Fatal Shot

Chapter 1206: Wreck and drawings

"Great, what is this sniper rifle?... Sorry, I was a little excited when I was excited."

Even the long-awaited thousand miles, looking at the sniper rifle that disappeared immediately before the wind fell, could not help but ask.

However, afterwards, it is estimated that this should be a private affair, so I immediately stopped.

"Nothing, I think, this thing should be a secret soon... this is..."

The wind shook his head and briefly introduced the next secluded weapon to Zhao Yun and Qian Li, who were equally curious.

In this competition, he has encountered a lot of people who have awakened their mental strength. These people are expected to wake up to the faint energy in a short time.

Even, it is possible that someone has also awakened the ecstasy in the game.

Therefore, this thing has no need to be too confidential.

Of course, because of the reasons for watching the players, he still whispered a few words about the singular weapon.

"You can..."

Obviously, because the "black energy" of the wind has actually exploded a lot, experts like Qianli and Zhao Yun have already speculated.

Therefore, after the shock, both of them quickly recovered their mentality.

Start putting the target on the battlefield, above the top of a heavy tanker who is best attacked by their position.

This is the main purpose they transmitted.

"The deadly core position in the middle of its purple circular structure!"

A thousand miles of eyes locked a local road.

For the average person, there is definitely some trouble.

Because the position of the target core, from the styling point of view, is covered by more than two meters of armor and mechanical structure.

Such a thick defense, even if it is not solid, unless the "armored cannonball" launched by the mech is generally not likely to be broken, not to be destroyed.


However, as long as it is a physical defense, the wind naturally does not need to care too much.

Immediately after raising the aim, the sniper-gun style windrunner-v type, the bullet is silent when it is shot, but there is a taste that makes the air "crack".

The next moment, a reloaded Terminator who had just fired the medium-sized missile loaded above, a black hole appeared silently on the armor.


Subsequently, it was only delayed by a few tenths of a second.

From the hole, there was a fierce flame and violent energy fluctuations.

After that, there were red mechanical parts and alloy fragments flying around, as well as large groups of black smoke.

Using the special ammunition sent by the "cracking" stun, it successfully broke the defensive layer that should have been sturdy and heavy alloy, and then caused the explosion of the internal precision energy engine.

Directly let the body of this reloading Terminator be blown up and smashed, split and split directly on the ground.

"Da da da……"

However, it only stopped for two seconds, and the weapon in its weapon began to continue shooting for the battlefield.

A thousand miles of talent locks in the "most deadly" position, but even if the player's key is attacked, it does not necessarily die directly.

This super-weight quasi-boss-class mechanical design is naturally considered in many ways. Even if the main energy engine explodes, it is impossible to completely lose the combat power.

"The lower left corner, above the track, has a purple diamond-shaped structure!"

However, the talent of a thousand miles naturally does not have the cooling time.

Moreover, he is currently the most deadly position to aim at the target.

After destroying the first target, as long as the target does not die, it will directly lock the next "most deadly" second target.


For the wind, as long as you know the location, it means that the target is "destroyed."

In the next second, the heavy Terminator chariot, again in the left position of the shooting, had an energy explosion again, which increased its degree of damage again.

However, a tire that has been severely deformed is still spinning, and the barrel is also moving deadly, apparently not completely "killed"!

"Upper, turret position, about half a meter round the lid just below..."


After a thousand miles have not been finished, the position pointed out by him has once again popped up a small black hole.

This time, there was no major explosion.


However, the barrel that was still moving was directly stopped.

Because, this time it was destroyed by its control core, and it was the only remaining control core after two engine explosions!

["Destroy the Terminator z-990 (70 level, quasi b, points: 5000, current ranking: 12!)]

From the wind attack to the "kill" prompt brushed in the field of vision, only after less than ten seconds.

I have to say that the "ghost eyes" of a thousand miles cooperate with his solitude, and the attack results of two people even exceed the dozens of players of the War Soul Guild!

However, I have to admit it.

This kind of boss-class heavy mechanical unit is still not easy to deal with for current players.

Since the beginning of the war, among the ten "z-990" terminators who entered the battlefield, they have only been destroyed by one of them, and they can know the level of trouble.

The only better one is probably the quasi-boss type terminator unit like "Transformers". It moves slowly after entering the attack form. If it is not encountered in this position, it is easier to escape. Lost!

Of course, if it is transformed into the form of a transport vehicle, the speed will naturally not be slow.


Half a minute after destroying the heavy-duty terminator, a black wormhole appeared on the ground next to the wind.

Then the figure of a worker bee drilled and spit three things to the feet of several people.

A reddish tube of test tube, a translucent chip, and a mechanical cylindrical disc with a diameter of about twenty centimeters.

"High-energy electromagnetic adsorption mine, Terminator l-990 manufacturing drawings No. 1 debris, master nutritional supplements!"

Because it belongs to the game, it is obvious that there is no need for identification, and the property is completely visible.

Master Nutritional Supplement, using a nutrient that guarantees three days, and increases 100% physical recovery and 20% physical limit!

This thing is not fundamentally different from normal food, but in the absence of food, it is a good harvest.

As for the disc, it is a special technology weapon called "high-energy electromagnetic adsorption mine".

This is a weapon that can achieve a direct high killing effect on mechanical units. It is good enough to destroy a large mech or several small and medium-sized mechs!

On the value, even no less than a micro-missile.

However, what is really attractive is obviously the chip that shows the property as "Terminator l-990 Manufacturing Drawing".

This is obviously a part of the rewards set by the game.

As long as it can destroy the pieces of the complete set of high-level mechs in the game, then you can get such a level of 70-class, more powerful quasi-boss-class, transport combat dual-use reloading mechanical chariot drawings.

At present, although the players can create traffic vehicles or the power of fighting machinery.

However, such a quasi-boss-class battle and traffic dual-use machine is definitely the first time in the entire game range.

No matter which force gets the drawings, it can occupy a certain kind of market opportunity like the city of no night and the group of people in the simulation of human-machines.

For those guilds who do not have much chance to win, in a medium-sized guild, it is far more practical than vying for the first.

Even some super-committees are estimated to be excited by the interests!

“The brilliant group has changed!”

Among the encrypted guild communication channels, the voice of the pastoralist was heard.


"They sent some people and marched in the direction of the War Soul Guild!"

The brilliant group is not simple. The first legendary equipment in the whole game was shot by the brilliant group to kill the super boss. It is probably the first player in the game to kill the super boss.

Within the scope of Stormwind City, it is second only to the nine-star guild, and even higher than the September guild ranking.

Because they have reached a temporary armistice agreement with the Nine Stars Association, they are actually the biggest threat that the Everlasting City Strategy Group believes!

“How many people have they sent out?”

“A rough estimate is that at least 500 people have been dispatched!”

"According to the results detected before, the entire glorious guild plus the league's guild now has only about 900 people left, which means that the remaining people are only one-third of us..."

When I heard this, the wind fell, of course, to understand what the idea of ​​the animal husbandry.

"I suggest giving up on their nest!"

However, when the wind fell, this time, the face was a little dignified and suddenly.

Because, at this time, the reconnaissance beetle sent by the wind has flew over the border.

In the field of vision, it has passed through the moonlight in the sky, not too clear but also relatively intuitive to see, and one by one is coming out of the new "terminator", like the "machine city" in the assembly line factory!


Then, the field of vision first slammed and then blacked out.

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