Fatal Shot

Chapter 1137: Block A, absolutely zero!


"Hurry to hide!"

"I can't read it."

This scene, the audience who just cheered for the "metal magma bomb" for the wind and the wind, once again mentioned the heart to the eyes of the blind man.

Even some female players can't help but close their eyes and don't want to see the wind falling from the shells into countless pieces.

"This is really, enough to value me... Is it Skynet, or is it the order of the mechanical octopus?"

Continue to fall in the wind, constantly absorbing the black gas rushing from the bottom of the battlefield, the demon wings behind it are recovering rapidly.

However, even if he is, it is impossible to say "waves" again.

He was able to use the "matrix" of spades to cut off the huge "metal magma bombs", but obviously there was no way to cut out the huge number of bullets and shells!

Not to mention, there is no shortage of energy attacks launched by technological weapons!

So the only choice is... escape!


At the moment of forming, the black air wings behind the wind swelled up and raised a lot of purple flames.

Then, the whole person was like a shell, and the head and down feet accelerated toward the bottom.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

And almost as he accelerated, a large wave of attacks in the sky behind him had fallen to his original position.

The various energy clusters and high-temperature flames formed by the serial explosions even rushed down and shook his figure in a short period of time.

This short time difference seems to be that he was first hit and then pushed by the impact.

This scene, let some players, the heart once again raised hope.

"No, he is actively falling!"

However, it was later discovered that the speed of the wind fell directly from the spread of the energy mass, knowing that the wind fell deliberately and then sinked again.

"Fortunately, I have prepared for the hand!"

And the wind in the sky is not so much thought to take care of those who are like a roller coaster.

His attention is focused on the "escape" in front of him. Although this high-speed drop can avoid some of the fixed trajectories like bullets and shells.

However, some of the more advanced, like tracking missiles, are difficult to avoid.


In addition, advanced units such as mechanical octopus bosses rely on powerful detection and computing capabilities.

Even through his speed calculation in a flash, at the moment of launch, change the ballistics to predict the shooting!


However, the wind is also pre-judgment, the life of the original protozoa wings behind the earthquake, the body speed is approaching the ground is not reduced.

After a second, like a shell, it crashed into the river...

Yes, the river.

The location of the giant mechanical octopus boss is the lake that was dug by the river. Since it is a river, it is naturally impossible to confine it to that piece.

How can the wind fall to choose a position to fight for no reason?

The reason why I went through the wormhole is because I saw the river below.


When the wind fell into the river, it caused a wave of more than ten meters.

On the other side, the giant mechanical octopus boss, which has been melted by molten metal, has launched its last attack.

A red-hot "metal magma ball" spans two kilometers and draws an arc in the air. It is almost chasing the wind and falling down into the river!


Thousands of high-temperature metal **** touched the river water, suddenly arousing a lot of white water vapor, and a lot of white fog formed on the river surface to cover up the wind and falling shadow.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

"Da da da……"

However, a large number of long-range attacks, but still chasing the wind into the water to catch up.

Intractable attacks, as well as heavy weapons such as missiles and high-energy bombs, fell together on the river and swallowed the location of the wind.

Moreover, the rivers in that area have picked up the wind and waves that are rising from the sky, and some of the burning nature of the shells have caused the white fog on the surface of the river to soar, and even the entire river surface can not be seen.



The warriors and the people who never sleep in the city have been constantly exclaimed when the wind fell.

Although the player's vision cannot see the situation in the river because of the white fog and waves on the water surface.

However, people do not doubt that with this violent degree of attack, even if it is a high-level quasi-boss or even boss, it is estimated that it can not hold!

Even if the wind falls off the previous "metal magma ball", it is unlikely to survive under this attack.

"Fast, solve the Terminator in the sky!"

The animal husbandry anxiously ordered the people of the city that never sleeped to attack the flying units that continued to fire in the sky.

"All help, solve the attacker's terminator on the ground!"

And the people of Haoyu and Star Company, which are close to this side, also assisted under the orders of the top.

Under the efforts of the three major guilds, the number of flying class Terminators in the sky was finally destroyed!

As for the terminator on the ground, because the angle of the lake is much lower than in the sky, there are not many places where the wind can fall after falling into the lake.

Moreover, their original opponents will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity, and in the case of various firepower attacks, they will soon be completely destroyed.


When there was no attack, the white fog that shrouded the surface of the river finally dissipated. In the anxious eyes of the night-time city and the watching players, the situation inside was revealed.

The first thing that was noticed was a black deformation "shield".

To be precise, it is the "metal magma bomb" thrown by the last round of mechanical octopus!

However, the color of this shell was changed from red to black of low-temperature metal, like an incredibly fast cooling, and turned into a pattern like an elliptical hemispherical metal shield.

This side of the "shield", at this time is being wrapped in a huge piece of almost the entire section of the river, with a small blue ice wrapped in it.

Not just the shells fired by mechanical octopus bosses.

There are also a large number of remaining attack warheads, and the shrapnel of the micro-missiles, including those who have been hit by the city that never sleeps, hit a ghost warplane that fell into the river, and are frozen by this huge ice.

Even some of the water waves that were created during the impact on the lake were frozen in the air.

In the center of this huge ice, because there is no one who appears to be a very clear riverbed position, you can see the wind that is also frozen in it.

It’s just a little different from the previous one. At this time, the black, burning rock-like demon life protozoa armor on the wind has turned into a light blue-like armor.

The pair of wings that were originally black smoke and even burning flames have become a form of white fog with a blue shape!

The blues in the surrounding ice are actually caused by the pores of the body of the wind, constantly rushing through the wings to the blue mist in the surrounding ice.

These blue mists emit deadly low temperatures and cold air, and in theory should be very strong in the ice layer, as if there is life, the random diffusion moves.

Ice tyrant life protozoa (quasi-boss level)!

These blue fogs are the last variants of the wind before the game, from the mutant Boss-class tyrant, the harvest of life protozoa.

Of course, only relying on the ice life protozoa, especially because of the previous cloud bomb attacks, the number of transformed ice life protozoa is not enough, it is impossible to block a large number of finishers so long to gather fire and rotten .

The bigger reason should be attributed to the fact that it is suspended in front of the wind.

The color became like a frosty and diamond-like transparent, mysterious playing card that kept sucking around the temperature.

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Additional skills: Absolute zero!

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