Fatal Shot

Chapter 1185: Overlord? Cracking!

"President, don't be tempted. We drag the leaves of the wind, you and Mr. Ge quickly withdraw, to meet with Sirius and Mr. Wen."

On the other hand, a mech-trainer drove a high-level melee mech, shooting wildly in the general direction indicated by the body bullet hole of a September guild player added to the ground.

In the mouth, he greeted another mechter companion with anxiously loudly, covering the middle-aged warrior player to retreat.

"But I can't..."

The middle-aged president of the September guild of the Dragon Gold Armor, his face was hesitant.

Although it is best to retreat first in reason, it is best to have someone in the ambush. If he rushes back, the impression of the players will not be good.


And just as he spoke, a sniper bullet covered with black stunners flew in the direction of a large number of machine gun bullets fired by the mech-trainer.


Then, in the heavy protection of the heavy melee large-scale mech, the mech-armor who manipulated the mech shot also showed a black bullet hole on the forehead.

The mech in the shooting, lost control, generally stopped, stopped!

"Go, president, I will help you break!"

"Mom, the leaves of the wind. You have the ability to play with the face of Laozi, sneak secretly what is the dark gun?"

The tyrant opened the helmet's sound reinforcement function, holding the epic shield that opened the defensive skills, and roared with the greatest power.

Although the storm was as sudden as it was, the sound of this full force shouted out and was nearly 100 meters away.


Then, a "Ghost-2" a-level sniper bullet covered with black, completely without fluctuation, hit the black alloy shield on the side of the tyrant from a position where he did not know.

After touching the black layer of light from the shield, the bullet's performance covered the black faint energy, which quickly became shallower as it progressed through the black defensive layer that was nearly two meters deep.

The black on the Ghost 2 sniper bullet disappeared almost, and finally hit the body of this epic shield, and after playing a bullet hole of about half a centimeter, it completely exhausted.

I have to say that the epic shield in his hand is excellent in defense, and it can block the a-level sniper bullets with the destruction of solitude!

"Oh, do you really think that your black energy is invincible? I have this epic shield, but the perfect level evaluation, even if it is hit by a shell, it can be blocked!"

The face of Ba Ge showed a smile of "狰狞".

The show was revealed because it was self-confident to use the dirty words to attract the wind to shoot at him, and at the same time, because it was not good for the wind and the fall.

However, in fact, there is a fascination in the eyes of Ba Ge.

Because the original force required to provoke the highest level of defense on this level of epic shield is not low, he can't actually support it for a long time.

Originally, in the internal test of the September guild, even the strongest sniper, there is no way to break through the defensive layer to hit the ontology of epic equipment within five shots.

However, the attack that the wind has just attacked is only a bullet, which has caused substantial damage to the epic shield that is perfectly evaluated.

When the wind fell just attacked, the original force consumed was ten times that of the strongest sniper attack he had tested before. With his original force, the maximum number of shots blocked would be exhausted!

But, in any case, at least on the surface, he has to show disdain.

In the presence of those who watched the battle, maintaining their own master image is an attack that once again attracts the wind.

Moreover, although it was indeed damaged, it was really blocked. After the damage of the first shot, if the wind fell to his shield, he would have to hit at least five shots in the same position.

This is enough. He is not an ordinary player, he can give the opportunity to hit the same position with five shots.

Even if it was broken by five shots, only one hole shield could still protect several key positions.

With his full set of legendary heavy armor and drug bonuses, his blood volume has reached 70,000 points at this time, so that the blood volume can kill him, at least it takes more than a minute.

"One minute, I don't need a minute to kill you!"

Therefore, by virtue of the ability of the master, the impact of the bullet is judged by the impact of the bullet.

Then from the terrain to determine that the distance between the two is less than 100 meters, the face of the tyrant is really revealing the "狰狞" look.

Passive beating?

This does not fit his character at all.

He wants more, rushes over, and personally kills the "New Star Man" sniper on the 17th executive star that once gave him shame under the eyes of many spectators!

"Well? Strange, the leaves of the wind are not shot after a few seconds after the first shot."

"He is thinking about this because he wants to transfer his position to chase the president..."


However, it turns out that there are too many thoughts in his head.

The next moment, from the position above a higher rock opposite his side, a black bullet had already flown again.

This shot is even deeper than the night. The diameter of the bullet is close to 20 mm. It seems to ignore the physical rules in flight. It only spans a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, hitting his shield. The layer of black light.

Then, the layer is made of epic equipment to form a black light with a thickness of more than one meter. It is like the night that is torn by the dawn is generally penetrated by this deeper black without any blocking ability.

Although the black bullets rushed into the black layer, they were constantly consumed like the previous sniper bullets, but they were reduced to less than one-tenth when they completely penetrated the defensive layer of the epic gear.

Even, even after he reached out to his unparalleled self-confidence, the September guild took a lot of effort to get a level of defense after level a, thicker than ten centimeters thick after the epic shield.

It also penetrates completely without deceleration, and when it is drilled from behind the shield, the volume is still more than two-thirds.

The black above is still deep and deadly!


Next, there is no suspense.

When this "artifact-level bullet" is completely condensed by the black solace, it is extremely accurate across the shield through his legendary reloading armor, and "cracked" the heart of the tyrant.

Then it runs through the armor again, and finally, after running through five or six trees behind it, it leaves a deep bullet hole on a piece of rock and disappears.

"-10449, -12330, -15390, -18045, -20580..."

Above the head, there is a series of five-digit values ​​that are enough to shock people's hearts, and in the moment they have been emptied of more than 70,000 points of blood.

Because of the support of equipment and shields, I still stood still in the original place, but the deep unwillingness of the face that rushed out of the white light fell into the eyes of every viewer.

Probably, no matter how you don't believe it.

With epic equipment, the blood volume is far more than the average player's own.

When I faced the wind again, I actually only caught two shots with the last time!


Just killing a master player, the score is used to return about one-fifth of the time before the wind falls. This is the quick way to find the target.

In less than ten seconds, after killing the "Top Ten Masters of Stormwind" players in the early game of Bawang, the wind immediately rushed toward the commanding team of the September Guild President who had four others left.

Under the guidance of mental power, even if there is a scout in the other team to open the shielding skills, it will not help.


However, when chasing a distance and turning a corner covered by a rock, the wind suddenly stopped and looked at the side of the head.

A black sniper bullet flew over his face and hit the rock behind him, leaving a black bullet hole that was the size of a thumb but constantly enlarged.

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