Fatal Shot

Chapter 1182: Engage

"Change to Plan 3!"

"Stabilize, don't mess, and retreat while fighting!"

In the arena, the battle between this sneak attack and anti-sneak attack is a comprehensive outbreak!

Among the command channels of the September guild, there was a shout of commanding the players to scream.

However, because of the serious interference from the scout player's instrument, it was impossible to pass the order.

On a rainy night, the wind and rain of the sky is enough to make the sound of the loudspeakers out of the 100 meters.

In addition, this kind of fundamentally impossible to predict, suddenly changed from a sneak attacker to an ambush, and the abdomen was transformed by the enemy.

Even if the players of the September guild are masters, they will inevitably fall into a panic!

"How do people who don't sleep in the city do it, why do they appear behind us?"

As a super guild, the strategic command of the September guild is naturally very professional, and even for some reason, it is more professional than the general super guild.

Therefore, since it is necessary to seize the refuge, it is natural to carefully examine the surrounding people.

Scout players who have legendary scouts and even talents, can't be sure that there aren't a lot of players hidden in the positions of people who don't have a night city.

Even if you have the shield of the reconnaissance device, even if it affects the effect of reconnaissance because of the rainy night, it is impossible to completely smash it.

Because, in addition to using the reconnaissance detector, they also arranged some scout players to detect on the spot in key areas including the three locations where the city never sleeps.



However, in the current situation, the white light of death that constantly appears in the rainy night is obviously not an illusion.

At this time, the sneak attack team of the September guild has been completely divided into three parts.

Behind the command of the small 20-person, the central controller and the gunman, and the light armor who had already rushed to a distance of 50 meters.

Warrior players have been almost out of the way, trying to directly seize the refuge, the middle of these long-range protection of the long-range protection of the alloy shield is naturally the best and most important target!


A series of dull gunshots, this is the gunshot of the sniper player who never sleeps.

Although, during the rainy night, these gunshots were almost covered by the rain.

However, a special seed bomb that was fired by a legendary sniper rifle passed through the rain screen and flew unstoppably into the "Military Army" of the September guild.


"-10290, -9049, -10389!"

"Ah, ah..."

The number of 70-year-old guild remote teams reached a double-digit number in the moment of being attacked.

Most of them are masters.

No way, before the battle was not exposed, everyone used the night vision device to touch the black action.

However, in the case of a sudden attack, for the controller, it is certain that the energy shield will be opened at the first time.

Opening the energy shield at night is no doubt equivalent to a light on your head, even on this rainy night, it is clear.

So, in a blink of an eye, the number of people killed has reached one-fifth.

Although there are still about ten heavy armored fighters in the Chinese army, they have been guarded in the direction of the refuge. Who can think of the attack from the night city, the source is actually their left and right behind and behind them. !

"It's a sniper, everyone is careful."

"Fast, use the woods to escape, lie down!"

In contrast, gunners without energy shields are much better.

After all, combat uniforms have hidden abilities, and the gunman profession itself has skills such as “quick stealth”.

However, these gunners' faces are more anxious than the controller.

No way, no one can be jealous of snipers.

In particular, it is still a sniper in the city!

It must be mentioned that although the city that never sleeps can only be regarded as a medium and large guild, in many respects it cannot be compared with the super guild of the September guild or even some large guilds.

However, in the city that never sleeps, the proportion of snipers is the highest except for some pure gunners or pure sniper guilds.

Moreover, the quality of the sniper is more likely to be the first in the guild of the entire game.

At this point, from the position of the bullets of the September guild players who have fallen continuously from the battlefield, almost 50% of them are the key points.

"The 2nd and 3rd squadrons are in charge of the controller and the machine gunner, the target opponent's command, attacking with all strength!"

In the back of the September guild, in a high-rise city that never sleeps, the animal husbandry is calmly conducting command and dispatch.

As a hidden professional "field commander", there is no improvement in personal strength.

However, in the group battle, it is able to play the effect far beyond any occupation. For example, while interfering with the other party's communication, it is not affected at all!


Chain wind blade, earth moving mountain, snow and ice roaring...

Along with the command of the animal husbandry, a large number of medium-sized energy skills with faster speed and less power are first scattered to the position of the command shed that has not yet reacted.


Even in the rainy night, the power of the fire that was weakened by most of the power was released.

Even if it doesn't have much power, it can make the commanding group of the city that never sleeps under the blazing fire.


In conjunction with the water system controller, under the time that the teammates have won the time, the skills of the big strokes that have doubled their power in this environment are released!

At the end of the first wave of attacks, the command shed has been directly razed to the ground, and the people inside are nearly half dead.

No way, as a commander, these people's combat power is obviously not as good as the two teams ahead.

Many people even like the animal husbandry, they have just awakened the original force in the past two months. Even if they wear the legendary equipment, there is no resistance of those players whose level reaches 70, and they are already quite legendary weapons in their hands. Under the fire of the masters of the city, there is not much time for them to respond.

"Command... Command..."

"Damn, what do we do?"

The team of the central controller was disrupted and the commanding forces at the rear were taken off.

The team of soldiers at the forefront of the September guild was caught in a dilemma.

Yes, they have completely rushed to the supply point area at this time.

However, without the support of energy skills and special ammunition behind the controller and gunman, it is not so easy to break into the shelter.

Because the material structure of this shelter is more rigid than they originally expected, the thick and important door of the entrance is already locked, and their "chopper knife team" is impossible to break through in a short time.

However, their initial choice was not the entrance, but the hole that was previously smashed by the "hands".

Just wait until they rush.

Only then found that the hole, this time was actually blocked by a heavy mech.

The most important thing is that there are several heavy armored fighters who are armed with alloy shields. They take turns using shields and “not moving like mountains” to block the door.

Even if they are more numerous, because the hole only allows two people to attack, which means they want to rush in, it takes at least one or two minutes.

Into, for a while, not at all!

Retire, the same is not allowed.

Because, not only the soldiers who attack them, but also some controllers and gunmen.

The road behind them is now a "minefield", and the continuous energy skills are raging. Even if it is a heavy armored warrior, it is estimated that it will not come out after rushing in.

Most importantly, these come from behind and around the attack, so that the alloy shield in their hands does not know which side to block.


However, after all, it is the elite of the super guild, and immediately responded.

The people in front continue to attack, and the latter are holding the shields on each other and forming a cylinder on the back.

However, this is obviously only a temporary solution, the cylinder array can block the attack of the water level, but the attacker's attack can still fall from the top of the head.

Even if you lift a few shields on top of the head, change from "cylinder" to "box" to block the energy mass on your head.

But what about the ground thorns that are constantly rising at the foot, and the ice that is spreading rapidly over their legs?

Although, with equipment and the original force, they have no problem for the time being.

However, once the large units outside the city that never sleeps come back, under the attack of inside and outside, they will be left alone. u

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