Fatal Shot

Chapter 1213: Strange 24K


The commanding player in the veteran tribe, for the special mines developed by the guild according to the actual weapons, directly bombed the results of a z-990 weighing more than ten tons, and when it felt smug, the ears heard it violently. A sniper shot that seemed to get rid of yourself.


More than 800 meters away, a z-990 heavy-duty transport chariot that was blown up by a trap jumped down, possessing a high-fidelity shape disguised as a player, wearing a heavy armored warrior, carrying a silver The alloy shield is the leader of the t-950 Terminator.

The shield in his hand suddenly seemed to be hit by a shell and slammed toward the back.

In addition, the equipment is absolutely more than five hundred kilograms of weight body, even straight out of the volley to go out more than ten meters away, and finally slammed into the body of another z-990, directly hit a humanoid pit to stop.

However, the stop-level t-950 Terminator, the shield in the hand, with the reloading power armor behind the shield.

Also, the inner alloy armor has a large hole that is penetrated by the high temperature.

The precise control of the chest's sensors, etc., was destroyed by the burst of liquid metal bullets that reached level a.

With just one blow, this command-level Terminator has lost 90% of its combat power, almost equivalent to abolished!


Standing on the side of the veteran tribe scout player not far from the watermelon rind, let go of the legendary sniper rifle that had broken the barrel.

Re-select a pick from the alternate legendary sniper rifle and continue to lock the sniper toward the leader unit in the Terminator army.

For killing a star player in the game, the use of the loot a-level bullets does not provide too many points to the terminator, and does not feel waste!


This scene, let the legendary tactical glasses, can clearly see the ballistic veteran tribe scouts, the original proud eye muscles can not help but shake, the eyes reveal a dignified and taboo color!

He remembered the phrase often mentioned in the forum. The sniper in the city never sleeps, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the master is far more than the leaves of the wind.


The attack of watermelon rind is like a signal, so that the sniper sniper sounds constantly on the level. Because of the distance, only the sniper has entered the scope of the attack!


The opposite of the Terminator army seems to have made judgments in the program.

Immediately stopped the team, the z-990 began to quickly deform toward the battle, while the top terminator jumped out of the car and rushed toward the level.


"Da da da……"

Above the battlefield, suddenly a piece of smoke!

Originally, players who never stayed in the city did not have an advantage in this "competition".

Because the veterans of the veterans have all occupied the shooting holes in the level or the turrets with good protection.

People who are not in the night city have no proper bunker combat.

However, when the wind directly summoned some steel beetles, directly constructing a biological bunker above the level, and then with the heavy armor holding the shield, the problem was solved directly!

"Snipers, all locked into the commanding units, attacked in groups according to the targets I marked... Earth controllers, preparing for a slow force field..."

At the command level, I have to say that the city never sleeps has a certain advantage.

Pastoral's "field commander" professional skills and equipment, even more people can not waste a trace of firepower, and then with the thousands of miles directly to see the fatal core of the mechanical unit of the talent and bullet marks, Long Yuan and other people discussed tactics .

This tacit contest is the mixed team of the city that never sleeps gradually gains the upper hand!

"The people who never sleep in the city are so fierce!"

Among the commanding teams of the veteran tribes, the machine gunner who had been ridiculed before, did not look good.

In particular, this time in the command room inside this level.

Did not personally participate in the attack of the wind, and Xiaoluo water standing side by side, the two are talking quietly, attention is not even on the battlefield.


The eyes seem to be watching the battlefield, but in fact they are the lonely rivers of the two people who have swept through the close conversation, and the eyes become a bit gloomy.

Then, whispered a few words in the mouth!


The next moment, above the level, the mutated boss golden pet that had no action at all, suddenly gave a loud eagle.

Along with the pressure of the boss, the whole body is covered with a rotating wind energy shield, and the earthquake wings fly!

In the process of lifting off, it quickly accumulated lightning in its eyes.

When it was about to fly to a height of about 50 meters, Ray Light’s already seemed to be through the body.


In the next moment, a white "lightning ball" was spit out from its mouth. It was full of football and the speed was very fast. It flew directly toward the Terminator army that had already rushed to about 300 meters.


In less than a second, the Thunderbolt has rushed to the top of a team of Terminators.

Then, like the suction, the ground directly crashed into the position of a Terminator's chest.


With a dull sound of electric current, a group of white lightning **** that swelled in an instant shrouded more than ten of the Terminators in the run.

Completely crush the brightness of the master's player skills. Let many people instantly enter the state of dazzling eyes.

After the adjustment of the Force and the biochip recovered from the flash, those Terminators who were covered in the line of sight in the line of sight, only two of the remaining red light in the eyes, and the movement speed was obvious. Great drop, there were traces of slight melting in many places.

Under one blow, nearly ten Terminators were directly destroyed.

Even the elite level unit is enough to reflect the ability of the boss pet!


And with just one skill, at least 5,000 points of game points for the mutated gold-carved boss pets seem to be unsatisfactory.

The figure that was originally in the air actually began to rush toward the Terminator army, and at the same time it descended and formed a subduction posture.


A leader-level high-figure terminator tries to sneak into the level by smashing into the mountain above the canyon and pretending to be the player's identity.

