Fatal Shot

Chapter 941: Mysterious man and "indigenous"

"Damn, where is this guy coming out?"

"The federal camp has sent such a pervert in this mission!"

Facing the black air group that has obviously been moving towards itself, it has already retreated to the seven kills on one side of the street, and his face is very ugly.

His body has skyrocketed several times into a tyrant-like shape.

However, one of the left hands was a little shrug on the shoulders, and the movement was not right, obviously in the previous battle, has already suffered a lot of losses.

Looking at the corrupter who escaped, the Seven Kills took a bite out of his mouth.

After the opening, the seven kills were made a dumbfounding action.

Just like the Corruptor, choose to turn and run away.

Nonsense, how to do it without running, is it still left?

The suicide attack of three hundred infected bodies under the control of the parasite virus could not cause any harm to the mysterious npc shrouded in black gas.

Seven kills, even though they are confident and confident, have become among the top ten players in the game, and they are not arrogant enough to think that they can solve this horrible enemy.

In particular, I have tried personally before, but it is a situation in which a person directly loses a shoulder.

Since the decision to run the road has been made, the seven kills will no longer manage these infections.

He paid a great price, and even after this "Zombie" model completed the task of the umbrella company, the boss-level parasitic insects obtained were not only able to control the infected body.

As long as it is parasitic, the living creature that occupies autonomous consciousness can become his men.

Even if the mission failed, he would still be the first person to stay in the Longyan or even the rebel camp after he returned.

Even, it is likely to be the first player in the "War of War".


Although the body after the tyranny is not fast enough, there are still dozens of infected bodies in disregard of the mysterious black man.

However, there was enough time for the seven kills to retreat. Soon, he had already fled to the corner of the other side of the street.


However, at this time, a sudden scream was made in the seven killings.

The body that was originally running, suddenly fell to the ground.

The whole body was violently twitching, and the giant claws on the right hand that could move on the side of the wall caught the gravel and the pain in the mouth.

"-2000, -2000..."

In the trembling, his head is constantly rushing to lose blood.

And, in his only gray eyes exposed from the top of the mask, the originally bloodshot blood became completely purple-black.

From the gaps in the clothes of the whole body, a black gas with red blood fog due to bursting of the capillaries emerged, suspended in the air.

This situation, it seems, is like a "fantasy" in the fantasy game.

"I said, I was not looking for you..."

"By relying on some pyramidal parasites, controlling some ordinary people who have lost their self-awareness, they feel that they can be rampant?"

"But I don't know, the predatory ‘parasitic’ is always worse than ‘symbiosis’!”

"In particular, when it comes to plunder, what is the opponent of the dark life protozoa?"

"The universe is big, there are things that far exceed the imagination of the indigenous people who live on only one planet!"

At the center of the street, the black gas that was slowly moving was suddenly increased a lot. In just a few seconds, it would move on the ground and try to stand up and escape.

Then there was a sudden sound inside.

Then, no more then.



After the seven kills were devoured by the black gas, some of the original eyes had followed the black gas to infect the body, and suddenly the body was shaken.

Next, a pair of eyes restored some look, with a horror looking at the companion's body and the center of the street is still tumbling.

The next moment, like the previous corroder, turned back and went wild.


After another ten seconds, there is no one standing.

Even the mice and bugs did not have a street above them.

The black gas suddenly shrank in the middle, revealing a figure of human beings still covered in black and thin.

"That's a waste of time."

"Original, I still want to treat you as an experimental body, but I didn't expect to find myself dead."

Looking at the feet, the body seems to shrink the body of the seven dead, the voice of the black man with some dissatisfaction.

"No, the evolutionary virus variants carried by these infected bodies can cause certain rejection and criticism for the dark life protozoa!"

"And, some of them have already entered my blood and must be processed back."

"But, anyway, I already know the identity of that person... the federal agent... and he has a high-grade mutant life bug, and it is much easier to find someone next time."

Among the turbulent black air, the mysterious person uses a voice that gives a feeling of being slightly frowning.

After saying this, the last black suffocation on the body of the seven kills, like a life, rushed into the pocket of the seven kills, rolled up the ring that can guide the position of the life protozoa, and brought it back. Black man's hand.

"Useless things!"

Finally, in the body of the infected body that fell into a pile, the head was pressed to the position of the tyrant's unparalleled body in the brain.

The mysterious black man whispered a word, then quickly jumped to the building next to it and disappeared.

Only left, on the street, hundreds of infected bodies, quite a few shocking scenes.

The same is "black man."

Obviously, this one is covered in black air, even a mysterious black man whose real face is not revealed.

Compared with the seven kills, who have exposed their arms and eyes, they have to be stronger than one level.

Sure enough, the less you have to show up, the stronger your strength!


The battlefield between the two men is already a result.

The last part of the battle between two women was interrupted.

The battle between the Caucasian woman and Ada Wang was not carried out at the presidential palace.

Because there are still a lot of guard soldiers in the presidential palace, it is obvious that neither of them wants to let their battles be disturbed by these dragons that even their names will not appear.

Therefore, it is very tacit, first of all, from the general government in a crushing posture, from those who found that their companions were killed by white women, and surrounded by some guarded soldiers surrounded by panic Out.

Then, all the way to the presidential palace is nearly a kilometer, has been close to the luxury hotel where the diplomatic group originally lived.

The two sides really handed in their hands.

However, this battle really fought only a dozen seconds of battle.

However, because the stealth ability npc in the warehouse was killed by Lyon, the white woman who was fighting with Ada Wang did not hesitate to turn and directly withdraw.

Thus there is no final outcome.

Unexpectedly, Ada Wang did not mean to pursue anything.

It was just after a short battle of just a dozen seconds, the entire area of ​​the ground, but as if bombarded by shells, was full of cracks on the battlefield.



First, a heavy-duty super-caliber gun in the hand, exploding a head of the infected body of a white man who was attracted by the sound of the battle.

Then, leaning against a blood-stained wall, the reconnaissance beetle that fell from the sky to the shoulders was faint.

"People have escaped, I am too lazy to chase!"

"If you have already solved it on your side, come over soon."

"The last thing is done after the work is done... This task is really boring..."

While talking, Ada Wang, standing against the wall, a pair of cold eyes, looking far away from the distance, a chaotic presidential palace because of the previous events.

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