Fatal Shot

Chapter 832: Zerg base! (two in one)

"Well? You feel the fluctuation of the crystal of the crystal!"

The wind felt the 24k message from the spiritual link, and some surprise in the eyes.

"Hey, hey!"

24k mouth with some excitement shouting.

The golden body suspended in the air, flapping the wing, flew to the dunes that were hidden from the devil before the far away.

The wind started to start the energy motorcycle and followed it up.

"Hey, hey..."

A minute later, one person and one worm went to the side of the dune.

"Is there a crystal in the bottom?"

Asked the wind.

"Hey, hey!"

24k replied.

"You mean, under the sand dunes, there are some deep positions."

The wind fell on the sand dune in front of him.

Because the devil scorpion hidden in the sand dunes had already rushed out and was completely killed.

So the tip of the sand dune has completely collapsed.

And as such, it has been discovered before the wind fell.

The judgment that he thought that the black thing in the middle was a dead stump was actually wrong.

It seems that this is more like a black pillar with a pointed tip. The bottom of the pillar is still hidden in the lower half of the sand dune, and you can't see how deep it is.

"Is it? Crystal can be related to this pillar?"

The wind is in doubt.

"Well, no!"

"This thing seems to be a kind of structure like a sharp corner of a certain kind of creature or a tip of a limb."

I carefully observed this black pillar.

The eyes of the wind are condensed.

This thing should not be a pillar, but a structure of a certain creature.

The wind is really a bit surprising, but it is not very worried.

Because the reconnaissance beetle that came in advance has already detected that there is no life fluctuation in the pillar and within a depth of ten meters below.

It is very likely that this column, even though it is really a biological structure, should have died. This is a corpse that has been preserved in a special environment of the desert.

This is also why he found it wrong before, but it did not prevent 24k from approaching.

"Hey, hey..."

At 24k this time, after floating on the sand dune, I called a few beetles that came over.


Several collection beetles get the order, drill directly into the middle of the pit of the dune, and then drill down.


However, it seems a bit curious to collect a beetle from a larger elite, after climbing to the center.

I opened the mouthpiece and bit it against the black pillar!


The elite collecting beetles can bite the hard mouthparts of the stone like tofu and bite it on the "pillar", but it has no effect.

"Hey, hey..."

24k in the air, six small paws waving.

It seems that I am very dissatisfied with such a stupid younger brother, let it follow a few of the same, but take the crystal underneath.


The elite collected the beetle, shook the mouthparts that had been picked up, and then drilled down.

"Is this corpse so hard?"

However, the wind is somewhat interesting.

With some curiosity, he walked up the sand dunes and took out the devil's weep from the tactical vest.

Then, use about 80% of the force to reach out and lie in the middle of the "black pillars".


As a legendary saber, the sharpness of Devil May Cry is unquestionable!

However, when the blade of Devil's Weep collided with the pillar, it was only a spark, and then it was directly shaken.

It can be seen that the position in the blade is not even traced!

"It's so hard!"

Some surprises were revealed in the wind.

Although he did not use all his strength, he did not open the additional skills of Devil May Cry or use the explosive point, but only tentatively used Devil May Cry.

However, the sharpness of Devil May Cry has reached level b.

The b-level sharpness can't leave traces on it. Is the defense coefficient of this corpse suspected of a certain creature too high?

However, it is still behind to make the wind more surprising.

In the following, after he attached a ruin to the top of the saber.

It is found that even the ruin of the super-thick high-grade alloy can be penetrated. In the face of this black "pillar", it is not as indestructible as before.

Attached to the knife that destroys the solitude, even a knife mark with a depth of only a few millimeters is drawn on it!

This is still the case when the explosion point has been opened and the whole force is taken out.

“Is this defense factor a level? Or is it still higher?”

The wind is really feeling a little shocked.

Because, in the following, he tried more tests.

As a result, whether it is the corrosive ability of the spray beetle or the laser burning of the steel beetle, it does not have much effect on this.

Even the wind-killing killer, with the b-level armor-piercing projectile that destroys the solitude, even with the b-class armor-piercing projectile that destroys the solitude, only hits a pit about one centimeter when hitting it.

The diameter of this column, the part of the surface exposed by light is more than one meter.

This means that he does not want to break this column!

"What the **** is this, the defense is so strong... Is it... is the corpse of a certain Zerg?"

With this result, the wind fell in amazement, and suddenly there was a move in my heart.

How did the secluded crystal come into production? At present, he has not found a conclusion.

Although, before the "honest good businessman" said that his friend was stolen from a ruin from the boss's lair.

But the wind can not really believe in the words of a businessman who has "honest" in his name.

On the contrary, a group of short-haired girls said that they should be more reliable.

They are unintentionally obtained in the desert.

It’s a little strange to find a stone in the desert that doesn’t have any attributes. It’s not surprising that someone picks it up.

And based on this, there is a guess in the wind.

It is very likely that the crystal can not be the product of the planet, but should be a foreign product like the zerg, which is brought to the planet by the zerg to supplement energy or do something else...

Well, if this speculation is set up.

This is actually the fluctuation of the crystal of the solitude, which may mean that this "pillar" is the corpse structure of a certain Zerg unit.

After all, the Zerg was the place where it landed, or the dead desert area of ​​the dead jungle.

