Fatal Shot

Chapter 1218: Little change

After half a minute.


The alarm sounds are rushing, getting closer and closer in the headphones!

Star Shao took a submachine gun in his hand and leaned against the wall behind a corner of the corridor to hold his breath.

"Hey, hey..."

In the ear, I heard the footsteps with high frequency close, and I saw a ghostlike figure appearing in the corridor in the field of view.

The star presses a button less and less.

In the corridor, a relatively hidden position on the ground, two elliptical columnar items blasted in tandem.


After the explosive white light.

Star opened his eyes, his face was nervous and excited, grabbed an alloy shield next to him, and rushed out with a submachine gun.


Directly carrying a legendary shield, one hand carrying a submachine gun to the position of the corridor in the smog-covered corridor.

"I don't believe you are not in the middle!"

After the flash bomb was attached to the smoke bomb, but he learned the trick from the forum, with this skill but a lot of Yin and his "evenly matched" master!

Coupled with the legendary shield skills left by the players killed by Starry, he is in a dominant position on the scene.

"Da da da……"

Of course, in this battle, he is actually just playing soy sauce.

Behind him, there is an eight-barrel machine gun, and the sharp sister who ignores the recoil shooting and steady shooting is the real exporter!


However, in one second, using the machine's original force skills, shooting nearly two hundred bullets, completely covering the entire corridor of the sharp sister, the face is more dignified.

Because, although the opposite side of the corridor has been filled with smoke, but with the vision of the reconnaissance joint with the star, she can clearly see the contours of the other side.

However, this outline suddenly disappeared after she fired.

"Hey, what's the situation?"

There are few stars that hide almost all of the body behind the shield, and there are some flaws at this time.

Because his epic reconnaissance projector projected onto the retina's field of view, not only suddenly lost the target track in the smoke, but also a warning prompt that detected a special creature at the boss level!

Moreover, he suddenly appeared, the opposite side of the corridor should obviously be white smoke, I don't know when it turned dark red!


The next moment, the dark red smog, like the life of the "tooth claws" quickly approached his position.

In the face of this strange range of attacks, the skills of the legendary shield can not play the slightest role, when he did not fully react.

Has been connected with a shield, and was swallowed together in the fog of the "life" in the information of the epic reconnaissance instrument.

"I rely on, what is this?"

Stars feel that they have collapsed a bit.

Because, after being shrouded in a dark red mist, he felt like he suddenly rushed into the water.

Whether it is hearing or vision, or even mental power perception, there is a feeling of chaos and unreality, and the voice of the sharp sister behind me, listening to the position in the ear seems to become very far away!

"This red fog... has a great effect on the perception!"

The sharp sister who was also shrouded in the dark red mist was keenly aware of the truth.

Quickly reaching out from the arms tied to the thigh, and pulling out a look like a black short knife that was broken!


This knife is obviously not a general equipment.

After she grasped her hand and entered the original force, she uttered a faint glow of light, covering her body.


Later, Rui sister seemed to notice something.

Turning sharply, the black short knife pricked in one direction with a broken sound!


The short knife in the middle of the wave is shaking at high speed.

From the top of the blade, there is a strong and concealed sharp force that compensates for the short knife defect and forms a complete blade with a long cut.

This knife will suddenly change in the attack, absolutely out of the expectation of the opponent, so that the enemy can not catch up.


However, the result of the attack was not satisfactory.

In the middle of the stab of the short knife, a black dagger from the dark red mist was directly hit on the side of the blade.

Then, a powerful force came, not only made almost all of her short knives in her hands, but also caused the "original blade" on the short knife to collapse.

"Even the original blade is shattered, the strength is stronger than the soldiers, the accuracy is even more terrible!"

This makes Shen Jie's heart sink.

This short knife seems to have some damage, but it is actually a special equipment!

The above skills can give the user superior mental power perception and strength, speed increase, and open skills, her melee ability is comparable to top fighters.

Moreover, in the attack, the original blade is transparent, very concealed and difficult to detect, and the hardness is comparable to the b-class alloy!

However, the other party actually noticed it in an instant, and at the same time, the original blade with the hardness was amazing.

