Fatal Shot

Chapter 907: Gambling again!

"Mr. Jack's great name, our intelligence department will naturally pay more attention."

"Now, in this case, you must bring a group of people here, shouldn't you come over and chat with me?"

The wind fell on his face and looked at him with no expression.

"I like Mr. Link's quick words."

"Yes, I am here, but I am actually sending someone."

The casino manager smiled faintly.

"Give someone?"

The wind is not changing.

"We were on the road and met a federal friend who was kidnapped, so I saved him."

The casino manager continued to smile.

Behind him, the two warrior players were holding a mouth blocked, and the pale face was very scared, but it seemed that the unmovable male npc appeared.

"It is the 5th goal!"

The middle-aged whites of the Intelligence Bureau were wide-eyed and exclaimed.

"That's a great thank you to Mr. Jack. If this is the case, please send someone to send him over, lest his family worry."

The face of the wind is unchanged.

I didn’t even look at the rich second-generation npc who was taken hostage, just staring at the casino manager and whispering.

"Mr. Link is really very simple. It is natural to send this gentleman."

"But I have a small request. I don't know if Mr. Link can you promise?"

The casino manager continues to smile.

"Please say!"

The wind continued to show no expression.

The two people talked to each other and it felt like there was no smell of gunpowder.

But both sides are not weapons that are not lax in their hands. They all know that it is really a crucial time.

"I want to be gambling with you on this gentleman!"

In the eyes of the casino manager "Spall Jack", it was finally revealed a strong light.

"Gambling a game?"

Some people have heard this in vain.

The wind is still unmoved, just asking.

"You have already lost a bet. You have to gamble again, are you afraid of losing another time?"

"There is a win in the game. If there is a win or a win, then what is the point?"

The casino manager smiled.

"If I said, I refused?"

The wind fell suddenly and shook his head.

"No, this person has specified that we must rescue it. He is the successor of the Ada Group..."

When I heard this, the casino manager had not spoken yet, and the middle-aged whites of the Intelligence Bureau had already eagerly shouted.

"To shut up!"

Out of the hotel, Lyon, who looked even more awkward, gave him a glance.

"Then I can only give you what I said and give him to you. Someone said that someone spoke up, and I can't say that I am doing it with him."

The casino manager shook his head in a wry smile and seemed to have some helplessness.

This sentence, let the middle-aged white face of the Intelligence Bureau, which was smothered by Lyon and has some anger, glance at the face, and then reveal the color of surprise.

Just next, the manager of the casino, but he gave him almost vomiting blood.

"However, this gentleman's luck is not good. After we rescued him, I accidentally took a bite from a virus-infected thing."

"So, it may not be possible to stay with them for a long time. For example, the time from here to the nearest city in the Federation."

The manager’s face showed a faint smile.

And this is to make everyone's face in the face of the wind is a glimpse.

Afterwards, all went to see carefully.

It is true that the target of the No. 5 target is not very good. The face has some blue, and the blood in the eye is very dense.

As for whether it is really bitten or infected directly by injection, this is completely unnecessary.

"What are you gambling?"

The wind sighed heavily and the voice asked coldly.

"The method of gambling is very simple, almost the same as before us!"

"However, since it is necessary to gamble, it is inevitable to talk about the color head first."

"Mr. Link, the ring that I lost to you before, I have been wearing it for a long time, it is indeed a favorite thing. I haven’t had it in these few days, I feel a little bit of tea!"

"So, if I win, I will also give you that ring back."

"In addition, I like the style of the necklace on your neck before, if you agree to add it to the bet. I can add this ring in addition to this gentleman. 100 million credits."

The casino manager smiled.

"He is dead, what is it to live with me! Do you think I will have to win his life with something I won?"

The wind fell on the face and was not irritated, but the eyes were cold-eyed and stared at the rich second generation who showed surprise. The voice was faint.

"Well, this is a good statement. Indeed, there are some inappropriate things!"

"However, I think Mr. Link, should someone ask you to agree to this gambling?"

The casino manager smiled and looked confident and had some fun.

At this time, in the airborne agent glasses, the eyes are seriously conveyed a word to his face.

"The above said that you want to promise him, no matter what the price, you have to save the hostages first..."

"Oh, it’s really some pigs..."

At this time, the wind fell to the feeling of Lyon.

With such a group of high-level executives who only know the order of death, regardless of the following people's ideas, it is no wonder that the federal government, even though it is much stronger, can never solve the rebel army!

But I have to say that this is really a bit of a catch on his weakness.

Legendary jewelry is of great value, but the profession is undoubtedly more important.

In particular, as long as the mission is completed, you can get a-level permissions, which is more valuable than legendary equipment.

Therefore, the wind naturally knows how to choose.

However, his character is naturally not the kind of person who is completely threatened!

"The ring can promise you, as for the rest of the bet, avoid talking!"

