Fatal Shot

Chapter 964: A caterpillar?

After about ten minutes, the team entered the stronghold of the city that never sleeps.

It is said that it is a very simple camp building with some fences enclosed by wire fences and some open spaces where vehicles are parked.

This is because the "War of War" players set their own positions, not like the guild station can not refresh the monster after killing the monster.

Therefore, the construction is simpler. After encountering the incident, it is naturally convenient to maintain and the loss is still small.

However, perhaps because of the existence of the Zerg base.

Therefore, the density of monsters in this area is not large, and the security of this base in the city is still very good.

At least, there have been no boss-level creatures nearby.


"The cause of the incident stems from the fact that four days ago, when our people found a quasi-boss and broke most of the blood, the sand wolf suddenly rushed out of a group of people to rob."

"The two sides played one game. Our people were hanged out because they were not in a good state in the battle with the quasi-boss."

"But the people of the sand wolf actually sue the wicked, saying that our people have robbed their mission targets, and the areas where the quasi-boss exist are also their sphere of influence, so let us apologize to them."

In a conference room in the base, Muzi looked angry at the wind.

"This of course makes our people very angry, so I smashed them at the forum."

"I thought that this was a thing of the past. I didn't expect that when we were blaming the next day, we were all sneaked by the sand wolf."

"All of a sudden angered everyone, so we also organized people to kill the two task squads of the Shalves Guild, and robbed them of their blame."

"After that, I gradually became a meeting. In the past few days, I have played more than ten games."

If you have Muzi, let the wind fall and frown.

"The Sand Wolf Guild? I remember it was just a guild with a population of just over a thousand."

Then he turned and asked.

"A total of 1,753 people, the core combat members are about five hundred people."

In the conference room, in addition to the wood and the wind, there is also a projection through the communication device that appears in the opposite side of the wind and falls, and then hears the wind and falls.

"I understand your idea……"

After receiving the speech, the animal husbandry did not let Muzi explain the wind, but continued to speak.

"I specifically asked people to check it out... I found that the Shalang Association got a lot of financing five days ago, from the Sanmu consortium financing."

The words of the animal husbandry have a little jump, but the wind has fallen to understand.

Because, he knows this "Sanmu consortium."

Just half a month ago, this consortium looked for things that never sleep in the city.

When the deliberation will establish a city that never sleeps, both Feng Li and Mu Wu agreed not to accept the capital injection of any real consortium.

Therefore, for any intention of investing in shares or investing, the city that never sleeps is completely ok, and the Sanmu consortium naturally eats.

Speaking of it, there are a lot of consortia that are now staring at the city that never sleeps.

Because, the city that never sleeps is indeed a bit eye-catching and has great potential.

As the only guild in the depths of the dead desert, the city that never sleeps can be built on a map of more than 70 levels, which is a miracle.

With the meaning of the game "War of War", the benefits of building a guild here are naturally impossible to be watched.

Just wanting to build a station in a desert is almost impossible.

Because there are too many conditions for various restrictions, and the financial resources are too large.

But the city that never sleeps is because of the "underground city", not only the successful construction of the city, but also the area currently used, but not even one tenth of the entire underground city.

This alone is actually a huge "wealth", enough to make the city's foundation for the city that never sleeps, and save 90% of the funds.

And the only city in the game with a map of more than 70 levels of desert, although the advantage is not big now, but the benefits in the future are clearly visible.

Even, not just hardware, it’s also about competing software.

The only player guild that has two top ten masters at the same time, or the guild that owns the only female mech master player in the game...

These two, even the nine-star guild, sk group or the world group, the moon guild will not have these super guilds.

The most important thing is that because of the space warship, the city never sleeps has become an important partner of the military, backed by the federal military.

This guild station is completely different from other self-built residences. It needs to consider the possibility of a super boss being directly flattened.

All kinds of things together, the city that never sleeps does not need to say much about the real capital that is now entering the game and the attraction of the consortium.

However, regardless of how the preferential share purchase request, she was rejected by Shepherd.

