Fatal Shot

Chapter 925: "Tyrant" Qin Fei


In the 222 female doctor player's eyes opened, the shadow suddenly rushed out of the building.

The scouts in the hands of scout players on both sides of the street simultaneously sounded an alarm that represented the new leader-level creature.

And did not wait until the player reacted from the alarm, and immediately rushed to the rebel army light armor in front of the female doctor No. 222, and was directly thrown to the ground by the shadow.



This is followed by a scream and a vulnerability value of more than four thousand points.

"Rely, what is the situation?"

"There are monsters in the building!"

"It's a tyrant!"

The player who reacted from the alarm, this time finally saw the shadow of the player who had thrown the light armor.

Blue-gray eyes, dark red muscles and giants are like claws with daggers.

A tyrant!

Moreover, it is still a special tyrant.

It does not seem to have completely mutated, and it still maintains a humanoid form of about two meters on the body.


However, the level is much higher than the average tyrant t-200.

In addition, on the back of this tyrant, there are no t-200 four tentacles like parasites.

Instead, it looks more like t-100, the claws are huge, and the strong muscles that are stained with blood are full of killing.

At this time, one of the giant dark red claws born for killing, firmly stunned the face under the helmet, and the armor of the light armored warrior who held the alloy sword pressed to the ground.


The other paw is lifted again, facing the chest armor that the light armor warrior player has been severely sunk under the first hit!


Two consecutive hits have taken away two-thirds of the hp of the 17th Rebel Lightarm Warrior player after the drug.

This single tyrant's single damage ability, which is not tentacle, is even stronger than the tyrant t-200.

This rebel army light armor did not awaken the original force. After being overwhelmed by a power tyrant with more than 50 levels, there is no doubt that there is no ability to resist the escape!


For the third time, the tyrant's huge claws were heavily placed in the chest of the rebel army, in the case of the armor being completely deformed and cracked.

Also let the value of the damage change from yellow to bright red!

Nearly 10,000 high-level injuries, let this rebel army player, no suspense to emerge the white light of death!

"Da da da……"

However, at this time, the players on both sides who finally reacted also have special forces npc.

However, all the fires have been fired, and a large number of bullets have fallen to the tyrant of the battlefield.

Even if it is a tyrant with a level close to 60, it is impossible to face so many advanced players, and even how long the support of the original player's firepower.

More importantly, this tyrant seems to have some confusion when he is attacked by both sides.

There was no attempt to escape and escape, but the eyes were red, and the mouth roared to rush to the side of the rebel camp.



However, a card with the pattern "Box 10" directly penetrates its forehead.

Take it away in an instant, the amount of blood he has left under attack!

"what happened?"

"Can't you control it?"

On the other side, the face of Spades Jack finally sank.

In addition, there are some doubts in the eyes.

"No, this is just a purely infected body and there are no parasites in it, so I can't influence it!"

"However, this should be an accident, so the eighth game should be re-matched."

The seven shrouded in the black clothes shook his head and his voice was hoarse.

"Unexpected? How could it be an accident!"

"This game has already lost. The score is already five to three, and the total gambling is lost."

The Spades Jack is shaking his head and sinking his voice.

" Lost, why?"

Seven kills frowned.

"I am going, it seems that today's light armor is really a curse of the system!"

"The first few games will be gone. This game against a doctor is actually rushed out by a tyrant to the spoiler. It is simply impossible to be unlucky!"

On the other side, looking at the tyrant who was only a few meters away, there were rebel fighters.

" Losing to a doctor is really bad luck!"

"But, who can tell me why a tyrant rushed out and spoiled the 17th, but was it the opposite?"

The conversation between the Spades Jack and the Seven Kills did not deliberately suppress the sound, so the surrounding rebel players heard it.

However, for this reason, they are as confused as the Seven Kills.

"Look carefully at this tyrant, what's the problem?"

Spades Jack stretched his finger to the tyrant who was not far away.

"The problem of the tyrant?"

"Hey, this tyrant seems to be a set of gunners' combat uniforms?"

Listening to the words of Spades Jack, the rebel army players all look to the tyrant's body.

"And his face, how slightly and familiar."

Soon players found some strange places.

"This tyrant seems to be the machine gunner in the fifth game?"

"Oh, it seems to be really!"

"When you say this, I think about it. Yes, it was thrown in the corner of the building on the 12th."

"I am going! Do you say that the machine gunner and the female doctor are lovers, and when they become tyrants after death, they have the idea of ​​protecting their girlfriends, so they rushed out and killed the 17th?"

