Fatal Shot

Chapter 862: The third agent instructor?

"You, we must complete this arduous task, clean up the mutants in the two areas b and c!"

"It's not for me, not for someone. It's for the entire federation, for our mission to enter the White City this time!"

In a large conference room of a luxury hotel, the middle-aged diplomatic head of the head of the hotel, who is on the top of his head and abdomen, is being surrounded by several negotiating civilians and speaks loudly.

"I know that this mission is dangerous, but I believe that everyone will not have the slightest fear. Because the entire federation is your solid backing."

"We want the people of the White City to see the powerful fighting power of the federal soldiers and prove that our federation can provide them with the safest protection..."

The head of the diplomatic team was serious and excited, even speaking, waving his arms to strengthen his tone of speech.

However, under the tactical helmets of the fifty npc special soldiers below, they were cold-faced one by one.

Without applause, naturally there is no applause.

"The big bag on the negotiating table will be able to boost morale before the war... Hey, it really is worthy of being a member of the diplomatic corps. This is a verbal effort!"

Standing in the corner of the room, the corner of the wind fell.

"I think if these soldiers ask him to go to the sewers together, will he still be so impassioned as he is now?"

"Is it estimated that my stomach will suddenly hurt?"

In the interface of the agent glasses, the eyes smiled faintly.

"Is it found out that among the people associated with Spades Jack, is there a person with an invisible force?"

The wind fell in favor and then turned his attention.

"Not yet, although each agent department has its own intelligence database, it is not the intelligence focus of our department about the original power masters... Perhaps there will be information in the intelligence bureau, they are better at this aspect. ""

"But because the two departments are in competition, the other party did not share information with us, right?"

The wind fell a bit unexpectedly.

"I will ask them to provide information sharing!"

"However, there is a new intelligence, you may be more interested." Eyes said.


The wind fell and raised an eyebrow.

"According to the inside, one of the responsible persons of the rebel army in the White City is the ‘death woman’.” Eyes said.

"Death woman?"

The wind has repeated this title, which is obviously a "nickname."

“Remember the violent white woman you encountered in the base of the Dragon and Mercenary Mercenary in the last month of the Silvermoon?”


"is her?"

Of course, the wind falls.

The npc woman almost dropped his second leg at the time.

Still in the case that he opened the "life armor".

And that is also the first time he really saw the power of the advanced npc combat power of the awakening force.

"She recently killed three CIA agents, which led to the failure of the Intelligence Bureau's mission, and it was a heavy loss."

"Then, in a rage, a comprehensive wanted order was issued among the three agents."

"If you can kill her, you can at least get a b-level agent and 5000 points. If you can catch it, you can even get a level a permission, but the redemption can only be limited to what they provide..."


"5000 points? Level a permission!"

The eyes of the wind are wide.

His special agent task, the basic reward is just a level a authority, and that white woman, even a value of a level?

Comparable to more than one legendary equipment.

Of course, this refers to the case of live capture.

In fact, it is almost impossible to want to catch the npc woman alive.

The wind fell but knew the fighting power of the woman.

At that time, the white woman even had a positive battle with Ada Wang.

Although she was defeated in the end, it was because there was still a "nightingale" hidden on the side, which made her unable to really exert her full strength.

By the name "death woman", we can know how powerful her murder is.

For this kind of power-type force, with the legendary sniper rifle, the wind seems to be more sure to kill, but it is really not possible.

However, this piece of information does have a lot of value.

"One, two, three... So, in the White City, there are at least three high-level npcs in the hostile camp of the Awakened Force!"

"And on our side, there are at least three instructors who are aware of the Force... As far as the players are concerned, there may be hidden..."

The wind fell quickly and thought.

This kind of camp competition task arranged by the system will definitely make the strength of both sides as average as possible.

This three-on-three look is more in line with the principle of fairness.

However, there are players on both sides to participate in this mission, and there are also the army and police forces of the White City on the federal side...

Therefore, it is not certain that there will be no new advanced npcs on the rebel side!

This is also why, since the first day, the wind has not completely exposed its own strength, so that it is a rare sniper rifle, and it is rarely used to destroy the solace.

Otherwise, if he really did his best last night.

Even if the hand is a normal sniper rifle, there is no way to leave the original npc master with stealth ability.


The wind is in the heart of thinking about the current situation.

When I looked up, I realized that the center’s leadership speech had ended and it was replaced by a diplomatic group official who was scheduling the next move.

What surprised him was that the middle-aged diplomatic leader of Xie Ding came to him at this time.

"Mr. Link!"

The official of the middle-aged leader of Xie Ding, with a sly smile, walked in front of the wind.

The wind fell into the team as a "security expert", and other npcs did not know his true identity.

However, the head of the npc knows his identity.

At least, I know that he is an "agent".

"Mr. Link, those adventurers are led by you to zone c. I hope that you will split the squadron with the sergeant in the b zone and clean up the monsters in the sewer as soon as possible. Let us quickly sign the agreement. Down, this is also for the entire federation..."

The npc official of Xie Ding is going to give a speech.

The wind fell through his eyes and directly voted for a federal npc soldier with a captain's rank and wearing a body armor following the npc official.

This is a physically strong, about one meter eight or so, the whole person is full of elite temperament soldiers.

A short brown hair with a slightly yellowish and Caucasian mixed character.

The most important thing is that his eyes are very god-like, giving people the feeling that they can see through the heart.

At this time, he also happened to look at the wind with a pair of particularly god-like eyes.


The two are opposite each other.

The bottom of the wind fell slightly, then retracted the line of sight, and the corner of his mouth showed a few smiles.

Most of the people in the room are focused on the official who is arranging the mission.

Among the civilian staff of the negotiating team, the female npc wearing glasses and striped shirts seems to be focusing on what is being recorded.

However, her pair of glasses were partially obscured by the glasses, but they were not inferior to the captain of the captain, and the mouth of the mouth showed a taste of play.

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