Fatal Shot

Chapter 988: Zerg base exposure


The entrance to the Zerg base slowly opened, and the wind fell directly on the Tomahawk No. 1.


In a dozen seconds, the Tomahawk has reached the hatchery area of ​​the “worker bee” in the Zerg base.

Because the base insects and a large number of worker bees were moved to create "canyons", this area was generally empty.


The wind opened the lighting system of Tomahawk No. 1, and emitted a glare that illuminates all areas around the tens of meters.

"Come out!"

The wind suddenly opened, and the cold sound passed through the helmet of the storm armor, and it spread far and wide in this very area.

"I expect to be discovered early, and it seems that the monitoring methods inside are more sophisticated than I expected."

One voice sounded, and the figure of a player wearing sunglasses suddenly appeared ten meters away from the side of the wind.

"Hey, hey..."

When I saw a person in my "home" suddenly appeared, 24k suddenly suspended in the wind and a few times with a few surprises and screams.

And when it was called out, some of the sand that was brought in within 20 meters of the ground suddenly involuntarily, like the loss of gravity, floated into the air!


The wind fell slightly and looked at 24k.

But for the time being, I didn't care about it, but looked at the player who appeared in the Zerg base.

"It's you!"

The brow of the wind fell slightly.

The nature that appears in the Zerg base is the enemy, but not the general enemy.

This sunglasses male player, the "Dragon Vice President" of the Desert Gossip Association, the "Oasis Fox" in the mouth of the Oasis Town!

It is also from the intelligence of the animal husbandry, the most important promoter of the desert gods in the rapid rise of a month.

"Mr. Feng, meet again!"

The shape of the sunglasses on the face of the vice president of the dragon appeared slowly, and was similarly recovered to the back of the ear, similar to the designer glasses.

"I didn't expect that in the desert of death, in addition to the military underground relics of the Sam Group where you are stationed, there is such a large underground space."

"Zerg, this should be the kind of cosmic creature with the background of the 22nd executive star game..."

Behind the sunglasses is a face that looks younger, with a look of surprise and expressionlessness.

"Mr. Feng, your luck is really very envious to me!"

"According to the game's cosmic background, the Zerg is probably one of the most important races in the future version of the War. The Zerg base is probably the most valuable thing on the planet."

"And, you also have the life worm belonging to the capital star, the first legendary vehicle in the "War of War." Well, yes, this little guy should be the first boss-class pet in the real game. ......"

Vice President Long looked at the 24k road suspended by the wind.

"The dog hunt?"

The wind fell directly and interrupted him.

"Forehead, how can Mr. Feng think so..."

The vice president of the dragon was obviously affected by the wind. Some sudden words affected his thoughts, so that he did not know how to answer the words.

"The reason why I came here is to get the clues from the mouths of several players that I have what I need. And after I arrived, you will soon be with the people of the Desert Go!"

"That is to say, among those players, there should be people of you. As for who is also not difficult to guess..." "I am a bit curious, the treatment of the hound is very luxurious. Just a garbage, after joining, can Get a legendary machine gun... Unfortunately, I can't keep it!"

The wind looked at him and continued to chill.

The wind is rarely stunned, but for those who like to show up, he always likes to be cold and still color.

"Oh... the reasoning ability of Mr. Feng is really admirable... but this reasoning is not rigorous..."

After hearing the words of the wind, Vice-President Long’s eyes were linked and he was not convinced.

"You hounds collect the player's intelligence in the game. This is something that is annoying and intrusive in some sense. However, Star Game has never been overstated to the player's protest..."

"So, your collection should be subject to the 'official' default. Even the hound may itself belong to the 'official' established organization, which explains why it is still highly confidential until now!"

However, the wind did not care about him, and he continued to talk to himself.

"Like the "War of War", a game that can make the whole country evolve and has a great relationship, the official should really hold everything in its hands. It is not surprising that this is done. But the strange thing is that the 'official' can't directly go back from the system. Getting this information, but it takes so much trouble to arrange people to go to the game to collect, this is a bit of a meaning!"

"That is to say, the 'official' may not be able to control the "war" at all, but for some reason had to promote the game. In order to protect the situation as far as possible from the control, this way of invasion of privacy has to be adopted. Collect player information..."

For the hound dog, the wind fell in these days and carefully thought about the conclusion of this "official organization."

This official certainly does not refer to the "Star Game Company", but the "Star Culture Government" represented by the back.

With the exception of government support, it is impossible for any civil power or capital to grasp the role information of each player in such a large extent.

However, no one likes to have an organization secretly collecting information about themselves, even if it has a government background that makes it impossible to resist.

It is naturally impossible for the wind to have a good face for the "dog hunting" person.

In particular, it is obvious that the vice president of the dragon, who sneaked in here, wanted to spy on the "Zerg base" and collect more complete information about "the leaves of the wind"!

"Cough... Mr. Feng, we still don't talk about this... Some things don't really mean it."

At the beginning, Vice President Long was still calm and even smiled and listened to the wind.

However, when he heard the wind falling and pointing the target directly at the Starry Civilized Government, his eyes flashed away, but his face showed a bitter smile.

"I still say it directly."

“Our organization arranges some people to handle affairs in every area with a large population.”

"I am responsible for the place where the desert is dead. Originally, because there were not too many people in the desert, I joined the most concentrated oasis town."

"But because you have never built a city in the depths of the dead desert, and now you are in a hostile state with the Oasis town, this has made my task a bit more troublesome."

“Original, I thought that after I found out the real situation of this ‘military research base’, I could make things easier.”

