Fatal Shot

Chapter 893: Official second generation NPC

"Investigation Bureau? We are the Intelligence Bureau!"

The middle-aged white npc headed by the middle school did not speak, and a young curly hair npc next to it had some unpleasant openings.

"Well, sorry, I might have missed it before..."

The wind fell gently.

"No, you are swindling us!"

The three people did not respond first.

But soon, the middle-aged white npc headed by the Intelligence Bureau frowned.

"Sorry, just to be careful!"

The wind shook his head.

"Hey, a little hair? Do you still think that we will be a rebel spy?"

The npcs of the three intelligence agencies were obviously stunned.

As an intelligence officer, it is clear that this kind of caution is absolutely correct.

However, just the white-headed soldiers had a fight, and now they did not react to the first time. The three intelligence personnel were obviously unable to stand on their faces.

Therefore, the mouth is still a bit unruly.

"You are not a spy, but among the people you bring in, there may not be a mixture of rebel spies."

The wind fell in the eyes of the npc tourists and residents who were concentrated.

In a word, the npcs of the three intelligence agencies are all a glimpse.

However, when they did not ask why the wind fell, why did a loud voice interrupt the conversation for the time being.

"My dad is Jin Xianghe, I want to see your person in charge, my father is Jin Xianghe..."

One of the two agents was escorted out of a corridor in the hotel. The trousers were still covered with some traces of water stains. The face was a bit pale, and some npc youths with a bruised face were struggling.

"You are their person in charge, right?"

"You want to protect us. My dad is Kim Sang He, a member of the Federation!"

When I arrived at the hall, I saw a few people in the wind, especially the uniforms of the federal officers on Lyon. The voice of the young npc was even bigger.

"To shut up!"

Holding one of his special soldiers, his face was irritated.

Lifting the **** in his hand, he will lie on his face again, so that he can't make a sound.

"Stop... Jin Xianghe is not only a federal member of parliament, but also the boss of the top three-day group of the federal government and the director of the Jinshi consortium... and the government and the military have great cooperation."

The middle-aged white npc of the Intelligence Bureau changed his face. First, he eagerly stopped the behavior of the npc special soldier.

Then, immediately suppress the sound, and said to the wind and Lyon.

"Official second generation?"

The wind fell and frowned.

Obviously, this guy is the second generation of the federal camp, but also the second generation.

The wind fell, but I didn’t expect that the rich second generation of the players would have seen it.

However, the second generation of the game is really not seen much!

Is this a new thing?

"My dad has sent someone to save me. I will give you 5 million credits, as long as you protect me from the White City safely!"

When I saw the middle-aged white npc, the youthful face was swollen, and the **** face that was scared by the infected body suddenly became calm.

The tone is also immediately transformed into a feeling of arrogance.


This number echoed in the hall.

However, whether it is Lyon or the wind.

After hearing this, all the faces were unmoved.

5 million, the price of a rare rare jewelry.

For the wind, it is obviously impossible to impress him.

Not to mention, there are more than 50 people in the npc special soldiers here. This rich second generation has five million to find bodyguard protection. Is it too much?

"10 million!"

Seeing that Lyon has the highest rank, it should be that the person with the decision-making power is completely unaware.

The second generation of the surnamed Jin seems to feel that the price he gave is somewhat low, so he rushed to double the price.

"10 million?"

After hearing this, the players who have assessed the wind after the fall are still not much reaction.

Although 10 million credit points are indeed expensive, the average score is 200,000 credits.

With 200,000 credit points, it is obviously impossible for them to influence the promotion of the agents in order to take over a protection task.

Even those npc agents, although somewhat heart-warming, have no action.

The 200,000 credits, although equivalent to their one-year subsidy, are certainly not enough for them to run the risk of violating the military court.

"10 million credit points, the average score is 200,000, it is really rich second generation!"

Even some players have a joking tone and laughter.

After all, these appraisers are supported by someone behind them.

It can be said that the equipment on each person is not inferior to 10 million, and naturally it will not be too much to see this 200,000 credits.

"What is the average score? I am talking about 10 million people!"

"As long as you protect me safely, everyone will have 10 million credit points by then!"

I have seen these big soldiers and the adventurers are indifferent.

Because his bodyguard was killed in the previous battle, then became an infected body and chased the hotel, almost scared him.

Seeing these soldiers in the federal uniforms, they want to find protection, but they don’t understand why the rich second generation of young people who have never had a bad credit point.

At this time, I finally reacted. Did the big soldiers actually misunderstand their meaning?

Give a total of 10 million, will your brother’s life be so cheap?

“Everyone 10 million?!”

After the sentence of the second generation of the rich man.

The npc special forces present at the scene are no longer indifferent.

Their mission is completed. After returning, it is estimated that it is a bonus with a credit of up to 100,000 credits.

Even if they are killed in the mission, the federal pension is what millions of credits look like.

However, as long as the second generation of the official is protected, 10 million credit points can be obtained by the arrival of the rescue.

10 million, if it is reasonably distributed, it will be enough to eat and drink in the rest of the life.

And what about the consequences?

At most, it was because of a violation of the military order. After returning to the military court, he took a few years in prison.

"You don't have to worry about violating the military order. My dad and the military are also very familiar. If you protect me, you will never be punished and you will be rewarded. What is wrong with protecting the citizens of the Federation outside!"

This young and middle-aged official has clearly seen the reasons why these soldiers are still hesitant.

Therefore, once again raised some heads with a nose and a swollen face, high in the tunnel.

The whole person has been completely calmed down.

"I protect you!"

After the silence of the three special forces, they suddenly left the team with their guns and then quickly walked to the second generation of the official.

Lyon, next to the wind, just looked at the scene calmly and did not say anything.

However, for half a day, the 50 special forces who originally protected the diplomatic corps were killed in the dead.

Even though these special soldiers have all undergone rigorous training, in the face of this threat of high mortality, several people can say calmly.

If he is really their sergeant, perhaps he should be severely stopped at this time.

But he was actually not a true military captain, so Lyon chose to remain silent.

And seeing Lyon did not say anything.

Then, more special soldiers walked over.

One, two...

Finally, there are ten special npc soldiers who have stood on the side of the second generation of Guanfu.

Even two of the players in the assessment have gone.

The reason is very simple, although their total value of equipment is not inferior to 10 million credit points.

But these equipments are actually provided by the forces that invest in them, not entirely their own.

Although they are transferred to become agents, they are expected to receive more benefits than 10 million credits.

Even the legendary equipment can be obtained and embarked on the peak of the game player.

However, after seeing the difficulty and elimination rate of this task today, they have not had much confidence.

It is better to take this task, as long as the protection of this ncp survives, then there are 10 million credit points accounted for, which is much more likely than the competition for more than 20 people to compete for the five places.

Seeing this situation, the wind is also listening to the cold-eyed, like Lyon did not say anything.

He looked at the interface of the agent instructor and found that the points of the two men are currently in the middle and lower positions.

However, in the middle of the assessment, this situation, how to deal with this matter, he seems to have not been prompted before.

"Hey, hey..."

Fortunately, at this time, his agent communication channel was restored.

The npcs of the Republic of Raf have been removed, and the latter players have used the agent equipment to find several jamming instruments in the hotel and removed the communication blockade.

"Qinglong Agent, I am very glad that you are fine!"

The face and voice of the eyes appeared in the field of vision of his agent glasses.

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