However, under the eagle eye known for its sharpness, it has clearly been seen!


The amazing speed of the golden eagle, a pair of claws directly grab the shoulders of the newly emerged Terminator t-950 with the thunder, and force the power armor on the shoulder of the Terminator t-950 to be deformed and let it wear. Instead, the armor became a prisoner that restricted the attack of both hands, and then directly invaded the strong current after breaking the physical principle.

The golden eagle boss has more than ten meters of wings vibrating, and the terminal t-950 is brought to the sky in an instant when the wind energy is added!


Then, directly thrown from the height of hundreds of meters to the ground, this combat power is still more than the 70-level command-level mechanical unit of the general players, giving a serious deformation, almost falling apart!

The whole process is no more than ten seconds, and in the blink of an eye, a leader-level and ten elites are destroyed.

This battle is undoubtedly very brilliant, far more than any player in the city!


However, just as the variegated wind and thunder gold embossed in the sky, the throat screamed at his own record.

Outside the level, it has already rushed to the ground in front of the Terminator army, which is more than two hundred meters away. There is a small "black hole" silently.

The next moment, the Terminator army has already rushed to the foot of the striker team two hundred meters away.

It should be because the gorge, due to the terrain, the sandy ground that has been impacted by the torrent of the explosion, has suddenly violently shaken.


A lot of red sand with dirt, like a life, is shaking and moving toward a certain position.

In the process, the top ten people who were caught off guard were also brought to the package.

Finally, in front of the level, a full height of ten or seven meters is formed, and the whole body is full of violent giant sand shovel.

"Hey, hey!"

Such an astonishing size of the sand, even if the body is strengthened by the solace, the hardness is still better than the finisher of the alloy, but with the hardness of the terminator stuck in the body itself, it is also completely swaying. In the middle, the ones will be given up to the fight, at least to fly out.

"Boom, bang!"

Not to mention, this giant sand body, whether it is facing the "rocket cannon" of the individual soldier's terminator or the distant has been transformed into an attack mode, the z-990 cannon shot at him, there is no way to destroy .

Not to mention, threatening the 24k inside.

Even after a wave of corners from a distant canyon, the medium-sized missile that suddenly rushed out of the blast was intercepted by the volley because of the appearance of this sand.


Then, in the air and in the public's field of vision, formed a fireball more ten times stronger than the blasted boss before the explosion of the thunderbolt.

Although the missile hit this foot enough to make the upper half of the satay disappear.

A large amount of sand is scattered by the high-temperature energy of the explosion or burned into a semi-fluid red glass liquid and swayed to the ground.

However, immediately with a burst of volatility, the ground re-emerged a lot of sand, so that the giant sand shovel once again returned to the shape of a dragonfly, waving a fist like a car, from the top down a station The Terminator who attacked it at the foot gave it to the sand.

It was originally in the battle with the War Soul Guild, and destroyed those who were not willing to evacuate the city.

Almost all of the Terminator army that used up the inventory, but there are no more missiles!

"Hey, hey..."

So, next, the giant satay is like a boss facing the player.

Sweep one by one to the finisher, hit the level, or smash into the sand.

"Youth value: 5540/20390..."

The wind fell a glance at the 24k data panel, a little bitter smile.

This 24k one was originally derived from the skills of the mutant sand fox quasi-boss, which is actually very consuming.

In particular, the action of this kind of face-to-face bombing is very handsome, but the number of secluded energy is also falling rapidly.

However, the little guy suddenly came out of the "spiritual link" and wanted to express his emotions.

The wind also feels that it can't be too embarrassing, that is, one or two crystals, one or two thousand points.

Of course, in the eyes of the average player, one or two thousand points, this is enough for them to get a good ranking.

"Speaking, the Terminator... The best way to deal with the Terminator is that..."

Part of the wind falls into the unlock page, which belongs to the unlocking option of the t-1000, followed by a full six-digit integral number.

Let him have some expectations and hesitation and jealousy.


With a few unwilling eagle owls, shrouded in a weak tornado, the hair on the body has some messy and sinister winds and golden eagle bosses flying back into the level.

Although it is indeed a boss template, but after all, it is a weakened version of the pet, the actual ability is not enough to support its rampant battle on the battlefield!

"Hey, hey!"

And after seeing the mutated gold carving boss back.

24k is also quickly transmitted back to the wind by the "wormhole".

He called two songs to the golden eagle, exuding a child's pride.

Speaking of it, almost no such situation occurs when 24k encounters other pets.

Even the real boss-level pets have encountered more than one wind. For example, the pets of the swords are long at the boss level, but 24k has not had such a strong competition.

"Because, spiritual links... even solitude?"

Discussing with the Xiaoluo water to discuss the situation of the two-person cooperation company, in fact, one-minded.

The spirit of his exhalation actually noticed the move of the Lonely Star River observation.

Including his expression, and his voice is low, just whispering with his lips, the spiritual field that is more sensitive after the true eye of God, and the link that he noticed under special attention There is a hidden wave of similar "spiritual link" skills between the mutant and the eagle pet.

In addition, when the mutated gold-carved boss pet is playing the thunderball skill, it is hidden in it, like the power fluctuation of the solitude!

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