Fatal Shot

Chapter 1192: Secret history of the "dynasty"

A few minutes later, after Mr. Ziwei and Mr. X reopened, and reached several agreements with the city that never sleeps.

The same gold armor, the president of the September guild, which is similar to the age of five, is finally coming out of the refuge cave.


The heavy armored soldiers who were reinforced by the two September guilds greeted them, holding shields to block the direction of the city that never sleeps, trying to protect his safety.

"No need to!"

However, the president of the September guild was shaking his head.

Directly carrying the gold long sword, facing the players who did not drop the guns, they did not change their colors, and went straight to the team of the three major guilds.

"Wang Shu!"

And when he walked in, the young president of the September guild, who was consistent with his style of equipment, was a little timid and timid, but this time he spoke.

"Wang Shu? This is because of the surname, or because of something else..."

This scene is a night-time city player who has not left. In addition to the digital cat who only cares about mech data, there is curiosity on his face.

Only, the two sides continue, the voice of talking and talking is completely depressed!

This kind of conversation obviously involves some intimacy, and it is estimated that the same curious watchers can't hear it.

"If you are interested, if you are interested, maybe I can tell you something!"

However, standing in the night beside the wind, this time suddenly opened.


The wind fell back and looked at her without much surprise.

In fact, from these days of contact and getting along, there is her ability to perform in the mission of the agent and the ability to show in the city that never sleeps.

The wind has long been speculated that the night should also belong to the "old planet," and should be a senior member of a survivor city.

This is also the reason why she will recognize Ziwei and others.

As for why, he recognized Ziwei and others, and the tops of September and Jiuxing did not recognize her. Obviously, this shows that the face of her game has been adjusted.

However, for the true face of the night, the wind is not very interesting.

In contrast, the relationship between the Nine Stars and September, although it has been known from the Red Queen and the Yellow Teeth.

However, the night obviously knows more.

"in fact……"

Then, along with the secret of the night, the wind fell through the real entanglement between the two super-guilds, September and Jiuxing.

As I said before, there are still a lot of "feudal remnants" on the old stars, and Jiuxing happens to be one of them.

Even the identity of the high-level members of the Jiuxing Guild can be completely compared as the dynasty.

For example, Mr. X, whose name is “文”, is equivalent to the identity of “Zuo Xiangxiang”, and the “Mr. Ge”, the adviser who followed the president of the September Guild to walk out of the refuge cave, is roughly equivalent to “right-handed”.

In addition, the master who corresponds to the sword and the river, that is, the "Lin Shu" that the wind fell on the Devil's Triangle Island, is equivalent to the Marshal of the Dynasty.

Of course, this profession is now in the hands of the sword.

As for the family of Sirius, who is also a star player, it was originally the "big general" of the second marshal!

As for the president of the Nine Stars Association, it is naturally "Kneeling".

It is also why, even with intellectual defects, he can be the president of a super guild.

The identity of Ziwei is a "Queen", and why she is in charge of a nine-star business as a woman!

Although there is something wrong with the Harem Regency, if there is support from the Imperial Marshal, it will not be a problem.

However, certainly not everyone, are willing to accept a fool emperor!

In particular, when this idiot emperor had a master who was not a peerless prince, but also a man who was a big man, but definitely a much better pro-uncle than a fool emperor.

The president of the September guild was the younger brother of the previous generation of the nine-star emperor, the only "grandfather".

Under such circumstances, nature can attract a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the fool emperor to secretly support.

On the star, there was the suppression of the imperial marshal and the public opinion. When the empire collapsed and the high-level officials moved to the administrative star on the 17th, they naturally no longer have scruples.

As a result, the wealth that has been brought from the old stars has developed rapidly, and there is a huge nine-star guild in Stormwind City, which suddenly caused civil strife.

This is also the origin of the September guild.

Don't say anything else, you can know from the name, you want to press the nine stars!

"In this case, they should very much hope that we will kill the rebellious 'Wang Ye' of the September Guild. How can we save people?"

The alarm listened to the ear and listened to it with great interest. It felt like a novel.

However, immediately, there are some doubts.

"In other cases, it is natural!

"But in this competition, the first guild rewards are so rich."

"As an old star, it is still an old star who has been "dead" to some extent. If you can get the first qualification to establish a 'main city' this time, it is as successful as success. 'Re-national'!"

"For the two guilds, this matter is enough for them to temporarily abandon the contradictions and cooperate."

Looking at the nine-star city people who are negotiating in the night, the tone is somewhat emotional.

"This news has not been released before. It is obvious that the two guilds are intentionally concealed."

"President, we seem to have a very difficult competitor to solve. Perhaps, we should forcibly kill this 'Wang Ye' before they can work together!"

Then, turning his head, he said to the low wind.

"Not necessarily, maybe killing the prince, but let them cooperate without any internal problems! Leave this lord left, maybe you can count back and forth with each other."

The wind did not speak, a foreign aid player, but it was thoughtful.

"Well, they seem to discuss something?"

At this time, I have been staring at the opposite party, and I reminded him.

At this time, from the team of the September Guild and the Nine Stars Guild, each player walked out of the open space in front of the bomb shelter.

One of them stopped when they reached the middle, while the other went to the opposite corner of the open space, and both sides took their weapons in their hands.

"This is, are you going to single out?"

The little fat man suddenly became interested.

This scene, he is no stranger!

When they were in the White City, at the end of their mission, did they simply decide to live and die with the rebel forces?

However, this time, both sides of the heads-up, but more advanced than they were a bunch of reserve agents.

Because the two people who went out were suddenly "swords and rivers" and "Sirius."

Two top players, one of them is the top five in the top five in the championship and strength list!

"Wow, this is a good time!"

In the team of the city that never sleeps, there are also many people whose eyes are shining.

"Rely on, two super masters show up!"

"It seems that there are no plans to use pets. Who do you think will win!"

"It must be a long river of swords. Even if you don't use boss pets, his ranking is much higher than that of Sirius. It must be that he wins!"

"I hope that Sirius can win. The star player with bow and arrow, only he is one, his arrow is faster than bullets!"

In the watch channel, this time is even more enthusiastic.

Although it was previously invisible to private, it is now a matter of understanding.

To a certain extent, this is almost the second single challenge of the level of the wind and the world. So, because there were only tens of millions of spectators in the morning, they began to improve again. .

"This battle..."

Even the wind fell, and at this time, the look was also with an inquiry.

Because, the Sirius actually fights with the bow and the scorpion, and there is a fighting style full of martial arts feelings.

This battle is absolutely different from the general battle!

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