And if these consortiums change their minds to find the principals of the real guild, they will find that the "first sniper of the war" seems to have never opened a communication reminder, and it is impossible to contact.

The Miki Group is a super-capital based on the capital star.

I wanted to buy 90% of the shares of Everbright City for the price of 9 billion Stars!

As a result, it still failed.

Obviously, after determining that there is no way to buy shares, the Sanmu consortium chose another strategy.

Since there is no way to buy shares, then it will be suppressed. The wealth of the Sanmu consortium is not high, and the city that never accepts the capital injection from outsiders is absolutely only dragged.

“Oasis Town, located in the middle of the withered desert, is seventy-eight kilometers away from our stronghold, and is the largest oasis in the withered desert.

“The average level of monsters around is between 45 and 55. It is best for current players to level up and brush equipment and tasks... In addition, within the diameter of one hundred kilometers around, there is also a rare and rare material of speciality. The material is only around the oasis town throughout the game."

In the communicator, Ms. Wu opened a map and pointed to an area of ​​about four or five hundred square kilometers.

“In addition, in the middle of the entire withered desert, there is only enough water here.”

"The Sand Wolf Guild is one of the thousands of guilds in this oasis town."

"And the latest news, in addition to investing in the Shalang Association, the Sanmu consortium is also discussing acquisitions with several other tens of thousands of guilds, as well as some of the more powerful mercenary groups."

“Once the acquisition is completed, it will be merged into a guild that covers more than 90% of the players in the Oasis Town. The name is said to have been taken, and is ready to be called the 'Sha's Covenant'.”

When she was talking about it, she suddenly looked a little strange at the wind.


It was a bit strange that the wind was looking at him.

"You don't think that this name is a bit like rushing to you?"

Shepherd laughed.

"It's a bit... I don't want to make fun of my id. It's not when I started writing the book. Didn't think about it... I can't change it..."

The wind is a bit speechless and I don't want to pick up the story.

"Well... I will talk about the situation in Oasis Town."

Pastor laughed and turned back to business.

"Because of the location, the Oasis Town has become a preferred supply station and transit station for many players to enter the withered desert center."

“The largest oasis in this withered desert, although the name is town and belongs to the Union, actually has autonomy.”

"This is because the np in the oasis towns, most of them are the escapers who have escaped from the desert to escape the war and their descendants."

“So, although they joined the federation, they have some exclusion from the federal government. The federal army and laws do not apply here, and the residents of the town have their own power to decide on legal and administrative policies!”


The tacit agreement between the two and the priests, so that the wind does not need to think about it, I know that this is not a partial issue, but it must be below.

“In the process of collecting information from the Oasis Town, I found something interesting.”

“The residents of the town, especially the older generation, many have the feelings of a kind of ‘the worm’ worship and gratitude!”

"The worm?"

Sure enough, if the animal husbandry went on, it caused interest in the wind and made him feel a move.

“Yes, I shot a video of the sculpture of the gods they shaped in the heart of the town!”

Pastor laughed and painted, switching to a video.

The "dessue" on the screen has a scorpion-like tongs, a purple-brown carapace, and some similar bat wings.

“This is a Zerg worker bee?”

The wind glanced at what the prototype of the sculpture was.

He suddenly understood why the news was so severe that it was very likely to affect the subsequent development of the city that never sleeps, and the animal husbandry could be so relaxed and even joking with him.

Np in the oasis town, even the Zerg worker bee as a "divine", and is "worship and gratitude"?

This is very interesting.

Obviously, although the Sam Group used devastating weapons when dealing with the Zerg, it turned the entire dead forest into a dead desert today.

However, because the number of Zerg is too large, although the main base was destroyed, it was not completely extinct.

In particular, the worker bee is the most incompetent unit of the Zerg, but because of its ability to go underground, it is likely to survive some of the explosion.

Then, these Zerg worker bees entered the desert in order to avoid the war, and the inhabitants of the isolated oasis towns had an intersection, which became the "divines" in their hearts...

The specific details of this process are not of much significance.

The biggest significance is that these “indigenous” residents of the town who are grateful or even admired for the “Zerg” have the power to decide on the town policy! Rw

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