In the battle that used the weapons of destruction, this piece of the desert that was razed to the desert did not know how many zerg corpses were buried!

"However, it is a bit miscalculated. It should be called a scout."

However, the wind is looking at the front of this defensive power is simply an incredible "pillar", the heart slightly regretted that alone alone.

Although, with his strength, in the case of 24k and reconnaissance beetles, there is almost no danger of loneliness in this intermediate map area.

However, it is impossible to know which kind of Zerg body is this?

And if there is a scout here at this time, a reconnaissance technique will definitely get some information.

This is the advantage of scout players.

The number of people who have never been in the city has exceeded 20,000.

As a president, he found a scout to help with the task, it is very easy, no one can say that he is using power for personal gain!

"Just, still get used to one person!"

The wind fell and shook his head.

Since there are no scouts, they can only be explored by scouting beetles and collecting beetles.


In addition to these collection of beetles, the urgent 24k is the collection of beetles that have cleaned up the trophy of the desert devil, and all of them have been sent.

A full twenty, collecting beetles, moving in the ground is actually very fast.

However, because 24k gave them the command to look for the crystal, they all slowed down and "sneaked" and searched down the black pillars.

One thing I have to mention here is that 24k is after breaking through level 50, or because of the increase in solitude.

There are also some other benefits that can be obtained from a common combat beetle to some extent.

Although these collection beetles are not scouting beetles, 24k is also able to feel that they are encountering along the way.

In the process, the wind is more and more surprised.

Because a few collect beetles, this time has been deeper than 50 meters.

As a result, the root of this column has not yet been found.

It’s not very long to look at more than 50 meters, but imagine that it’s close to twenty stories, you can know how deep the pillar is deep underground.

A creature, even if only a "corner" structure on the body is so long, how large is its volume?

No, to be precise, it is not fifty meters.

Because the collection beetle continues to drill below.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the collecting beetles finally reached the bottom of the "pillar", which was almost 100 meters away from the ground.

A hundred meters of pillars?

Is this really a body structure like a Zerg unit?

The wind has even suspected that it is wrong to judge whether there is such a large Zerg unit.

However, the fact is that he has judged correctly.

The diameter at the bottom has been enlarged to about ten meters, and the beetle has encountered a layer of carapace, one layer of which they can not bite and feel the same quality as the pillar.

But this is not the end...

After half an hour.

At this point, the mood of the wind has been slightly numb.

Because, at this time, the farthest distance to collect beetles has climbed to a position three kilometers away from them!

The carapace of the suspected zerg unit still exists under the desert.

Three kilometers, what is this concept?

This is almost the same level as the spaceship found in the dungeon.

The body of this suspected zerg unit hidden deep in the ground for a hundred meters is even larger than expected by the wind.

What kind of corpse is this zerg?

Even if the wind fell back and tried to think of the units in the interstellar game, some of them couldn’t understand.

Thunder beast?

It doesn't seem like it.

In addition, there is a news that makes 24k depressed and anxious.

It is within this three-kilometer range that the collection of beetles did not reveal the crystal.

To be precise, the energy spar that is sensed by 24k should be underneath that carapace or within the column.

However, in such a long time, the collection of beetle groups did not find a channel that could go down to the carapace to get the crystal.


Until another five minutes.

Some languid 24k suddenly raised his head from the shoulders of the wind and shouted in his mouth.

“Is there a beetle collected and an entrance?”

The heart of the wind fell.


Two minutes later, the wind and the wind fell, standing in a position about two kilometers from the pillar.

This is the bottom of the center of a circular dune, and the “hole” found by the beetle is located in the center of the center of the ring.

Moreover, because of the low terrain, the hole is shallow from the ground, only a depth of more than ten meters.

Of course, if it is a general player, even if it is this distance, there is no way to go down. After all, the ground is all soft sand.

Of course, the wind will not go down, but if he does not go down, it does not mean that he cannot explore the situation inside.


A collecting beetle was drilled out of the sand and then drilled back.

A hole was left behind it, and a scouting beetle followed it and climbed into the hole.

Then, the wind fell off a sunscreen tent from the backpack and found a position to tie it up.

Then the whole person got in and the eyes became hollow.



There was a piece of darkness in the field of vision, only the sound of some two beetles moving.

Although this position is very close to the shell, but because of the large amount of sand entering the hole, it took two minutes, after the two beetles drilled the sand, the vision changed.

At the moment of drilling the sand, the body of a seemingly familiar Zerg was directly exposed to the vision of the scouting beetle.

No, to be precise, not one, but a large one.

The wind fell at a glance and found that there were thousands of "scorpions" like things in the field of vision.

This thing is very familiar, because he saw it in the data of the experimental base No. 2.

This is the most basic but most important unit of the Zerg.

The game is called "worker bee", similar to the existence of collecting beetles, specializing in collecting various resources for the Zerg!

However, why there are so many worker bees underneath this carapace.

And not one, is it thousands?

"Hey, hey..."

The wind has not yet been clarified.

The 24k around him suddenly cried, with a high degree of excitement in his voice.

This kind of excitement is even more obvious than the previous discovery of the crystal.


"You mean, this huge thing is the base of the Zerg?"

And 24k's message from the spiritual link with an excited emotion is just the same as the wind is equally excited.

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