Fatal Shot

Chapter 1125: Powerful quasi-BOSS arms

"Star story?"

The wind really feels a little confused.

Although there is a zerg in the interstellar on this planet, it seems that there is nothing strange about the appearance of the Terran?

However, the problem is that this should not be the story of the "Terminator" now. The sudden appearance of "Raytheon" is obviously a bit wrong.

"Maybe... just a mechanical unit with a similar shape..."

The idea of ​​the wind fell in a few seconds and was cancelled.

Because, by occupying a high-level command position perspective, and you are called a metamorphosis of super vision.

He not only saw the huge "Raytheon", but also saw the style of another mechanical unit that had rushed toward the edge of the battlefield beyond the high speed of Raytheon.


It is a four-wheeled mechanical unit with a somewhat narrow structure and a model racing car.

The low-quality lightweight chassis can maintain a very high speed on steep and undulating mountain roads. Even the **** of a dozen meters high can be rushed down and easily climbed!

Therefore, in a blink of an eye, this new type of mechanical unit has reached the battlefield in several directions.


Then, I saw these flexible light-duty mechanical vehicles, about two-thirds of the height of the body top position, equipped with the ability to freely adjust the angle flamethrower, jetted a beam of more than fifteen meters distance Blue-red flame!

These obviously high-temperature flames directly penetrate the battlefield of the small half, covering all the players and the Terminator in battle.

For the terminator of the whole body metal structure and the coating of high temperature resistant materials, these flames obviously have little effect on them in a short time.

"-2000, -2000, -2000..."

But for the players, these flames have seriously affected the battle.

Moreover, the damage of the flame is not inferior to the range of skill attacks by the controller.

"Melee occupation, split some people to solve those spray trains!"

In the face of hearing the command from the command channel, holding the shield to block the fire, the charge came over to prepare to remove their warrior class players.

These mechanical chariots immediately exert their own flexibility and pull away from the back at a speed that is not inferior to the speed of the soldiers. In the process, the flame-spraying device completely stops at the warrior who tries to approach it. Barbecue.

"Zizi, nourish..."

The only few rely on their ability and speed to forcibly hold the light armor warrior with the alloy sword close. It is awesome that these chariots can be "deformed" like the previous z-990.

They are greeted by the people. More than two meters in height, they have a pair of humanoid fighting machines with some wing-like shields like bats.

"Boom, boom ......"

Moreover, these humanoid machines.

Obviously, the modified simulation terminator program is implanted, and the combat power is not inferior to them. It is obviously impossible to solve it easily.

"The fire car!"

Spit a breath in the wind.

This kind of mechanical unit that can be changed into a "bad bat" mech in combat, is one of the "fire" chariots belonging to the Terran arms in StarCraft.

"Terminator e-855 (55 level command). Very fast, medium armor, high temperature flame of more than 1000 degrees, can be deformed..."

However, the properties of the remote throw-out detection show only the "terminator".

Moreover, it turned out to be a leading unit!

"Terminator l-970, 60-level quasi-boss unit. Slow moving speed, attack and defense is very high..."

However, in contrast, the leaders of the major guilds are still more focused on those "Raytheon."

"Sure enough, it is a quasi-boss level!"

The information obtained by the scouts who sneaked into the past made the commanders' faces look too good.

For the participating players, this unit with high defense and attack is undoubtedly undesired.

Because, the speed of its only flaw, and because the player has to go to the Machinery City was erased.

More importantly, there is one more sentence in the scout's information.

It is the range of these Raytheon, very far away!

"No, they seem to be attacking!"

Among the command channels, there was a voice of the president of the guild who shouted loudly.

It is not like, it is attack!


When the first "Raytheon" entered the position about three kilometers from the center of the battlefield.

The huge "heavy guns" held in the hands of the players rushed out in the direction of the players.


The next moment, a star-studded company in the first line fighting a t-950, was directly hit by a 30cm-diameter warhead and hit the chest of the power armor.

The legendary heavy armor with a defensive coefficient of b level, in the face of this "bullet" that occupies almost half of its own size, has no suspense at all, directly like a paper, it is sagged, like iron. The plates are generally squeezed together before and after.


The heavy armor who has been **** in the battle with the t-950 itself has no suspense in the result of this attack.


The oversized warhead was loaded with the body of the light armored soldier who was killed by the spike, and successively crashed into seven or eight participating players.

Finally, on the ground, a tunnel full of more than ten meters was rolled up, and after hitting an off-road vehicle, it finally stopped.

"This is a shock warhead with a strong impact!"

There is a talent scout player who sends a message after the horse.

The only better one is probably this powerful large-scale projectile, and it is obviously impossible to shoot continuously like a real bullet.

In addition to the heavy armored fighters, several players were knocked down behind.

Being able to be rushed by a small number of doctors to quickly fill the blood and stop them from the death line!


However, the opposite of Raytheon is not just a gun.

Almost a second after the first shot, another muzzle position flashed into flames.

A red giant cannonball of the same large caliber, grabbing a pile of warriors by the impact warhead to retreat, aimed at the gap in their defense position, and flew directly toward the remote professional position that was originally protected.


A black sniper bullet, a volley, hit the front of the field before hitting a long-range professional player who didn't respond at all.


However, the results are not very satisfactory.

Because this warhead was detonated, but in the outbreak, it was splitting out a dozen warheads that were smaller than a small one, but still a shell.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Among the remote professional players of a bunch of Stars, they bloom like fireworks, bringing a series of explosions.

