Fatal Shot

Chapter 936: The first one, epic!


After seeing this purple.

The expression of the wind fell first, then the heart beat vigorously.

What purple stands for, maybe not very clear to other players.

However, the wind has once seen this purple once.

At the beginning of his "fascination", the color of the name of the pet chip obtained is the purple color!

The level of that pet chip is the "three generations of the highest level", compared to the "second generation of the highest level" of the boss chip from the central base on the Devil's Triangle Island, no doubt more than one level!

The boss chip on the Devil's Triangle Island is already "legendary".

So, it is already obvious that this purple represents the epic level!

More advanced and more mysterious epic gear than legendary equipment.

The reason why it is "mystery" is because there is currently no epic equipment in the game that is obtained by the player.

Players know that the title of "epic" is still speculated from some background stories provided by the official.

"There was an epic item..."

Seeing this smudge of purple, even though it has always calmed down the wind of the legendary equipment, it is not calm at this time.

Directly opened the "Frenzy Charge", two seconds over a distance of more than 50 meters to the side of the body of Spades Jack.

Then, I saw it clearly, what was the excitement of the purple "epic-level" light.

A metal box?

One does not look too eye-catching, with a slightly faint metallic color, engraved with some mysterious patterns of a length of no more than fifteen centimeters with a sense of art.

It is this box, which is faintly purple.

"The attributes of this thing... need identification?"

The wind couldn't wait to reach out to the right hand with alloy gloves and pick up the box from the body of Spades Jack.

However, when he got the hand, he couldn't help but because the attribute of the box turned out to be a "?".

In general, the human-type npc burst out of equipment, even if it is a legendary equipment, the attributes can be seen directly.

Only the equipment that is out of the monster level above the command level needs to be identified, and it must be superior or above, and the attributes of the best or special equipment need to be identified.

“Is it true that the humanoid unit has erupted epic-level equipment, and it also needs to be spent on the identification of the best items that the high-level monsters have?”

"I am cloud, this is too pit...and, I don't want to hang people's appetite."

There is a sense of silence in the wind.

Even if it is him, this time is absolutely very urgent to know, this is very likely to be the specific attribute of the first epic item in the "War of War".

As a result, I still have such a hand! What is the exercise of someone?

"Well, I forgot it!"

What the wind suddenly thought of, reached out and pressed a button on his intermediate agent glasses.


Then, a purple ray was shot from the top of the glasses, sweeping through the epic-level equipment that was somewhat similar to the box.

The function of the intermediate agent glasses is far more than the feeling of fluctuation of the original force.

The identification function of this item will undoubtedly save the player a large amount of appraisal fees, although the wind will not care about these small money.

[mystery poker (card box)]

Grade: epic

Material factor: a

Force +1000

Additional attribute

1. Automatic recovery after damage

2, the original force recovery speed +200%

3,? ?

4,? ?

Additional skills

1. [Recharge] For the energy supplement of the supporting playing cards placed in the card box, it is necessary to consume the corresponding energy spar of level b (inclusive) (the upper limit of the charge is affected by the quality of the spar)

2, [Receipt] When prompted within a certain distance, the location of the supporting poker, consume a certain amount of force, you can recycle the corresponding playing cards.

3, [? ? 】

4, [? ? 】

Requires level: 70

"Sure enough epic!"

The face of the wind fell slightly excited.

Compared to the legendary equipment, the basic attributes of this box seem to have some chills.

There is only one "primitive force +1000", or the standard property that any legendary and above equipment will have.

However, the additional attributes and additional skills that follow are undoubtedly "wealthy" scary.

Double 4!

Four additional attributes, four additional skills.

In particular, among the additional attributes, there is a special attribute that has never been seen before in the “original recovery speed”, and it has directly increased by 200%!

This attribute is matched with the meaning of "primitive force +1000", so there is no need to say more.

The two additional skills that can be seen, obviously need to be used in conjunction with the playing cards, and explain why the Spades Jack can recover after the poker is released.

In addition, the third and fourth attributes of this "card box" and the skills are still in the state of "?".

For this, the wind is also psychologically prepared.

This is because the identification function of the intermediate agent glasses is determined according to the item database stored by the agent department itself.

Obviously, the information obtained by the federal agent department does not have the full attributes of this "mystery poker".

This is actually not necessarily a bad thing!

Of course, after going back, it is definitely inevitable to run an appraisal office.

"Well, this option for the card does not need to be level to be able to use..."

After the wind quickly viewed the properties of the card, he clicked on the "Receive" option on the screen.


The next moment, scattered all over the snowy mountains, before being thrown out of the playing cards by the Spades Jack.

First, he jumped a little twice, and then, all of them flew toward the playing cards in his hands like a tired bird.

After two seconds, all the cards are in place.

Even a poker card that was originally behind him seemed to be able to automatically sense the life when he passed by him. He also wandered around him and flew back into the box.

"The card has been closed, the current number is 15..."

Subsequently, a statistical value is displayed on the screen of the shoe.

Yes, there are only 15 cards.

The wind fell to the box and found that it was empty before he realized one thing.