"Say, how do you gamble?"

The wind fell and looked coldly at the **** Jack Road.

"A little disappointed, I really appreciate your necklace, it is designed to be too beautiful."

"However, Mr. Link can promise me to gamble, which has made me satisfied."

"As for the content of the gambling? It is really simple!"

"Someone has stuffed some people to me and asked me to check them out these days. And just right, I see that there are some people under you."

"Then, it's up to us to get one-on-one from each of them, each time choosing one person. Which side wins five games first, then even who wins this game."

The method proposed by the casino manager allows both players to change their faces.

Obviously, before, even the players on the rebel side did not expect the gambling person, and finally fell to their own head.

"As for the battlefield of the duel, it is on this street, you can use the obstacles around you, but you can't enter any building."

"Of course, no surrender is allowed in the gambling, only one party will die."

"And, every time the next game, the party that won by the previous game will first designate someone!"

The casino manager continued to speak with a glance to the streets between the two sides.

"Promise him! And tell you these people, this is the final assessment task for this agent's transfer."

"As long as you can win in the duel, you can directly become a new agent and get a c-level assessment authority."

In the absence of the wind, the agent’s glasses have already heard the voice of a high-ranking federal lieutenant in the secret service department.

This time, even without the eyes, it was directly connected to his communication channel.


When I heard this sentence, the tone of the wind fell gently.

However, at this time, he has already understood the real intention of this gambling in the development of this story.

It is better to say that it is an assessment than a gambling.

Today's agents are evaluating players, and now there are only eight people left.

Because, just now he has gotten the five assessors who originally went to rescue the No. 3 target, and decided to die in a minute.

Therefore, the original three-time assessment of the transfer of the task, there are only eight left, which is undoubtedly close to the task of the elimination goal.

This gambling is no doubt the final competition and the final transfer quota.

Through the battle between players, the decision is similar to the last agent test.

Only the last time was a civil war between federal players, and this time it became a foreign war with players in the rebel camp.

However, this battle against rebel players.

Is it completely fair?

If the wind does not know that there is a player who has the dangerous talent to feel the enemy, he will definitely feel that the rules of this gambling are fair.

But the other party has such a person, then if they specify the person first, the odds will undoubtedly drop!

"So, now, in this first game, how do you decide which side of the first person is out?"

The wind fell on the casino manager.

"The card in my hand is guessed by you whether it is red or black. If you guessed it, I will designate someone first."

"On the contrary, it is up to you to designate someone!"

The casino manager said that the playing card that was in his left hand was buckled and then swayed against the wind.

Under this action, the ring on his left hand ring finger and the ring on the right hand of the wind, exactly the same legendary "lucky ring", the light is more prominent.

"The color of this card? What color is it!"

"Black... it should be black! I just saw it when the card flew back to him, it should be black!"

"Yes, it's black, I see it very clearly, it's a black 5-point card!"

When the wind has not yet opened, there is already some whispering judgment on the hotel side.

"No, certainly not black, you don't want to think about it. He definitely guesses that we have a lot of people who can see the color of the cards."

"So, in fact, it was probably the result of deliberately throwing the cards away from us. In the dark, I have already changed a card. This one is definitely red!"

However, the color of the cards is quite controversial.

"It's black!"

"You didn't think enough. Since you can think of this, then he will definitely consider your psychological response."

"So in fact, he will consider a layer more than you. Therefore, it is still the most likely black!"

"Mr. Link, are you thinking about it?"

There is a lot of discussion on this side, and the opposite casino manager is already asking about the wind.

"I choose black!"

The wind fell open.


"Mr. Link, you don't think much about it. What they say is actually very reasonable."

"With the eyesight you showed in the previous bet, I am sure that you can see clearly what card this card is. So, it is not accurate to reveal the card intentionally, but actually this card Is it another color?"

"Or, I have thought more about the round on their foundation. So this card is actually not black, but red?"

The manager of the casino has a faint smile on his face and some playfulness.

Obviously, his hearing is very sensitive.

It’s so far away from a street, but I can hear the chaos on the side of the hotel, and even distinguish it clearly.

"He said it well, then he thought more?"

"I am, is it black or red?"

And in this sentence, let the players present have a bunch of npc.

Even including the opposite rebel players, many people are caught in the feeling of some explosion in their heads.

"Put up this little trick."

"This kind of two-choice gambling, the head turns more and turns a circle and turns a circle is a result. Red and black, the probability is not different!"

The wind fell cold and looked at the casino manager.

"Mr. Link’s words are gambling, and if you are at another time, I will definitely ask you to have a drink."

The face of Spades Jack reveals the admiration of seeing a confidant.

"you win!"

Then, flip the cards in the hands of the colorful lucky gemstone ring.

It is a "Spade 10"!

Not the original spades 5, but not red! 8)

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