"But I didn't think it was a Zerg base. And I found this unit..."

Vice President Long reached out and pointed to a "worker bee" that had just been hatched out of the hatchery.

"When I saw it, I knew that the Oasis town was finally lost in this battle. And even the Oasis towns are likely to change hands."

“This means that my long-term success in Oasis Township may soon become useless!”

Vice President Long said with a frown.

When he pointed to the "worker bee", the eyes of the wind became a bit more fierce.

However, there was no move, and he still listened with no expression.

Despite the secrets of the Zerg base, even he and the animal husbandry were prepared to deal with the "killer" worker bees in the oasis town.

However, killing this dragon vice president at this time also does not help.

Moreover, even if he is discovered by him, it does not mean that the original plan can not be implemented, and this person's own words also prove this.

"Mr. Feng, I want to talk to you about a cooperation, I want to join you in the city that never sleeps!"

However, if Vice President Long went on to say it, he would let the wind fall directly and frown.

"Do you think I will promise?"

After a second of silence, the wind fell cold.

"I think you will!"

"Mr. Feng, as you might guess, organizations need to get as much information as possible."

"Death Desert is not important before, but in today's player level and later player level, this area will become more and more important. Especially, with this Zerg base."

The appearance of Vice President Long became somewhat solemn.

"So, the result of our cooperation has not reached the maximum I was transferred from the death desert, but soon I will send another person to take over my job."

"In contrast, let me know that a person who knows the bottom is left in the desert, and it is more advantageous to collect information in a city that never knows than a person you don't even know."

"This is a win-win situation. I don't have to abandon the connections and intelligence channels established in this area with various npcs. You can also hide some things better."


The wind continued to stare at him with cold eyes, and did not immediately speak.

He is thinking, this "hound dog" is a bit of a fake.

In addition, this proposal is indeed being considered.

The wind has fallen into the game with the purpose of finding a connection between the "war" and the earth.

However, because there are too many connections in the game with the earth, it is that he has not found a breakthrough in real meaning.

As an "official" intelligence organization, the hound dog absolutely has something that ordinary players can't even know.

If you really let this "Oasis Fox" join the city that never sleeps, you may not have the opportunity to collect some information from the hound dog while he collects intelligence.

Moreover, a "dog" under the eyelids and a "hunting dog" hidden in the unknown, the former is actually a little more comfortable.

"How do I know that if you join the city that never sleeps, will you use the interests of the guild to exchange your own interests?"

"For example, this time, fanning the Oasis Town to attack the city that never sleeps to create the opportunity to get the information here!"

However, the wind did not directly agree, but asked him coldly.

"Mr. Feng, you have misunderstood."

"For me, the task of the organization is of the utmost importance, but it does not mean that it will definitely harm the interests of the guild."

"For example, this time, although I have played a role in helping others, but even if I refused from the time when you refused the Miki consortium, the situation will inevitably develop to this step.

"And I, in fact, have done what I can do for the Desert Gospel."

"From the investment of the Humu Sanmu consortium, to let a small mercenary group develop and grow into a few miles in the oasis town, and then to the personnel organization and tactical design and command of this battle, everything It is a matter of heart."

"Even when I found out that you have been trying to delay our team, I guessed that you should have a back-handed preparation in the city that never sleeps. I also advised Gogo to withdraw the troops. Of course, he should also be like I thought. These days, under the gradual expansion of self-esteem, I did not heed this advice..."

The vice president of the dragon flashed his eyes.

"If it is not the existence of this Zerg base. I think this action should be a win-win for me and the desert guild!"

"Mr. Feng, many things are capable of achieving the best of both worlds."

"And, our organization is just doing some intelligence work, and it won't interfere with other people's normal games."

“Just intelligence work?”

“The first agent assessment task, who collected the money and then want to manipulate the final result? This is not a disturbance to the normal game of others!”

The wind fell ironically.

"Last time, just to test the scale of certain things... And, Mr. Feng is not still successful in transferring the first points to success."

"This shows that for the powerful, some small moves are simply useless."

"In the game, I have always spoken by strength."

Vice President Long shook his head.

"Right, it is not yet congratulated to say that Mr. Feng, after the second agent inspection mission in the previous two days, successfully rose to the second place of the top ten."

"Of course, this is the case where the Zerg base is not counted. With the potential of the Zerg base, I think the list should change again tomorrow, and the top of the list will finally be able to change hands!"

Vice President Long’s words, with a faint compliment, did not give the joy of the wind.

Because, by contrast, he hopes that the intelligence of the Zerg base is not obtained by the hounds!

"I can let you join the city that never sleeps. However, you need to change a name and look!"

The wind fell and said.

"This is no problem. For us, it is normal to change your identity!"

Vice President Long laughed without any surprise.

"Good. So, now you can go back!"

When the wind fell into the cold, the eyes of the **** of death suddenly lifted up directly, facing the vice president of the dragon.



Just a distance of more than ten meters, accompanied by a sniper bullet that destroyed the solitude, instantly penetrated the forehead of the vice president of the dragon.

"Mr. Feng, can you not do it so fast? I still have some words, and I am ready to commit suicide after I finish!"

"This is a terrible thing. You have the lucky equipment and the murder badge. This equipment on my body is hard to accumulate with wages..."

After the vice president of the dragon had a damage value on his head, he did not die for the first time.

After a few words of sad smile, only the white light of death flashed.


The few worker bees that had just hatched quickly climbed over and dragged the body of the vice president of Dragon to "nourish".

The wind is falling out of thought and whispering in the mouth.

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