A range of attacks from quasi-boss falls into the camp of vulnerable remote players, and the results are undoubtedly obvious.

"Burst warhead?"

The wind fell and put down the sniper rifle in his hand, and his look was a bit serious.

This Raytheon is obviously slightly different from the "StarCraft", and the two heavy artillery fired different warheads.

For warriors and crispy players, all have targeted killing ability.

Moreover, the attack of the famous Raytheon is obviously not only that.


Next, from the position of the thunder's chest, a black faint launching cabin was opened.

The hair is red and black, with a slender structure. The micro-missile, which is about one meter long, flies directly from the drill with the tail flame toward the sky.

"This is a javelin missile!"

Scout players, finally issued a message in a timely manner.

However, it is useless. A pet of a bird that is covered with a wind energy shield has been locked by a missile and hit after one second.

This is obviously a special type of missile that did not directly explode when it hit the energy shield that covered the surface of the bird's flying creature.

Instead, it is like the function of a similar armor-piercing projectile, which breaks through the layer of wind energy shield.

Another example is a sharp "Javelin", directly from the abdomen position of the bird, from the bottom up through the body to drill a section from the neck.


Next, it was a fierce explosion inside and outside.

Directly let the head of the leading-level bird pet that has not fully responded to this head completely blast.

Under the impact, I learned the viscera and blood and feathers in the sky, making the air like a rain of meat.

Not to mention, the frequency of launching these missiles by the opposite Raytheon Mech is exactly as fast as the missile attack that the Master has fired.

And the quantity is still five.


Immediately, the sky looks like a fireworks called "Flying Rat", covered by a series of javelin missiles.

"Puff puff……"

In the blink of an eye, the flying pets in the sky who are fighting with the flight units of the Terminator screams in one place, and the blood falls into the ground in the sky.


Even the boss-level golden eagle of the Lonely Star River was hit by a javelin missile hit by the enemy, and the abdomen was instantly blown out of an unintentional blood hole.

He screamed loudly and temporarily withdrew from the air battlefield.

"The attack power of these l-970s is so strong, it feels even stronger than the 70-level z-990."

Among the public command channels, a guild president is somewhat incomprehensible.

"The z-990 is a dual-purpose mechanical unit. It is essentially more focused on transportation. There is obviously a limit to the combat effectiveness. These l-970s are obviously mechas that are completely made for combat. The killing ability is definitely stronger. ""

"And, this is five quasi-boss attacking..."

Looking at these movements is slower, but the attack distance is a super powerful new "Terminator" unit, all the commanders of the joint team feel a bit tricky.

This distance, even if it is a sniper with a legendary weapon, is beyond the scope of the attack.

Even a small number of people rely on talent or weapons to be able to attack.

The powerful bullets from the sniper rifle were attenuated by three kilometers, and the body was huge as the building was like Raytheon.

It just knocked out a glimmer of fire and played some shallow craters, without any substantial threat.

I have to say that it is also a giant unit of arms. It is not so good that these thunder gods are inferior to the beasts, and even the size is even bigger.

Moreover, there are differences between the two grades.

It is clear that the "StarCraft" game is a unit of the same level, but the Thunder armor in "War of War" is obviously far stronger than the Thunder.

Between the quasi-boss and the commander-level units, but there is a gap between the unintentional!

Although the level of the beast is 70, these Raytheon is only a quasi-boss unit of level 60.

This means that the latter will be able to have a certain level of advantage and not be completely resistant.

However, the need to unlock the beast is very low, for those who absolutely need to consume as little points as possible.

It’s not a wise thing to waste your points to help the entire coalition, at this critical moment when the game is over.

"No, those evil fire chariots will be gone, just a little trouble."

"It is inevitable to solve these five Raytheon, otherwise the loss will continue to grow and it will be difficult to accept!"

However, it will definitely not work without processing.

After the emergence of the five Raytheon, taking advantage of the range, just a half minute has already caused more than a dozen dead white lights.

Not to mention that waiting for them to continue to approach will inevitably threaten the personnel of the headquarters.

Just, how can we solve these "Raytheon"?

In "StarCraft", the Zerg has some weakness in the means of the Terran of the Terran. The mainstream tactics are undoubtedly relying on the "puppy" worm to cooperate with the infected insects.

However, it is clear that the experience of the Stars will not work here in the war.

Although the Zerg's worms are summoned in a large number, it is impossible for this armor to cause substantial damage to the thunder, which is thicker than the weapon of the worm.

However, the "infectious insects" have been created despite the wind.

But that can only target a specific biological unit, and this purely mechanical "Raytheon" in front of the eyes is absolutely completely ineffective.

However, Zerg infections do not have the means to control "Raytheon."

However, the mechanical unit of the "human race" is ok.

"Thousands of miles, cats, big pineapples... go with me there!"

The wind quickly summoned, and by the side of the few people he named, black wormholes appeared one after another.


After a dozen seconds, several core players who have never been in the city have been screened by Muzi, appearing on the side of the battlefield, on a hill that is less than a thousand meters away from Raytheon.

“A thousand miles, the core position of Raytheon...”

"Digital cat, debug the instrument, prepare for a while with t-1000 control."

Subsequently, the sniper rifle in his hand, together with a level a "ghost bullet" that could not be traced, directly aimed at the position that the nearest Raytheon was pointed out by.

Yes, what I want to do in the wind is to "transform" these five Raytheon into their own camp.

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