This is definitely her super master who has never met before.


The short knife has once again bloomed green, and Rui has already had a desperate idea in his heart.

"Right sister?"

In the black and red mist, suddenly there was some doubt, but she was familiar with the sound!


"It's really luck..."

Half a minute later, in another location on the building.

The wind fell on his face and smiled. He shook his head at the eccentric sharp sister.

He came here, not to help the Stars Chamber to pay for the universe.

It is to let the two companies, Haoyu and Star, stop and work together to deal with other enemies!

The enemy of the Starry Sky Association is the company of Haoyu. In the car, Xiaoluo Shui directly said to him, and there is nothing to hide.

I also didn’t want to let the city that never sleeps, without knowing it, get involved in the battle between the two guilds and fight against the idea of ​​Haoyu.

Instead, Xiaoluo's meaning is the same as that of the wind, that is, stopping with Yuyu, and then cooperating with the Terminator or other forces to participate in the game!

Because, perhaps others will feel that the threat of players in this game is more massive than the "terminator" that should only be balanced.

However, she is very convinced of the judgment of the wind and the terminal is not simple!

However, there has been a real fire between Haoyu and Star.

As far as the two sides themselves are concerned, no one can take the initiative to open a truce because there is no doubt that there is a weak feeling.

The wind is a good night media guild, and people who have a basis for cooperation and trust with both sides are naturally a good mediator.

As for why the wind fell in person, instead of arbitrarily arranging mediation in the public channel, it was because both sides of the theater opened communication interference. At this time, the public channel was almost all murmur and there was no way to talk.

The private communication number that was previously saved cannot be used in the game!

Therefore, the intention of the wind is to enter the position of the company, find an important person of the company, and then let the other party pass the information.

As for the location of the sharp sister, this is a coincidence!

Stars think that they have an epic scout, and no one can accurately find their place.

To some extent, this is a fact. Even if the mental power after the wind is strengthened, it is impossible to directly find the position of the two people while being blocked by the building.

However, precisely because it could not be discovered, he was also noticed by Star People.

Those who can do this are definitely people with epic gear, and those with epic gear can't be ordinary players.

Successfully, the wind has chosen this goal.

As for the lack of exact location information, it does not mean that there is no way to find someone!

For the top players, the equipment is more of a means of personal ability.

Although the positions of Star Shao and Rui Jie are various, but there are only a few places in the whole building that are suitable for attack. Combined with the location and time of the last attack, their approximate position can be judged.

However, the players of the general Starry Sky, even if it is judged to get the position, it is impossible to force it here.

Therefore, Ruijie knows this and doesn't care!

However, I don't want to. The people who came here this time are not the "weak chicken" players of Star Company, but the wind.

With the powerful attributes of unlocking the "Life Protozoa" and the ability to use the life protozoa, among the other "weak chickens" of the company, there is no one in the world!


Next, the facts are simple. The people of Haoyu don't really want to make a mistake with Star Company at this stage.

Especially, although their current battles have the upper hand.

But count the affiliated guilds that are coming around, the overall strength, in fact, they are still weaker than the starry sky.

With the wind falling in the midst of mediation, the two sides quickly reached an armistice agreement, and even agreed to cooperate with the players of the Terminator Corps and the rest of the city to a certain extent!

However, when the problem of the universe is solved, the wind has personally encountered a little something.

"Wind brother, you are not missing people in the city, I am following you with me... How is my sister boring?!"

"Wind brother, my sister often mentions you. Saying, is that relationship with your sister? You certainly don't happen to know that we are in the building..."

At this time, Star Shao did not follow the command of the sister, but chased after him.

This was taught twice by him. Even the rare second-generation legendary equipment was smashed to the younger generation, and he was glued to him.

Moreover, the attitude is completely different from before.


The wind is clear.

This one star is few, and there is no "growth" in the mentality. It is both self-righteous and has a worship of the strong!

Otherwise, it would not be eager to join the rebel army camp with the dragons mercenary group. Then they felt uncomfortable and re-transferred to the federal camp. The guild also exchanged for it.

This kind of mentality of "changing in and out" for two days is doomed to be a master!

Well, the digital cat... that's a special case.

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