Fatal Shot

Chapter 1196: Unified area!

"Da da da!"

The sound of a machine gun shot sounded in the woods.

A large number of bullets flew in the direction of the woods, hitting the shooting path, and some soft plants were broken.

It’s like being swept by the storm!

"Hey, hey..."

A 50-level dark red blade beetle was shot under a hot bullet from a legendary eight-barrel machine gun.

The body is not a hard shell. It is covered with bullet holes in a moment. A lot of cyan body fluid is sprayed on the ground, but it is beaten in a few seconds and can't die anymore!

"Hey, hehe...hey..."

However, the machine gunner in the shooting did not have any happy expression on his face.

Instead, it reveals a panic color.

Because, after killing this blade beetle, the machine gun in his hand has already made an empty sound.


Without waiting for him to change his pistol or dagger, the seven or eight shadows had been surrounded from all sides and he was thrown directly to the ground.


"Oh, the leaves of the wind..."

About a dozen meters away from the gunner's player, a fire controller who has been broken by the shield, is struggling to wave the energy converter that is dimly lit because the energy is running out, forming a height of more than two meters around it. In the sea of ​​fire, there was a buzz from it.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of energy, the fire system controller surrounded his own sea of ​​fire with only a radius of two meters.

After killing the mech-trainer, he turned to the seven melee bugs that included two commander-level "skulls" that he rushed to, and even when he rushed into the fire, he immediately appeared a layer of translucent. The group's secluded shield shields the body from the fire energy.

In the fire sea of ​​only two meters, the defense value of the basic shield can not be burned in half.

It has already been broken!


In less than five seconds, a dead white light emerged again in the woods, and then a bunch of spoils emitting all kinds of light!

However, the place where the spoils are dropped is far more than two.

If you look at it from above, you can see this long and narrow forest, scattered with more than twenty splendid areas of radiance.

This proves that in the long time before, there were more than twenty people killed.

Of course, correspondingly, within the entire region, the corpses of the Zerg and Beetle arms are also more than sixty.

The average ratio of one to three, if it is said that the killing of those players at the beginning, this is actually not cost-effective.

Because these beetle arms unlock the most basic points also need more than two hundred points, including some more than five hundred points of the leading-level arms.

A player's base points are only a thousand, and they can't make ends meet.

However, nowadays, it is already the evening of the second day of the competition.

Those who can survive, except for some of the games that were hidden in the beginning from the beginning of the game, generally have a score of around 2,000 points.

And so on, obviously later, the cost performance of summoning the Zerg arms will definitely be even higher.

Waiting for the large-scale worm tactics in the later stages of the game is definitely a viable solution!

Anyway, in the arena, summoning the Zerg army will not really lose anything except to reduce the points.

However, no one is afraid of this group attack tactic of the Zerg.

"The leaves of the wind have the ability to single-handedly with me, and what means to take a pet."

In the center of the woods, the last area where fighting is still taking place, a burst of anger shouted.

A heavy armor with a full set of legendary equipment, without a shield in his hand, holds a large sword with a width of more than 30 centimeters and a length of two meters.


This big sword was waving, and a layer of striking force fluctuations slammed directly into the body of a worm that rushed toward him!


The worm is far more than the tortoise's thick carapace, cut like a tofu, and then it is cut into two from the middle.

A heavy armor strikes a damage value of more than 20,000 points, which is enough to see the power of the sword.

"The leaves of the wind, you dare not come against me, are you?"

"You want to rely on pets to consume my power, and then fight against me. Ok, I will kill all your pets, don't believe you can't come out..."

The heavy armor was screaming in the mouth, waving a big sword in his hand and slashing a worm that rushed toward him after killing the fire controller.


Although this worm, with a sudden increase in speed, more dangerously avoided the past.


It was to let a large tree with a diameter of more than 50 centimeters behind it be swept by the sword, and then the tree crown that weighed several tons directly slid down and crashed into the ground.



Even the worm, known for its sharp attack, relied on the charge and the damage caused by the attack on the heavy armored warrior.

Around him, more than ten zerg corpses have been fallen, and even one has a commander-level "蟑螂".

