the city will definitely focus on defending the stronghold. But that is our core stronghold, plus environmental issues, they can gather more people at this stage. It is impossible to be much more than us!"

"Unintentionally, as long as we can win the defenders in this shelter, then we are enough to secure a foothold in this area."

"After all, according to what we saw before, in this area, apart from us, they should be the only guild with the potential to win."

The frequency of the feather fan is even higher.

"But, if you do this, you will undoubtedly completely offend the city that never sleeps."

"It is not a good thing for the two powers to start fighting so early. If they fight for nothing and we die, they will only be cheaper than others!"

The president of the "Dragon Gold Warrior" of the September Guild, but it is a game of uncertainty.

Especially the word "others" is biting heavily.

"Mr. Wen, can you ask his opinion!"

Then, turn around and ask toward the dark area next to the empty one.

"Under the heavy rain, the interference to the communication is too great, and Mr. Wen can't contact him for a while."

A very respectful voice replied.

"He won't have problems there!"

Hearing this, the president of the middle-aged gold warrior of the September guild, there are some concerns about authenticity.

"It shouldn't be, Mr. Wen's resourcefulness, and the strength of the Sirius adults, will not be a problem!"

The voice in the darkness replied.

"The president, the person who becomes a big event, when seize the opportunity, act decisively!"

Seeing that the "Golden Warrior" is so concerned, the face of the middle-aged adviser has some strange faces, and the frequency of the fan in his hand cannot be accelerated.

"The **** hand is already a smashing game with no leaks, but the other party can still escape, which is enough to show that his strength is amazing."

"In a general sense, we really should be at this stage to avoid the two strong rivalries between those who live in the city that never sleeps."

"However, since we have set a goal for the first place, not to mention that in the case of having completely offended him, then it is bound to meet him as the 'first person'. He has not unlocked that one has ' In the case of summoning the ability of a boss-level pet, it is much harder to deal with than it will be in the future!"

Obviously, the middle-aged adviser's remarks played a role in the hesitant gold warrior players.

"To be honest, I am interested in the leaves of this wind. If I can collect this kind of talent in September, it is definitely comparable to the ancient unparalleled savage."

The middle-aged people heard the words, their eyes flashed, and the decision was clearly made between the words.

"Just, this kind of person is afraid to live under people."

The middle-aged man next to the adviser shook his feather fan and said.

"Yeah, some people, like the real dragon above nine days, are not willing to give in to anyone!"

The president of the September guild in a gold armor seems to have some emotions.


At this time, there was a deafening thunder in the sky.

A huge spider-like lightning bolt illuminates most of the night sky.


Then, the bigger rainwater poured down the ground, so that the view from the outside was blurred even under the light of the air-raid shelter.

"Call, this rainy night is a good time to march and fight!"

A middle-aged president of the September guild with a dragon gold armor, pointing at the sky with a golden broad-metal sword in his hand, looks quite proud.

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