Fatal Shot

Chapter 1201: Thousands of talents


Among the five, the first one to achieve the killing result turned out to be a thousand miles. .

In his continuous shooting three shots, two of which hit the top of the abdomen position of the machine gunner's finalist, hit the outermost tactical vest, the artificial skin in the middle layer and the metal structure inside are sunken After the tear.

The fourth round of bullets directly and completely broke the defense of this command-level t-950, after it entered.

After a pause of a few seconds, there was a cluster of energy explosions in the woods similar to the previous reconnaissance plane!

“My talent is able to see the key to life units, and with this epic tactical eyeglass, it can quickly lock the main energy core of a mechanical unit.”

When I saw the wind falling in the battle, I still had a look at myself. I knew that the wind did not use all my strength, so I quickly explained one sentence.

This is obviously a very useful talent, and even better in some respects than his talented fatal talent.

For example, in front of these ordinary players, the mechanical unit of trouble in the eyes.

As advanced mechanical units, they obviously have more than one core.

But the talents that are locked in a thousand miles are definitely the most "fatal" position on them.

The main energy core is destroyed, and with the damage caused by the energy explosion caused by the special seed bomb, even if there is a backup energy device, there will be no fighting power left!

Moreover, this skill seems to be of little use in pk.

Because, in theory, everyone's key points are clear to everyone.

However, the wind fell, but know that the talent of a thousand miles is estimated to have special features in pk.

Because, although the critical position of the person is certain, there is a way to hide it, for example, into stealth.

However, the windfall is estimated to be a talent for this kind of detection, and it is likely to be equally useful for stealth goals.

In the battle that failed for a long time and thus temporarily withdrew from the game, the hidden power of the stealth may not really be able to avoid his eyes.

"Mu Zi, the energy core of your target, the position under his armpit. Pineapple, your one is under your arm..."

After saying this, Qianli immediately spotted the main energy cores of the remaining Terminators one by one!

The positions of the energy cores of these five "terminators" are all different.

This means that if the player goes to the other in the same way after destroying one, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

Because the attack power of these Terminators is very powerful, the means of the battle program is not inferior to a senior player.

In the event of a judgment error, even a top player may fall behind or even be killed.

It must be said that the talent of a thousand miles is very important.

In particular, if he cooperates with the battlefield commander of the pastor, he will be able to let the players who never sleep in the city destroy large-scale mechanical units with minimal cost.

"Zhao Yun has joined thousands of miles to join, which may play an important role for the city that never sleeps!"

The wind's heart flashed through this idea.

If it is really a similar story of "Terminator", then obviously the situation of appeal will definitely be encountered sooner or later.


In the midst of thinking, the "windrunner-v-type" in the hands of the wind sent a bullet that covered the solitude.

Instantly pierced the chest of the sniper gunner's professional class "Terminator" that he fought, the b-class special energy bullet produced a large mass of fire energy inside, destroying the energy core in the thousands of miles!

["You destroy a Terminator t-950 (level 70 command), earn points: 25000, current ranking: 15!"]

This is also the last terminator to be destroyed.

After all, although these "Terminator" mechanical warriors, the combat effectiveness is generally very strong.

In addition to Zhao Yun and the wind, Muzi and the big pineapple are actually a little difficult to deal with.

The big pineapple is still fine. After all, the skin is thick and thick, and the bullets that the machine gunner terminator hits him can't be destroyed.

But Muzi, for professional reasons, is vaguely in a passive downwind.

However, after pointing out the core of these "terminators" in a thousand miles.

The battle has entered a one-sided situation, the commander of the commander level is indeed strong, but after the core is cracked, it is much less difficult to deal with!

"Sure enough, these mechanical warriors are able to break out the spoils!"

The big pineapple looked at all the energy cores that had been destroyed. The five "terminators" who fell to the ground after the explosion appeared on the ground next to each other.

There are almost two types of these spoils.

One is a consumable item that has a damage bonus or a special attack effect on a mechanical unit, such as an electromagnetic type, a liquefied metal type bullet.

One is food, such as nutrients of different tastes, physical supplements.

Among them, the one that was destroyed by the fastest speed in a thousand miles even broke out a can of canned beef, and it was still made by an expert chef, which can increase the rareness of physical recovery after a certain period of time.

Although the city never grabs the cans in the September camp refuge, but the cans are only enough for one thousand people a day.

Even in this area, two places where food was stored were found.

But count the other guilds to join the more than a thousand people in the Alliance of Nights, these foods can only support up to three days at most.

This is still the case with some wild fruits and “nutrition agents” that only doctors can unlock.

Now, there is obviously another way to get food.

"Well, it seems that these Terminators and the former reconnaissance planes should indeed be the units of monsters. The purpose of brushing them out is to provide us with supplies and food."

The big pineapple looked with interest at the body of the female heavy armor who was killed by him.

If you don't see the wound, you can't see the difference with human beings. This simulation ability is really high enough, far more than some players to create the test model of the t-900 series.

"Not only food, but also the ability to kill these mechanical units, but also to get a certain amount. Although the degree provided is slightly less than the players at the same level. But it is not as dangerous as the players."

"If these mechanical units are brushed enough, maybe we can choose not to fight the players?"

Think a thousand miles.

However, although it does provide supplies and points, it actually costs a lot less than killing players.

These “terminators” at the command level only provide 2,500 points.

It is important to know that players who currently have the level of combat power to reach these "terminator" levels will generally be able to achieve at least five thousand points.

Not to mention, the number of spoils that a player has blasted far exceeds a Terminator.

Of course, this kind of mechanical unit can explode food, which is what the players can't match!

"Perhaps, these mechanical warriors and players will have the same initial scores, but they can kill players to earn points."

Zhao Yun touched his chin.

"Do not rule out this possibility!"

The wind fell and nodded.

In fact, one thing he did not say, if it is just to provide supplies, why are the ammunition provided for mechanical units?

Moreover, in the "War of War", the blame is not a separate brush, but will use some reasonable way, so these terminators should appear in some way.

For example, a dormant base, or a manufacturing plant? If you attack these places, will there be some extra gains?

In addition, although combined with the Terminator plot, he already has 80% of his mind that these mechanical units should have some hidden intentions.

However, there is no need to say it at this time.

However, a commander-level reconnaissance beetle has been staring at the sky in the night, flying far away in the direction of the previous reconnaissance plane!

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