Fatal Shot

Chapter 1198: Super machinery factory

"not good!"

In the middle-aged researchers and senior officials, young people have had a squabble with each other.

The new situation that emerged immediately attracted the attention of others.

In the hall, there are screens everywhere, and many buildings are located in the periphery of the area allocated by the major guilds. At this time, some mechanical units suddenly came out!

Most of these units have structures and appearances similar to those of simulated robots, and a few are combat machines and mechs with various forms and weapons.

And on the largest screen that has been switched.

What is shown at this time is a small city with a large area, with a large number of fighting machinery patrolling the steel base.

Inside, there are piles of raw materials being transported, cut, processed, and sent to an unmanned intelligent assembly line... At the same time, there are individual fighting machines that are coming down the assembly line and opening the eyes with red light!

"What happened? How did the super machine factory start at this time, is it because of the impact of Skynet abnormal data?"

Middle-aged researchers have a very different tone of voice.

"No, this is not a simple anomaly, it is a purposeful invasion!"

The old man who teaches the appearance of the npc, but has already turned pale and snarled.

"What is the rebel army? Is the information of the God-making plan stolen by them... Who is leaking it, check it out for me immediately!"

Major General’s face was annoyed.

Subsequently, a lieutenant colonel was directly ordered to interrogate several Marcus clones that had been taken to an isolated security room.

If there is a problem, Marcus is obviously the most suspect.

Because this solves the key to the god-making plan, the "super-spiritual link network" that has now gone wrong at a critical time is what he proposed after joining the project.

"Oh, the people in the special agent department, how did they promise that he was ok! Well, those so-called lie detectors, real agents... there is no torture at all!"

Major General’s mind turned to the idea of ​​swearing.

"Then we can't do anything about it?"

Then, looking at the young scientific research npc road.

"At least, the first two are not desirable."

"However, although it was invaded, the intruder could not change the basic settings of the competition server. So what it can use is only the means we set up at the beginning, that is, it is impossible for him to directly create a nuclear bomb or the like. The devastating weapon."

"In addition, although the mechanical warriors appeared earlier than expected, this is not necessarily a bad thing, because now the number of mechanical warriors is still weak compared to the contestants!"

“Even if the situation is at its worst, the mechanical army has exceeded the number of positive responses from the participants because of the accumulation of time.”

"As long as the players can reach hidden conditions, or choose a dagger tactic to destroy the machine to dominate the boss, then there is still a chance of victory, and everyone will be able to withdraw without loss!"

Young researchers analyze the road one by one.

"But the key is that they don't know this. In their minds, the main enemy is the contestant itself!"

Another researcher, frowning.

“Can you pass this information in?”

Major general asked npc.

"We are trying, people who have not entered the game, it is still relatively easy, there is emergency communication in the game cabin."

"But, people who entered the game have no choice. In order to prevent cheating, we installed a communication shielding system, and any external command information will be intercepted. The internal server is invaded and interfered at this time, even if it is reluctantly sent. Going in, there is also a high probability that it is just a bunch of garbled!"

After a researcher ran over sweaty, he shook his head a little.

"That must be sent, at least let them have the opportunity to detect their own situation and make the right decision."

Research npc old man, his face is serious and authentic.


Several subordinate researchers continued to manipulate the instrument with great sweat.

"Dr. Brown, does this mean that the creation of the gods plan has failed?"

At this time, because the senior government secretary who had a quarrel with the middle-aged researchers and his face was uncomfortable, he was drilled again and asked a sentence.

"In a sense, it has already failed!"

In the eyes of his "expected" eyes, the npc old man who looked very uncomfortable nodded helplessly.

"The original 100,000-level spiritual network has now expanded to the level of hundreds of millions. Although the spirit of each distribution into the network is only one ten-thousandth of the individual, the intensity has been expanded by a thousand times. The testers can't afford it!"

"It is now expected that the entrants will be able to kill the machinery to dominate the boss in the event that there are enough people to survive in the end."

"Otherwise, the mental power of the people at the final stage is enough to destroy their heads!"

The look of the old man of the yellow race is a bit heavy.

The funds invested in the God-making Project are extremely heavy. Now that such a big problem has arisen, the military will certainly not be able to continue.

For his research npc staff, the end of the project that invested a lot of energy and effort is obviously more uncomfortable than the adventurer in the crisis.

"Right, I have not completely failed! Although the mental power has been magnified by a thousand times. But the test process has not changed much, but the data is only advanced!"

At this time, the npc old man suddenly realized a little.

"In addition, if someone can withstand a huge spiritual shock, then the God-making plan may be able to achieve greater success than we want... impossible, no one can withstand such a huge mental impact... ”

"Immediately, the action is coming. Everyone, entering the second stage, I will immediately modify the plan."

Just in the face of the old man, the land turned cloudy and cloudy, and then, with a solemn command to start his work.


The majority of the internal network in front of the npc officer was kept secret to the communicator, but it was rushing.


"The rebel forces suddenly attacked a lot, and several cities were hit by surprise attacks. The other adventurers are mobilizing in large numbers!"

A message about the outside came here.

"What? Damn, this is definitely done by the rebels, not running!"

The former general is still relatively stable, hang up the communication, directly punched on the table, his face is blue.

The rebel army was originally in a weak position compared to the federal camp.

In particular, the players have grown up now, and the overall combat power is even above the npc.

The number of players in the federal camp is much higher than that of the rebel camp, so in the recent confrontation, it is fully prevailing.

However, now, in the federal camp, the awakening of the Force's Awakening Forces senior players are exhausted because of the spiritual link, and most of the guild's top executives are equally trapped.

Obviously, the combat power between the players in both camps is balanced to the same level!

At this time, the rebel army suddenly launched an attack, obviously not as small as before.

Obviously, after a period of calm.

In the game, the real storm of "campaign warfare" is open!

Of course, for the players in the arena, what they need to face is obviously not the rebel army, but although it is somewhat unexpected, it is the "terminator" story that officially debut!

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