Fatal Shot

Chapter 803: Liquid metal armor

The position of the rear ten giant metal "water raft" machinery, this time is already a mess.

The flexibility of those off-road vehicles is obviously impossible compared to energy motorcycles, not to mention the above-mentioned manipulators are not likely to have master-class driving skills and superhuman reaction speed.

Therefore, at least half of the energy traffic vehicles are trapped there, crashing and overturning...

The more above players are yelling and shooting, trying to attack the giant metal "water raft" machine that has been pressed by volume or bitten down!

However, whether it is a bullet or an attack, the giant metal "water raft" mechanical image is a metalized body that is set up by a disc and a gear. It is just a spark that bursts into a ball, and it does not have much effect.

The defensive power of this 50-level or more leading-level mechanical unit is not comparable to the previous elite below 40!


Even the wind and the gun, the bullet with the wing of death that destroys the ecstasy can not completely break its armor!

The wind fell into the field of vision, but the bullet was still not affected, and continued to frantically destroy the second giant metal “water raft” machine of an energy buggy underneath.

The look on the face is not surprising.

Because, as mentioned before, even if it destroys the solace, it can only directly destroy the control core of this giant metal "water raft" machine at a suitable angle!

So now, at this angle, even if the wind falls, it can't be effective.

However, in the case that it has been clear for a long time, since the wind has been shot, there is naturally a reason.

If someone has the strength to observe the bullet position of the second giant metal "water raft" at this time, it can be found that although the gun did not cause much effect.

However, after the destruction of the surface of the sniper bullet was completely consumed, the warhead inside was exposed with a silver color instead of the bronze of the previous "drilling armor"!

"Attack 10!"

"After hitting, the energy liquefies, against the nature of the alloy, causing a hole penetration or softening effect."

The wind blows this bullet not the f-level "core-piercing projectile" but the old John gets another new type of bullet, a "liquid bullet" made also for mechanical units.

When struck with a hard target, the entire energy carried by the bullet and its own kinetic energy will be converted into heat, so that the solid metal of the rare material melts, and then the armor is broken down by the volume and temperature of the expansion!

Even liquid high-temperature metals can burn or even destroy targets behind armor.

This principle is actually the principle of the armored ammunition on the earth.

The difference is that the conventional armor-piercing projectile on the earth uses high temperature and energy to cause the liquefaction of the armor itself, but this bullet is mainly based on the nature of its own material.

Moreover, the conventional armor-piercing projectile does not work in the face of too thick a target, but the seed bomb can not be pierced even if the material at the bullet point can be penetrated, and the alloy of the target point can be made by liquid suspension and extrusion after the hit. Embrittle!

Thus, the next shot can easily penetrate the target!

"The effect is good..."

Through the scope, the wind fell clearly, in just a few seconds.

The position of the giant metal "water raft" mechanical bullet has already appeared in a hole full of fist size, showing a melted silver-gray performance!

"Then, the second shot should be able to solve it!"

The whisper of the wind slammed, the finger has pressed the trigger of the Death Wing heavily!


Attached with a layer of black liquid metal armored ammunition, heavily bombarded the armored hole in the first shot of the giant metal "water raft" body!

Hey... bang!

This second 52-level master-class giant metal "water raft", like the first one, fell directly to the ground and squatted on the half-destroyed energy buggy below!

The Wings of Death achieves a b-level damage factor, plus a liquid alloy armor-piercing projectile, and enhanced bullet characteristics of the legendary magazine and a four-fold damage to the solace.

Under two consecutive shots, even the rigorous core protective layer of the giant metal "water raft" mechanical defense was thoroughly penetrated.

The only problem is that this bullet is also a high-cost item, just like the previous core-piercing projectile.

On the power bonus is only equivalent to the d-class bullet, but the first cost is above 500 credits. The cost of the single bullet is absolutely high in the bullet!

Fortunately, the wind feels that there is no problem that can't be used.

After all, even if it is a bullet with 1000 credits, in theory, he will be able to buy 100,000 credits with 100 million credits, which is enough for several years.

Therefore, I have to say that the game of "War of War" is fair to everyone starting from no matter what.

But the star player is definitely superior to the average player!

This point, if it is not obvious in the wind, it is completely reflected in the other battlefields.

"Be careful, the fighters resisted..."

"My day, it has a high defense and can't move completely!"

"Don't save, use big tricks..."

In less than half a minute, the wind has solved the two-headed metal "water raft" machinery, but the remaining 100 players add up, but even one has not yet killed.

Because these types of metal "water raft" machinery appeared too suddenly, the scouts in the team did not detect it at all.

Moreover, it is directly in the center of the team. In the case of being unable to form a team, it is very difficult to use a wide range of skills or machine guns for these mechanical units without life.

Because, it is very likely that I have not been able to solve the type of metal "water raft" machinery, I have already killed other people!

In this case, it is estimated that only the star-level master players can achieve accurate attacks!


A reloaded energy off-road vehicle door that was hit by the Moon Group in the edge of the impact was forcibly opened. The past ran with the help of two players and the other side of the battlefield, because it rolled on the ground. The legendary energy robes covered in sand are really awkward.

However, the metal-type "water raft" machinery that had just overturned the off-road vehicle he was sitting on was obviously not ready to let them go, drilling directly on the sand and chasing them.

"Damn... you top it, I use the skill to control it!"

There has always been a trend in the face of outsiders, and there is no way to calm down.

His face ugly yelled at the two men, then hurriedly took out a red spiral test tube from the backpack and then injected it directly into the arm.

Force drug!

If the wind falls, you can definitely recognize the potion in the hands of the wind.

It is the "pseudo-original potion" developed by Lin.

The auction house has almost 2 million credit points and can only provide 200 Forces. It can support up to two or three Forces skills!

To talk about the willingness to spend money, the wind is really not as good as the big guild star players who help others pay.

Although he personally has money, he certainly does not feel bad about spending other people's money.

"The **** of God!"

After using the Forced Pharmacy, facing the giant metal “Water Margin” machine that has already reached the distance of ten meters, the past seems to have a sigh of relief.

In the legendary energy robes full of sand on the body, suddenly there is no wind and automatic.

Immediately after an invisible force, the past was centered on the wind, and rushed toward the giant metal “water raft” machine that was thrown in front.


The giant metal "water raft" that was originally rushing to him led the machinery. Suddenly, the speed was slow, and the huge metal body seemed to be banned!

Legendary equipment attached to the original force skills!

The effect is naturally not to say more.

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