Fatal Shot

Chapter 962: Lucky property is on the way!

The battle situation changed dramatically in an instant.

So that the two off-road vehicles that had already ran into the transition position of the sand dunes had stopped.

The above-mentioned night city players are somewhat stunned.

Compared with the people who were disturbed by the sand and dust, the sand wolf guilds thought that there were many people after they found some reinforcements at the beginning.

However, it was quickly discovered that there was only one sniper to help them.

And the location of the shot is behind the dune that is more than five hundred meters behind their side.

A bullet fired from an almost fixed position, not far from the side of their two off-road vehicles, and then killed the players of the Sand Wolf Guild two hundred meters away!

Absolutely killing, not hurting!

Because of the non-additive (burning or bleeding) damage values ​​they have seen so far.

All are red, red for fatal damage!

And these red values ​​are almost all five digits.

Such injuries, except for the heavy armored warriors, are impossible for those who are equipped with the Shawo Guild who have little difference with them.

No bombs, deadly guns!

"This... is what the sniper dreams of."

The sniper player who got up from the off-road car had some sluggish expression on his face.

"Quick, don't let go of these dog days!"

After a while, the scout player who fired the signal was the fastest to return.

While yelling in the mouth, he swept a large bullet into the submachine gun in the hands of the Sharks Guild.

"Yes, leave them all."

The rest are also reacting.

Everyone vented their anger that was chased all the way and rushed toward the players of more than 20 sand wolves.

"Boom, bang..."

The formation has already been chaotic in the other side.

Among the remaining people, there are many people who have already begun to flee behind a dune that is not far away.

In addition to the one of the machine gunners, it is immediately after the scouts, after the god-level sniper gave the seconds.

They also don't need to think about defense at all.

Even the light armored warriors also took out two pistols from the equipment armor of the alloy armor, and their faces were excited to shoot continuously!




With the windmaster of the last Shark Guild player, the eye can turn over the sand dunes with the acceleration skills turned on.

However, he was still shot by a black sniper bullet, shot from behind, and then opened a hole and then spun out from the chest.

Above the head, there is a value of the highest red fatal damage since the start of the war.

This battle was declared to be over.

For the total share, forty-nine seconds.

Less than a minute, six energy off-road vehicles, plus more than 20 players, all "death."

The total amount of wind and windfall is only two impeachments that have not been completed, and less than thirty rounds of sniper bullets.

100% hit rate, 100% kill rate!

This is the first time that the wind has fallen for a long time, and the “pk” is played between players who are not at the same level as the equipment level.

Well, perhaps the term "killing" is more appropriate.

Of course, although this massacre did not face the tension and stimulation of the life and death of Spades Jack, it gave him a feeling of physical and mental comfort.

As the sniper player said, what the sniper wants most is the feeling of "a fatal blow."

Watching the bullets penetrate the target in the field of view of the scope and bring up a bunch of **** numbers.

This is undoubtedly a pleasure!

However, although the fighting time is very short, but the spoils can definitely say "glory."

In those places that affect people's vision and dust, because the end of the battle was blown away by the wind, the players in the sand wolf guild are everywhere, shimmering around the spoils.

Blood supplements, energy spar, bullet clips... However, the most is the equipment!

"Hey, a lot of equipment broke out!"

"The sand wolves, how many crimes are there, how can there be so many things?"

At the end of the battle, only the soil controllers were accidentally injured by the counterattacks of the other snipers.

The rest of the world did not suffer from the injury of the city, but they fell into the sorrow again.

Because, almost all of the players of the killed Shawo Guild broke out at least one piece of equipment, and even some people broke out three or four pieces.

"And, many of these equipments are rare, and there are already five or six pieces of rare equipment that I know of gunners."

The scout player, looking at the off-road vehicle that was crashed, the scouts of the Scout Association's scouts illuminate.

The 50-level rare reconnaissance attribute is the best, with a very high bonus for reconnaissance, and the price in the exchange is close to one million credits. The key is that it cannot be bought at all.

If he owns this reconnaissance device, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to block the communication so dead.

"The same is true for the controller. The wind system is the 'wind and iv' rare energy robe, but it can 100% increase the recovery speed of the mp. As long as it is not always put on the skills, there will be almost no blue... Save a lot of money."

The wind in the team is in charge of the controller, the same is the eyes staring at the end, the wind system in charge of the final control, the things that burst out.

"I am going! It is the "mountain shield", although it is a rare 45-level equipment, but the attributes are better than many 50. I always want to buy one side, but the 600,000 credit points in the exchange can not afford it. !"

"There is still a sniper rifle, which is rare..."

After a dozen or so wins, the players who stayed in the city, who were in a mood to relax, looked at the equipment that appeared on the opposite side of the Sand Wolf Guild.

Of course, none of them made a move to rush to pick up the spoils.

Because the people of the Shark Guild were almost all killed by the "God-level sniper", their final attack was only a few injuries, and did not kill two people.

Not to mention that the other party is most likely to be a guild.

Even if it is not a night city guild, with the gunwork and combat power that the other party has just demonstrated, it is completely impossible to get the idea of ​​grabbing the spoils.

However, they are still somewhat puzzled by the spoils of the people of the Sharks Guild.

Because, "War of War" killing is not necessarily able to explode equipment.

Especially for players with low crime values, the chance of exploding equipment is not high.

However, almost everyone in the Shark Guild broke out at least one piece of equipment, making the white light of that area flickering like a gem in the sun.

More importantly, more than half of these spoils are rare.

These two points are very unscientific!

"Sure enough, it reached an extra lucky value of 4 points, which greatly affected the explosion rate in pk."

"The original low-crime player who might only have a piece of equipment turned out to be almost 100% out of the box. The original one who exploded or exploded two pieces is a huge chance to explode two pieces. Happening."

On the other side, the "Tomahawk No. 1" has been smashed, over the sand dunes, and the wind is falling toward the two off-road vehicles. The face under the helmet is exposed.

"However, it is more useful, it should be that it not only affects the rate of explosion, but also the quality of the things that break out."

A player's blast rate is affected by the degree of the crime value. Although the lucky attribute can make the blast rate as random as possible to the maximum, it does not allow the blast to exceed the "upper limit" defined by the crime value.

However, although the quantity cannot be exceeded, the quality can reach the "best".

A rare piece of equipment is almost ten times more valuable than superior equipment, and the price of a legendary piece of equipment is hundreds of times more than rare equipment.

Under the lucky value of "+4", half of these people in the Shark Guild directly explode the best equipment on their body.

This is simply, fierce and a bit uninspired!

In addition, there is another reason why the people of the Shalang Association will be so miserable.

It was the wind that fell before the start of the sniper, and removed the chest "Agent Badge" and replaced it with a badge of honor of the town of the rare badge of 40.

The basic attributes of this badge are naturally far less than the Secrets of Agents.

However, it regards the player's crime value to increase the rare attribute of the extra explosion rate, but it is able to achieve the effect of "maximum doubling" of the thing that the other party bursts in the pk.

Fortunate attributes plus "killing badges", these two things, enough for anyone who is killed by the wind in a non-task state.

Regret to eat a 14.5cm sniper bullet!

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