Soon, the identity of this tyrant is determined by everyone.

Because this tyrant has not fully evolved successfully, so the body shape change is not large, the equipment is also a high-level material.

In the previous attack, it was not completely destroyed, let them see the problem.

"You should be telling a ghost story."

"Obviously, this should be a special kind of force skill. The female doctor player should be the tyrant who controlled the variation of this machine gunner!"

Of course, no one will agree with what "love to death".

More people think that it should be the force of the female doctor 222.

"It’s not the original force, it’s mental strength, it should also be matched with talent!”

The wind fell, but the eyes were placed on the female doctor of the 222.

Because, he has the mid-level glasses of the agent, just in the battle on the female doctor of the 222 female doctor, did not find the fluctuation of the original force.

Instead, 24k suddenly told him the position of the 222 female doctor player through the spiritual link, exudes a very strong mental fluctuation.

Mental strength!

This is definitely a more mysterious attribute in the game than the original force.

But the wind is already known.

It is the use of mental power that can interfere with and even control the actions of others.

Because 24k has his own mental control skills.

Although it is almost impossible for a human with complex thinking to control it, it can only interfere.

However, it is relatively easy to control zombies and tyrants who are simple and even confused.

In particular, if there is a match between talent and medicine!

"But there is still a question, how can the machine gunner become infected?"

However, the opposite rebel player, although the identity is the original force.

However, a new question has been raised.

"Is it because the streets are already dry with the virus in the blood of the infected body, causing him to be infected and mutated after his death..."

This problem is not only the rebel army, but the players in the federal camp are also confused.

Because, after the "Resident Evil" plot was officially opened, it was possible to explode antiviral serum by redeeming or directly killing the infected body.

According to the truth, even if Qin Fei is attacked by the infected body, it is impossible to appear in the case of mutation immediately after his death.

"I am afraid... I am self-sufficient!"

The wind fell back to remember one thing.

After cleaning up the tyrant's leeches in the sewers during the day, he asked everyone to stand up when the infected people stood up in the battle.

Qin Fei did not stand out, but his eyes flashed.

Then in the hotel, he was the only one who did not use antiviral serum.

The wind does not know why Qin Fei would choose to keep the infected state.

However, it is guessed that this is the reason why he became a tyrant after his death, and in the process he was perceived as a doctor's 222 player in some way.

Then, using the black injection to stimulate the mental power, and then control him, surprisingly killed the rebel army light armor.

At the same time, it also won this most difficult game.

So, really, today, this gamble can win in the end.

I have to say that I would like to thank Qin Fei in particular.

Not only consuming the power of a powerful defensive heavy armored warrior, but even after the death, he successfully helped his teammates win!

This should definitely give him one of the best green leaf awards.

"Mr. Jack, it seems that my luck is good."

"This gambling fight should be that I won."

The wind looked at some unstable feet and the hair was wet with sweat.

However, the female doctor No. 222, who was full of joy, reached out and picked up a jewelry necklace from the rebel army light armored warrior. He walked back from the battlefield and shouted in the mouth.

"Yes, Mr. Link, you won!"

"This last game is really beyond my expectations. Lose, not awkward."

The face of Spades Jack finally stopped smiling, but did not deny it.

It can be seen from the previous contacts that it is obvious that the system's setting for the Spades Jack is somewhat variable.

But it belongs to a real gambler.

Therefore, the wind will promise to gamble with him, not worried about the situation of losing the other party to turn the table.

And now that you win, it is natural to charge the bet.

"Inject the antidote, then let the person go!"

Spades Jack gently turned the poker ball in the hand of the lucky ring.

One of the two players behind the npc rich second generation took a green injection from his arms and injected it against the neck of the rich second generation.

Then, the two pulled him to the front of the team and then pushed to the hotel.


Because of the infection, the eyes are now highly congested, and the face is even rich and purple.

After being released, it was like a rabbit rushing to run here, even after a trip in the middle, simply climbed on the ground.

However, the kind of story that ran in the middle and was suddenly killed by a shot behind it did not happen.

"Master Locke, nothing!"

"You can rest assured that our Central Intelligence Agency has promised Mr. Edda that you will be safe to take it back."

When he ran to the hotel, the middle-aged white npc of the Intelligence Bureau had quickly greeted him and took him to the hotel.


At this time, there are a few light spots flickering in the sky in the night, and the situation should be that some kind of flying vehicle is approaching here.

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