It’s Spak Jack, why not always use the kind of “link” attack that threatened him the most, because it’s not a complete set of poker in the hands of Spades Jack.

In his hand, he was able to make up four pieces of "6, 7, 8, 9" with only plum blossoms.

The rest can be made into "pairs" and loose cards.

However, after reviewing the detailed attributes of this "Epic Poker" again, Feng Li found that his judgment was wrong.

It is not the attribute of "continuous card", it is stronger than "pair".

Even the "link" is not necessarily stronger than the "single"!

Because, whether it is a card or a pair.

In fact, the power is strong, it is derived from the additional skills "group cards" on these cards.

[group card]

Consumption of the original force, can be grouped with the remaining playing cards, different sets of cards can get different bonus effects, and are affected by the force and environmental factors.

This set of mystery poker, different poker can actually "combine" each other.

Pairs, consecutive cards, three cards, and even bombs are more powerful because they use a "group" skill and get a special bonus, so that the power of the explosion is more than the single card stack. high.

However, the "group card" is not necessarily stronger than a single card!

Because the power of this mysterious poker single card can also be affected by various bonuses.

For example, a wind-based poker player, in addition to being affected by the environment, is also greatly affected by the "speed" of the launch. The faster the speed, the more damage can be erupted after hitting, and the bigger the damage can be obtained. Destructive power!

Not to mention the most precious "flower card"!

Among the epic pokers, the flower card, the a card, and the double king, have their own additional independent "skills" compared to the ordinary cards.

Like the one thrown by the last Spades Jack, the "red peach a" that almost let the wind fall with him, the additional skill is [nuclear bomb]!

Yes, nuclear bomb!

This name is undoubtedly the same as the scene when it broke out.

Of course, it is only the original force skills, not the real nuclear bombs can not produce special effects such as "nuclear radiation".

However, the power is definitely far beyond the skills of ordinary players.

It is necessary to know that just this "red peach a" broke out on the snowy mountain. From the environment, the power accounting is slightly larger than the ocean.

If this card is in the desert, or in the magma of the crater?

It can be said that every "flower card" poker is not inferior to a legendary equipment.

Ordinary poker, although there is no independent additional skills than the legendary equipment, but because of the ability to "group", it is definitely not inferior to one-third of the legendary equipment.

There are a total of fifteen cards in the box, which is equivalent to seven legendary equipment?

And this "card box" with a purple name, the card with poker, this is the complete epic equipment!

"Only 15 poker cards... um, wait, isn't it supposed to be 16?"

The wind suddenly realized that one thing, Spades Jack took a total of four rounds of cards.

Four per round, then a total of sixteen.

How do you only have fifteen sheets after the card is closed?

Did one of them be destroyed in battle?

This is impossible, because the material of this poker is only a level, it does not even look like the Zerg defensive shell, it is not really unbreakable.

However, from the perspective of attributes, this poker, like the box, is a special kind of memory material.

No matter what kind of attack and severe deformation, you can restore it quickly.

Therefore, although the previous explosion, even the wind fell into the gun with a gun, it is absolutely impossible to destroy one.


At this time, the wind fell in sight.

I saw a pretty sturdy beetle collecting a card with a large pair of pliers and flew to his side to fall.

The wind falls on the attributes of "mystery poker".

24k is not idle, it has summoned more than a dozen collecting beetles, and is going to pick up loot.

Even a few collecting beetles have reached the cliff opposite the hotel and are jumping down.

Because don't forget that the rebel army water controller who had been blown down by the wind to the second has fallen to the cliff.

This is undoubtedly a big problem for ordinary players, but it is naturally difficult for the owner to collect beetles, especially the all-elite level to collect beetles.

"Spades a?"

The wind fell on the playing card held by the beetle's pliers.

His face was a glimpse first, then he meditated, and then he showed his gaze.

Although Spades Jack seems to be a "gambler" and aristocrat, it seems that he has always kept the rules of gambling in the three games.

However, this is not necessarily a smoke bomb that covers his secret use.

Obviously this "spades a" is actually a fake card.

A Spades Jack is specially prepared, and it is in operation all the time from the beginning to the end, and the smoke bombs carefully covered!

Because, any enemy, just know him.

Know the name "Spall Jack", and the person who once put a "peach a" after he killed.

Undoubtedly, he will be extremely vigilant about this "spades a" in his hands and pay the greatest attention.

Even the wind fell, in fact, it was also recruited. The high-explosive bomb chose to fly the "peach a" and did not want the **** Jack to get it.

Unexpectedly, this is just a "smoke bomb" card, which makes Spades Jack successfully take back the real card "Red Peach A".

If it is not 24k's unexpected mental attack, it is very likely that he will fall into the body here.

In this way, compared to this "smoke card".

The calculations attached to the "lucky ring" of the one that Spades Jack had lost to the wind in the first game and the ring on his hand are undoubtedly not worth mentioning.

Yes, there is a problem with the legendary ring of Lucky Gem.

The wind fell to the opposite side of the cliff, the only beetle that caught the ring that he threw back and flew back, and the body of the Spades Jack, was emitting orange light representing the spoils. The almost identical ring above.

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