Fatal Shot

Chapter 876: Underground laboratory

"How was it attacked?"

This news makes the look of the wind fall.

He knows that since these tyrants carrying the evolutionary virus have appeared.

Then the important story of this mission is definitely to begin.

However, the wind fell originally thought.

The first situation is likely to be a team of cleaned tyrants who were suddenly attacked by rebel fighters during the cleanup.

Because from the news of the scouting of the beetles yesterday, we can know that these tyrants should be very important for those "enemies."

They probably won't sit down and watch these tyrants clean up, so it's possible to launch the so-called "action" ahead of time.

This is why he left some appraisers and kept on the ground without entering the sewer.

However, it seems a bit beyond his expectations.

The tyrants in this area have been completely killed, but the rebel forces have not yet appeared.

Instead, the president of the Republic of Raf in the presidential palace was attacked!

"The specific situation still does not understand. The news was blocked by the people of the Republic of Raffles. We just just got this information."

"But, to be sure, it should be due to the fact that the guards of the presidential palace have been transferred out to clean up the mutants of the sewers, and to cooperate with the police to maintain law and order, which has given the assassin a chance."

The face is serious and authentic.

"This should be."

The wind fell into disappointment and agreed to nod.

The Republic of Raf has a total of more than a thousand troops, and the troops in the White City were all stationed near the presidential palace.

However, in order to clean up the tyrant's leeches, both the diplomatic corps and the presidential palace have been drawn a lot.

And at this time, it is almost always in the sewers to fight the tyrants.

The enemy seized this opportunity and successfully assassinated the President of the Republic of Rif.

"See the move, adjust the tiger to the mountain..."

The wind fell and the brow wrinkled.

Obviously, he immediately suggested clearing these dangerous creatures carrying evolutionary viruses and parasites because he knew the secrets of the tyrant's leeches yesterday.

This directly destroyed the plan of the rebels.

The rebel forces were not willing to show weakness and directly hit a blow.

And this blow directly hit the "critical" of the federal land.

The reason is that it is the key.

It is because the wind fell this special agent task, in addition to serving as the player's examiner.

A more important task is actually to protect the "Lovsky" president of this small country.

Even this is the primary task.

But now, obviously this task is being messed up.

However, the wind is not very anxious, because this is not his fault.

He was assigned to deal with the sewers because the diplomatic head asked the senior officials of the special forces department, and then the senior officials of the special forces decided to let him do it.

Because of this, the president of the npc was assassinated, apparently not his failure.

And, really, let's talk.

They are "federal agents", although the order they accepted was to protect the president of this small country.

But before the actual situation, it did not make it strong.

People living in the presidential palace, with strict defenses, and even hundreds of soldiers, still do not say that they should pin their own safety on a foreign agent.

"However, even if it is a manpower, the defense of the presidential palace is absolutely not ordinary.

"With such a defense, it has been assassinated, and the assassin is more retired, but the strength is not normal."

Although the army of the Republic of Raf is not as large as a large-scale technological weapon such as a missile or a warplane, the combat power in a real war is far from being comparable to the federal army or the rebel army.

However, if it is only in the usual small-scale battle, it is definitely not much less than the federal soldiers.

And although in this white city, the degree of technologicalization is even worse than the federal government's border city.

However, as the presidential palace, it must also have complete monitoring and some advanced equipment, and may even have a secret room hidden in the underground 100 meters.

Once outside, the president will enter the secret room where nuclear bombs are difficult to blast.

Under such circumstances, who can assassinate this npc president?

Unconsciously, the head of the wind fell back to the last night, the one with the hidden force, and also had the shadow of the second heavy armor.

If it is really what he guessed.

The strength of that npc may be even stronger than he estimated!

"But... this is really a situation that people really don't understand."

"This time the mission is a bit too confusing. Even, so far, even the enemy is now, how many people still do not know."

The expression of the wind is slightly a little headache.

Although there are a sufficient number of reconnaissance beetles, it does not mean that the wind can monitor everything.

Because the reconnaissance beetle can only play a reconnaissance role, and analysis of intelligence is still only he can do.

Although 24k ai is very high, but it is also limited to combat command, intelligence analysis of it a bug can not do.

If... can have a Zerg unit that will analyze intelligence, similar to the "brain brain".

That's even more perfect.

In the heart of the wind, I don’t think without greed.


At the time when the wind fell into the intelligence of the presidential palace.

At the same time, in the d-zone, the outermost periphery of the White City, in the most chaotic slum area without any monitoring, a hidden basement in the dark.

"Hey, hey..."

A few voices that sound like beasts screamed, showing a bloodthirsty and dead air.

A room that was separated by glass, two metal test benches, two eyes gray-gray, people with pale pale blood vessels, no slight color mouth, are constantly groaning.

"Hey, hey..."

They tried to use their nails to become very long and limbs, constantly grabbing the surrounding researchers wearing white full protective clothing and red and white umbrella marks on their chests.


However, their limbs are all buckled by some metal rings with chains.

It is impossible to reach these scientific researchers who wear technical glasses and keep recording various data in their hands.

On the contrary, because of these actions, the **** police uniform on my body was torn more and more.

Police service?

These two people are distinguished from the physical features that can still be seen.

It was the two policemen who were killed by the mutated cleaner in St. Mary's Hospital last night and then carried away.

The two police officers were absolutely dead at the time. At this time, the situation was alive.

There is no doubt that there are some incredible things.

However, looking at their appearance and movements at this time, it is not difficult to understand what the reason is.


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