I have to say that this game is greatly limited because of the large number of legendary equipment, coupled with the existence of the Force, the combat ability of the Zerg melee units.

The remote unit, because it is limited by the environment, is not good here.

Therefore, this heavy armor is completely fearless even facing the siege!

"The bug of the fighting garbage...call..."

The heavy armor warrior once again slashed his sword and tried to kill the worm that was behind him, but he was again evaded flexibly.

Then, I couldn't help but pant.

This kind of fierce battle is even more powerful with the power of armor, and the physical exertion is quite large.

Also in his warrior, if you change to a master, even if you can wear armor, you can't fight at all!

"The leaves of the wind, you are still shrinking..."

However, despite the rubbish, the heavy armor is alert in his heart.

The big sword in his hand tried to scream for a third time in the mouth as he leaped from the trunk and tried to pounce on him.

He believes that killing these summoning creatures in succession, and then passing through the monks, will definitely be able to force this battle until now, and the leaves of the wind that have not appeared at all!

Even if the damage of the leaves of the wind is high, it is impossible to get rid of him in seconds.

Once the direction and equipment of the attack are used to determine the location of the wind, he will choose to leave toward the other side.

However, when this heavy armored soldier just made a new sentence, he just raised his head.



A bullet made entirely of black, nearly three hundred meters away from the foot, a piece of rock that can only see a little bit from this position.

There was almost no flight time in the middle, and he continued through the trunks of the two trees and then hit the side of his helmet.

Then, on his legendary helmet that reached perfection, he left two nearly symmetrical black holes!

"-7393, -8549, -9748..."

After that, it is the value of the subsequent continuous red damage caused by "cracking" the solace.

Speaking of it, although in general, the player has three key points.

However, after awakening the Force, the real most effective attack position is the head!

After all, whether it is the heart or the throat, in many cases, even if it is injured.

As long as the situation is not very serious, it can be quickly recovered with the treatment of the original force.

Of course, in order to crack the characteristics of the solace, no matter which critical position is hit, almost all will kill!


The action of the heavy armored soldier was stopped, and the eyes under the helmet were out of reach.


Then, the cockroach that jumped from the tree directly threw his body to the ground.

Then screamed and used a slender mouthpiece to stick to the bullet hole that had been enlarged to the size of the baby's fist and made a quick draw.

"+1000, +1000, +1000..."

Then, a series of green recovery values ​​popped up on his head.

Originally in battle, the broken carapace position clearly began to heal.

Fighting and fighting, in fact, is the most terrible place for the Zerg!

And the "Bengbu" is a new type of arms designed by the wind, and it has the talent to quickly convert and absorb nutrients!

"[You killed 560797 entrants, earn points: 5500 points, current ranking: 19!]"

After a day of fighting, the wind has returned to the top 20.

The heaviest thing is that the points accumulated today, in addition to unlocking at least one quasi-boss-class Zerg unit, are completely enough to unlock the "life parasite"!

However, for this area, there should be no chance to brush points.

"Old wind, we are done, how are you there?"

When the wind fell in this way, the voice of the pastoral has been heard in the special encryption communicator manufactured by t-x technology.

"All solved, and luck is still very good."

Between the wind and the words, the eyes swept across the gap, through the gap between the trees and the foliage.

Seen, next to the body of the heavy armored warrior, the sword that was blasted more than two meters, did not show the purple light that was expected.

"Well, then, there should be no place to fight for the time being."

After listening to the animal husbandry, the tone was quite satisfactory.

“Is the number of completed people already counted?”

"Well, in addition to the few people who have the ability to hide, the remaining small guilds in the entire region have already agreed to the alliance contract."

"In addition to our three hundred and fifty people, the rest of the population is roughly 1,100, which means that the total number is around 1,500!"

“Because we have reached a contract with the September Association, they have withdrawn from the competition. So the ‘unification’ rate in our region should be faster, and the remaining number should be more than any other region!”

"So, according to the total number of initial players in each region is about 10,000, the rest of the region should be around a thousand. That is to say, 90% of the people have been eliminated."

Shepherd is in the middle of the road.

(ps, this chapter has some water, tomorrow will also make up a chapter of dry goods...) u

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