Fatal Shot

Chapter 1208: Cycling

More than 600 people, this is indeed a larger guild. After all, the players who have never been in the city have only this number.

However, the city that never has the intelligence of the various regions has long been collected, and naturally it is impossible to be caught by this number.

"There should be about 120 people from the results of the super-range reconnaissance overlay detection!"

In the city that never sleeps, a picture that has been detoured from the mountain in advance and secretly sneaked into the command channel is under the observation of the digital cat, and the other side’s reality is seen at a glance.

More than 120 people, the number is not much, but one-eighth of the players who never sleep.

However, it is not easy to quickly break through the defense of Blue City.

Because, apart from the artificially created landslides blocking the road, the abandoned town where Blue Sky is located is between the fleet of the city that never sleeps.

There is also a river with a full range of more than 50 meters, a depth of more than ten meters, and a rapid flow of water, and the original bridge above the river has been destroyed.

"From the map, there are no other bridges within a hundred kilometers, and there are a lot of trees and mountains on both sides of the river. The team can't pass, we have to solve the blue city company!"

"And, it's best to be within half an hour, because the obstacles we left are unlikely to delay the Terminator's army with z-990 transport for too long."

Above the instrument screen of the digital cat, the basic data and the three-dimensional analytical image obtained from the z-990 chip are presented.

"For half an hour, this is probably not difficult!"

The animal husbandry frowned.

The team of the city that never sleeps is close to a thousand people, and the Blue City company has only a hundred people.

This huge gap in the number of people, if there is no such river, even if the other side has a town defense, it is obvious that it only needs to push the past.

However, now that the terrain is obviously ready with the other side, the city that never sleeps is forcibly taken.

The number of people lost is definitely more than the same, they are not worth the loss!

"It is similar to the situation of the former Soul Horde. It is obvious that in this competition, the more the overall combat power deceives the guild, the better the terrain and resources of the occupied area, which is obviously a balance."

Long Yuan also frowned, and obviously he couldn't think of a good way.

"Choose some defensive warrior players and follow me to attack!"

At this time, among the command channels, there was a voice of the wind.

In the middle of the team, near the side of the street, it looks like a deserted location.

The wind fell on the Tomahawk-iv reloading motorcycle, which was invisible and opened up more aggressively, and accelerated in the direction of the town.

"Unlock, life parasite!"

Extend a finger on one side and a little on the unlocked interface.


Then there was a lot of dark red mist around the body.

And whether it is hp or strength, agility and physical attributes... In the perspective of some players who have special reconnaissance talents that can be felt or seen, they all soar.

What's more, vaguely exudes a feeling that makes them feel uncomfortable with the heart, like the boss's debut!

Of course, the price is probably that the game has already entered the top ten rankings immediately, and once again fell to 10,000.


At the same time, a reconnaissance beetle has quietly descended from the sky near the back of the town.


While the team is still, the speed of the Tomahawk energy bike keeps increasing, and it has already rushed to the front of the landslide position.

The next moment, like the same tiger, jumped directly from the ground!


When the high-speed wheel falls to the ground, and the direction is easily adjusted by master-class technology, the Windrunner-v type has directly turned into two large-caliber technical pistols.


"-3239, -3149, -3040..."

Sitting directly on the running energy bike, shooting with both hands.

With the super-high attribute bonus that unlocked the life protozoa, a few shots directly let those few catch up, and there is no time to accelerate the blue sky guild to the players who want to scout!

The energy motorcycle that was beaten directly away from the flight, rolled a few laps on the ground, and dropped a small amount of blood left.

"Old horse, little grandson!"


And in the opposite town, accompanied by the shouts in the public channel, a series of sniper bullets immediately shot.

However, it is in the style of domineering Tomahawk motorcycle, with the master's driving specialization bonus, flexible and incredible speed and dodge action, all countlessly lost.

Powerful b-class detonation armor-piercing warheads, under the people, can only hit a pile of sparks on the ground, let the wheel run a place after the burning.

"what happened?"

"That is the person who is so perverted, even the sniper rifle is not hit!"

"It was the Force Field that interfered with the sniper bullets. This person should be a guild that never sleeps, the leaves of the wind!"

Obviously, this situation made the blue city sniper player players who had been premeditated to attack together in the town, and felt a surprise.

"With the micro-missile, all launched towards his position!"

"As long as you can kill the leaves of the wind, you can earn more micro-missiles."

The command of the Blue City Guild immediately made a decision.

They now have only one hundred people left, and obviously there is no hope of winning the first.

In this case, killing the "first person in the war" is undoubtedly an achievement worth pursuing.


A miniature missile rushed toward the running energy motorcycle.

However, when the missile had just left the launch pad, the energy bike had disappeared directly into their field of vision.

The missile with the whistling landing fell to the ground and bombed a large group of flames and white smoke. When the white smoke dissipated a few seconds later, there was only a black hole that was shrinking on the ground.


"It's a Tomahawk motorcycle. This kind of motorcycle's wind energy shield can make the body enter the stealth state."

"The stealth force is not able to completely evade the attack, and the snipers and mechurers continue to attack and cannot bring him close to us."

"Reconnaissance! Fast, don't care about others, use reconnaissance to determine his position."

The command line of the Blue City Group, there was a fluster in the heart, and hurriedly commanded.


Just the next moment, in the town, the air has been sullen for a few seconds.

In one of the town's locations, there was a roar of energy motorcycle engines, and almost ten dead white lights appeared at the same time! u

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