Fatal Shot

Chapter 864: Storm suit

When the wind fell and the little fat man walked into the meeting place, the whole room instantly became quiet. .

There are a total of 300 players participating in the assessment.

However, there are only one hundred people who entered the White City. Now, there are only 32 people left in this 100 people.

This elimination rate is undoubtedly very high!

Of course, this is obviously much milder than the big slain mission on the Death Hunter Island at the time.

When I saw the wind coming in, these people stopped their actions and cast their sights on the wind, but no one spoke.

After all, not everyone can be as exaggerated as a little fat man to make a "np" flattering.

Holding a conspicuous box of wind in the hand, the eyes swept around the assessment player in the entire room.

Finally, the gaze of the 019 light armored warrior hidden in the middle of the crowd was given.

The face of the wind has become a bit sneer, and in the eyes of the No. 19 appraisers, there are some hates that are not convinced and hidden.

The two looked at each other for three or four seconds.

This abnormal situation.

Undoubtedly let the appraisers have some keen people, what they feel.

The two players who were close to the light armored fighters immediately opened some distance.


The light armor's teeth bite.

There was no buzz, but finally I couldn’t bear the gaze of the people around me, and I would have lowered my eyes with the wind.

The light armor retreats, and the wind turns around, but it is once again violently sweeping the violent unparalleled two people in the corner of the crowd.

Because all the players in the assessment are fighting each other.

The situation in which the only two people stand together is undoubtedly easy to attract attention.

However, the reason why the wind fell to the two.

However, because of his strong mental strength, he is keenly aware that these two people, especially the violent unparalleled eyes are different from other people.

This different kind of gaze makes the wind slightly frown.

However, when the wind turned over and looked at the past.

The two have quickly avoided his gaze like the No. 19 player, so that the wind did not carefully observe the expressions of the two of them, nor did they directly recognize the two "acquaintances" in the "disguise" state. "identity of.

However, there is no time for the wind to go deeper into the anomalies of the two.

Because at this time, the last player to check, has been wearing agent glasses disguised as sunglasses, and a sniper rifle box pretending to be a violin case came in.

And when he entered the house.

The wind saw that in the room, there were several players whose pupils were shrinking at the same time, and the face showed a bit of taboo.

This person is naturally 009!

The super sniper player of the northern city that had been gambling with the wind last night was also no.2, which is almost equal to the first place in the assessment standings.

The reason why these people recognized him at first sight.

This is the same camouflage face used by young players 009 from yesterday to today.

Unlike other players, I dare not expose my characteristics.

There are a few people who are unlucky because of the primary camouflage pharmacy in the cooling, even wearing a helmet and a mask.

Speaking of it, the strength of the 009 youth is actually only the second place?

Undoubtedly, this has given the wind a little interest in the first place.

So, he finally looked at it.

It seems to be out of the group with everyone, standing alone at the edge of the room, looking out the window, tall and burly heavy armored players.

This person is No. 88, the current point no.1!

"People are all together."

"Very good, three minutes, put all the weapons and equipment."

"This time, the task will be included in the assessment indicators, and will also determine the assessment of my hands."

The wind is not too much.

In a word, the players who are present are blinking.

And he himself, already carrying the box into a room next to him.

After closing the door, open the big box and reveal a set of black and black equipment.

This is a set of black and black, no decorative and engraved patterns, it looks, even with some of the finest level of ordinary lightweight power armor very similar to the armor.

If you say that it is compared with the Phoenix set of "Phoenix Set", let people choose.

Absolutely 99% of people will choose to see the Phoenix suit of advanced equipment.

The remaining one percent of the people are estimated to have chosen the wrong one, or they are gambling or speculative, and they will choose this very common "storm suit".

Yes, the storm suit.

This is the name of the “legendary lightweight power armor” that Old John has created for the wind and the wind.

This name, speaking, is still inspired by the Phoenix.

When the wind was ready to give himself this set of equipment orders, Phoenix was very interested in suggesting that her armor, like her armor, was named after her own id.

After the wind fell into consideration, I felt that this was really a viable thing.

However, the name "windfall suit" or "wind leaf suit" is undoubtedly a bit too lacking in domineering.

As for the big pineapple, I was excited to suggest that it was named "Slayer Dragon Warrior, Dragon War Armor..." according to the agent code.

The decisiveness of the wind is also ignored!

In the end, the wind decided to choose the word "storm".

This is both the name of the "storm" city, with a little urban flavor.

More importantly, the word "storm" can reflect the two important characteristics of this set of armor.

Storm, the combination of speed and strength!

It is also the most appropriate description for this set of legendary armor.

However, this set of legendary armor.

The biggest feature is not these two points...


Because the storm armor has never been exposed in front of others since it was manufactured, the wind naturally does not worry about being guessed by anyone from the equipment.

However, when the wind fell out of the room wearing a storm suit.

Undoubtedly, let the rest of the players who have already changed the equipment, the face is a glimpse.

"What is the situation? This is, light armor!"

"No... isn't he a sniper, even wearing a light armor?"

The first time, the players are all puzzled.

"Wait, second career..."

"His second career is a light armor!"

Then many people reacted.

Second career!

Players who participate in the agent's assessment naturally know the advantages of the hidden profession of the agent.

As a special agent instructor, how could there be no second career?

"His second career turned out to be a light armored warrior, but this is totally incompatible with the sniper profession."

"Although the sniper and the light armor are just one of the farthest attack distances, one of the strongest melee abilities. However, because the attribute bonuses are different, it is obviously better to match the scouts!"

"If I change my job successfully, I must choose the same gunman career... whether it is a scout or a machine gunner better than a soldier!"

After seeing the wind and the "Second Occupation", these players who have already reached the final step have some excitement.

"Mr. Link, are you ready?"

At this time, an np officer wearing a Ruffed Republican 腮 腮 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 站在 n n n n

This is a real np, not a player disguise.

In order to prevent too much turmoil during the cleanup process, the np official was sent by the high-ranking Republic of Raf to help communicate with the public.

Of course, the “monitoring” meaning of the wind is suspected to be even greater.

"Take action!"

The wind has swept through the armed forces, at least all of them are rare equipment evaluation players, and started the order.

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