Fatal Shot

Chapter 1179: Unbelievable eyes

"What to do, the September guild will attack in the night, Fengshen will not be eliminated here by the September guild?"

"How is it possible? At the beginning, the Oasis Township battle has a thousand enemies and killed hundreds of elite players, not to mention the fact that there are only a hundred people in the September guild. I think Fengshen will definitely be able to fight back!"

"God, how did Fengshen not find the sneak attack of the September guild? This is really dangerous!"

In the Watching Channel, when people who saw the September guild touched the refuge quietly, many people began to worry. .

At this time, the number of people is a little less than before, only more than 50 million, but because of the reason that the battle is about to start, the number is rapidly increasing.

Watching players with God's perspective are more clear and certain than the Scout players of the September Guild.

There are only a dozen people in the refuge, only one-tenth of the September guilds who attacked!

This ratio is almost desperate, and there are only a handful of people who are extremely admired for the wind and the future.

"Hah, idiots, but also an enemy, the so-called elites in the oasis town, in fact, the junk players, can compare with the September guild ordinary players? Not to mention the September guild as a super guild, this thousand The combat power of the participating players is even stronger than that of the general Force players! Knowing what is the master of the super guild is a kind of one that is enough to hang you more than a dozen!"

"Yes, to an enemy. This kind of bragging thing can also be believed. Don't say anything to an enemy, he can kill ten enemies in this situation! It is really disgusting."

"Cut, no night city, but a second-rate guild, can also compare with our September guild."

Of course, the players watching the game are not only fans of the wind, but also those who favor the September guild.

"Aeolus? Oh, it’s hot all day long, and people don’t even care about it once. It’s nickname, it’s also a thing that people don’t use in the wind!”

"That is, it is very strong all day long. When it comes to the game, it will fall. My home is now the first in the standings!"

"Yes, your ‘first master of the war is the number one, oh... how can I not find his name within 100,000?”

In addition, of course, there are some fans who are star-studded fans.

The reason why I will watch the war here is because of the "sacrifice".

It’s like these fans who follow the trend, because there is always a conflict between fans and the fans.

Knowing that the wind is now surrounded by the people of the September guild, they even teamed up to watch the battle, with the rhythm in the channel.

The reason why they are so proud is because the past is the first place in the standings!

The current team, this ranking does not actually explain anything.

Because the controllers are lucky, they are likely to encounter situations where they can quickly score points. For example, when the first supply point is fired, a skill will receive a bunch of heads.

Therefore, in the early days of the top controllers, the rankings were generally higher, and even the top ten even occupied six.

However, this does not mean that it will be the last.

Because as long as you kill the enemy, you can inherit 50% of the opponent's points. In the later period, then killing a person may increase your scores by a few times or even fewer points.

Therefore, many players have not even exerted their strength at this time.

In addition, there are still a lot of like the wind, the points are consumed, used to "unlock" the items, the ranking is naturally not possible.

However, in any case, it can occupy the first position in the early stage, and the past is also a big show!

"What do you think?"

"The people of the September guild are very bold, not the night city...somewhat strange!"

Compared to these scattered players who fall on the individual, in the box of the cadres who belong to the top of the guild, the tone of discussion is somewhat doubtful.

The reason why this is said is because they watched the screen above, far from escaping this area!

In the box of the battle, there are many pictures of related places, such as...

Never sleep in the city base camp!

At this time, the distance to the refuge is almost ten kilometers away from the city of "the base camp", where there are more than one hundred people who have gathered in the city that never sleeps, no one rests.

Instead, the bullets of the gunmen are smashed, and the controller's converter is replaced with a new energy spar. The warrior player lifts the alloy shield and looks like a combat gear.

"What do they want to do?"

"Don't you want to sneak into other guilds like the September guild?"

"Not quite like, if it is to go to a sneak attack, how can it be set up in the base camp, and this is obviously a formation that will soon be fighting, even the gain potion is marked?"

"I said that people who don't stay in the city will not find the action of the September guild, so are you ready to reinforce it?"

"The two places are separated by ten kilometers. How can reinforcements come at this time? You know, the straight line is ten kilometers, and the actual path should reach 30 kilometers. Even during the day, the light armor warrior must start running at least. Ten minutes, let alone night, with limited visibility, there is no way to charge at all!"

"Not to mention, so many people in the September guild, attacking a refuge with just a dozen people to defend, does not need ten minutes."

"Even if it is the leaves of the wind, he has unlocked his boss pet, and it is impossible to say that he has persisted for so long. After all, he has analyzed and confirmed his pet before, and summoning the monster is to consume points!"

These high-level guild executives who regard the city that never sleeps as a competition have some doubts at this time. From the perspective of watching the war, they are not able to hear everything.

Until now, they don't know what the city is going to do.

"In any case, it is definitely a good thing for two guilds who have the chance to win the championship at this time. If the leaves of the wind die in the refuge, the two sides are more likely to die. That would be more beneficial to us. of!"

However, most of the guilds are more willing to see this situation.

After all, whether it is a night city or a September guild, there is a chance to win the championship, and it can be played in the early stage of the group battle.

For those smaller guilds that are in the vicinity of the two major guild camps, it is still a long way to go, but it is a good thing to regard the two guilds as potential enemies.


"what's going on!"

"I am, this will not be..."

However, right away, these are distributed among the major virtual boxes, and a high-level spectator's guild is sitting on the mountain.

My eyes suddenly widened and my body shook, as if I saw something incredible!

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