Fatal Shot

Chapter 1133: 100 billion drawings

"Yes, if you can get the drawings of it, this game is not white."

The animal husbandry looked at the giant mechanical octopus boss, which was still striking even after two or three kilometers, and the tone was equally eager.

These advanced Terminator units are really troublesome for the player, but the rewards are not low after the solution!

Because, they will explode "manufacturing drawings."

Up to now, whether it is t-950 or "Ghost Fighter" k-600x, or even the "Transformers" z-990 drawings, never sleep the city has been completed.

With a full set of drawings, you will get a prompt to redeem your points directly after the game.

This means that even if the guild finally lost the game, it still has a good harvest.

After all, both the t-950 and the k660-x are considered high-level mechs, and the z-990 is a category of armed intercepts. It is of great value to the research base of the Everlasting City Terminator, which is mainly used in the armor.

However, these things add up, obviously not as good as the value of the "destroyed furnace" x-999 drawings.

The drawings of the Boss-level war machine are definitely much larger than the value of the boss chip, or the two are not at the same level.

After all, the boss pet chip only makes a boss pet; and once you master the drawings, it is energy to make a boss-level unit!

This is completely the difference between "fish" and "fishing".

In particular, this mechanical octopus is still a functional boss-level unit. In fact, I am afraid it will be even higher than the value of a purely combat-type boss unit.

Such a mechanical manufacturing drawing, at present, the value should definitely be the level of 100 billion up!

"However, I think that this x-999 alone is not expected to burst out of a complete set of drawings."

"After all, the drawings of the pre-boss-class z-990 were fully divided into twenty copies, and some of them were still very small in number. We still agreed to a set of exchanges with Starry and Haoyu! ”

There was some skepticism in the night.

"Latest information!"

"The Yuehuang Guild and the Tianxia Group have also encountered an x-999... It seems that this drawing requires five copies to be completed."

At this time, the animal husbandry touched the micro-communicator on the headset, and the words that were said were almost certainly a guess of the night.

"So, it is likely to be a reward for the offensive of this base or the individual who finally collected the drawings?"

"I said that before the npc has been confiscated, there are specific rewards announced in addition to ‘Founding’ and points redemption. It turned out to be hiding things here.”

With hundreds of billions of credit-level rewards, this reward really has some pride. However, this is probably not the most valuable reward. ”

Long Yuan’s voice is inserted into the channel.

"Obviously, otherwise, why should the Moonhuang Guild and the Tianxia Group risk the fire of the Terminator and compete for the city?"

"I am afraid that the ultimate reward should be there!"

A thousand miles nodded.

"Good, so come."

"No matter which aspect you consider, you need to solve this mechanical octopus as soon as possible. Even if you don't have a complete drawing, the value is very high."

With the wind of the gun, the sound was summed up.

The rest of the guilds choose to withdraw, not necessarily a good thing.

If the boss is completely removed from the city, the final drawing will be taken for granted.

Although, in theory, as long as the first, then all the drawings will be concentrated in the hands, but like this level of drawings, it is best not to go through the other guild people.

Because, for the expert in the mech of the digital cat, even a small part of the drawing has a very important reference value.

And a guild is more able to suppress the development of competitors by collecting relevant rare materials in the drawings.

"But a 79-level mechanical boss, how can you destroy it quickly?"

Shepherd used her fingers to lick her own temples.

Although he is a battlefield commander, his level of combat is not too high. He has not come up with an effective response to the huge monster in the distance.

"Is it not possible to use the l-970 before you use it?"

The little demon standing next to the animal husbandry, some doubts about the wind and a few humanities.

"A real boss-level unit, and the level is so high. I hope that it will not be so simple to control the weapons for us."

"If the control is not successful, but instead loses the t-1000... this loss may be bigger than a functional boss machine."

Watching the wind fall when talking at night.

Whether or not to choose the t-1000 invasion method is definitely determined by the president of the wind and the owner of the t-1000.

However, her words are obviously deliberately reminded.

The single judgement of the various possibilities of combat, the night of the scout's origin is indeed top-notch, almost completely considering the situation that the wind is worried about.


However, before the wind fell to make a decision, there was a garbled number in the eyes of everyone.

"It's the news from those npcs outside!"

The digital cat will stop the control of Raytheon and shift the line of sight to these garbled characters.

"Almost forgot all about it. We seem to be the same camp as the npcs of the competition organizers. Can't they just give us some hanging?"

I have been responsible for the big pineapple that is blocking the shield in the front of the digital cat and blocking some of the Terminator attacks. I am excited about it at first thought.

"Don't think about plug-ins. They can't even pass some normal information. Do you still expect them to help modify the permissions?"

The cold sound of the digital cat mouth broke the fantasy of the big pineapple.

Because the garbled parsing method has been found before, the digital cat "programmed" in the brain, and these new information will soon be deciphered.

"This x-999 has more than ten spare control and energy cores, and the core is set to a small number of commands that are subject to the majority. And, it will automatically replace some of the data in the control core that is occupied, and design itself. When considering the internal invasion by the enemy,"

"So, the way to use the modified program to control it is simply impossible to achieve..."

"The only way is to blow up the key position of the internal support melting furnace, so that it will destroy the core structure by its own high-temperature metal liquid, and destroy itself..."

The words translated by the digital cat made everyone frown.

"Internal key position? The defensive layer of this thing is so thick that even my talents are invisible. I am afraid that in our attack, in addition to the micro missiles on the mech and some special ammunition from the senior terminator, There can be no real effect."

"More importantly, it is farther away from us than most of us, and even if we want to use human tactics to destroy it, we can't do it!"

The current position of the people is behind the battlefield, and the position of the mechanical octopus boss is three kilometers. Even the legendary sniper rifle is difficult to reach so far.

Not to mention, the master and the warrior profession!

"We can use the 24k ability to send an attack from behind or to the side as before."

Big pineapple honed the road.

"Thinking is too simple, have you calculated it, what is the distance between its rear position and the mechanical base?"

Shaking his head at night.

"Within two kilometers!"

The gap between the battlefield and the Machinery City is five kilometers, and the mechanical octopus is close to three kilometers. This simple data naturally does not need to be considered.

"Even as an auxiliary unit of mechanical octopus, the distance of attack is close to three kilometers. Do you think there will be no weapons for long-range attacks in the base of the Terminator?"

"Don't think about it later. There is a problem with the side. Once you are separated from the big forces, it is the siege of ordinary Terminators. We can't stand it!"

In the night, let the big pineapple understand that he really did not consider it.

The reason why bosses are bosses is that people have younger brothers. Although mechanical units are different from biological units, mechanical octopuses really have a younger brother.

Moreover, these mechanical squid also have a very powerful detection function!

The wind has tried, and the scouting beetle can't be close to the mechanical octopus boss within five hundred meters.

"The wind president, your kind of sniper rifle, should be able to attack its interior?"

A thousand miles back, some look forward to the wind.

As a sniper, the truth is that he is particularly envious of the "stunning" attribute of the wind, and the upper limit of the sniper rifle that the secluded energy condenses is even more desirable.

Something was not updated yesterday, there will be three more today, and the day before yesterday!

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