Fatal Shot

Chapter 995: Winning

"I am going, what is the situation?"

"How did he come out?"

"It's over, so fast!"

I heard the staff of the Sanmu consortium announce the results.

Many people in the oasis towns around the battle platform were surprised.

Because, at this time, the center of the big screen is playing the battle picture of the phoenix and the female fire controller.

For the process of the wind and scout players, they are completely unaware of it.

This is of course normal, after all, the battle between the two beautiful controllers is obviously much more attractive to the oasis players who are predominantly male.

"Mr. Dead Song, can you add friends, is it convenient to contact?"

However, the staff of the Sanmu consortium, after shocking, quickly reacted.

A supervisor is the same person, who smiles specifically in front of the virtual cabin.

Obviously, although this battle ended far more than they expected, the wind has undoubtedly become the focus of the Sanmu consortium.

Dead song, this id is of course the second player identity obtained after the transfer of the agent.

The identity of this player is generally the same as the normal player identity.

Even this id has a complete record since the game.

Even if the people of the Miki consortium buy intelligence from the hound, they can't find any flaws.

Well, at least, the wind is believed to be no flaws.

Because, according to his previous speculation, the system will not allow the hound to destroy the normal order of the game.

If the dog-hunter can directly know that he is a false identity and then disclose it to the Sanmu consortium, then it will undoubtedly affect the fairness and normal order of the game.

"what happened!"

"Ajun, how did you lose to the sniper?"

"Yes, how come you lose so soon."

After the wind fell for a dozen seconds, the scout player walked out of the virtual cabin, but his face was awkward.

Anyone who is confident at first, but the result is not being reacted to be killed by the opponent, it is impossible for the heart to accept it too easily.

And he didn't fight five companions outside, and he was frowning when he saw him.

"08004 wins!"

At this time, another voice sounded.

The night wearing sunglasses came out of the virtual cabin without saying a word, while the machine gunner who came out of the other virtual cabin was full of surprise.

"I am going, two dogs? You lost too!"

"This is less than two minutes!"

"The other party is a master! I was touched by her and was killed before I reacted."

The machine gunner unconsciously touched his neck, as if there was still a cold scent of the saber.


Among the remaining five, one looks like the best equipped heavy armored soldier, and his eyes are serious.

"But from the battle of the flames, the strength of their team should be similar to us?"

"You have been killed without resistance!"

The other four people seem to be unable to accept the fact that their companions are "completed."

After all, they all know the strength of each other.

In particular, the central projection screen belongs to the battle between the Phoenix and the female fire controller, although it is more intense.

However, it seems that it is completely evenly matched. No one has the advantage of suppressing it!

"08003 wins!"

However, immediately, the staff of the Sanmu consortium announced again.

But they all look ugly.

"Of course, it's easy to get it, don't see who the brother is, no one in the professional civil war can win the brother!"

Taken out of the virtual cabin, the big pineapple that walked to the wind and fell on his face, and triumphantly turned around in the night.

It’s just this kind of behavior, being stared at the “night” on the big screen watching the battle between the phoenix and the female fire controller, completely ignoring it.

The feeling of "war" that the big pineapple said before the wind fell, seems to have caused some kind of mood in the night?

Bad mood.

"08005 wins!"

At this time, the fourth battle is over.

"Little fat? Your speed is a bit slow!"

Neglected by the night, the big pineapple coughed and looked out from the virtual cabin, and the forehead was slightly sweaty and fat.

The two are thin and fat, but they are thinner and choose the most burly career of the heavy armor. The fat choice is the lightest occupation of the controller.

Between each other, it seems to have a bit of a similar taste.

In the past few days, I have been very familiar with it.

"The opponent is the commander of the earth system. It is not difficult for me to win, but it takes a lot of effort to kill him!"

"Well, you all won, it seems that we have not the first question!"

The little fat man is excited.

His strength is actually the weakest of the five, but it is still stronger than the other's strength.

Successfully won this first game, a step closer to 50 million, naturally let him happy.

Next, the battle was left with only the phoenix that was originally started and the female fire controller.

In fact, the reason why the two sides fought a lot of time was mainly because of the map.

This battle is random to the pk map, which turned out to be the biggest snow mountain ice environment for the attack of the fire system controller!

Moreover, the middle of the blood package, the set position is within the direct attack range of both sides.

Both sides have some taboos, and there is no first fight.

Moreover, because the map is large, both sides have a certain amount of space dodge skills at the beginning, resulting in wasted time.

Until the ice on the surface of the snow-capped mountains melted because of the fighting between the two sides, the battlefields of both sides narrowed to a diameter of several tens of meters.

This battle ended.


Originally, the battle has always been evenly matched. The phoenix suddenly shows that it is far beyond the super-high speed of the palm controller, and directly avoids the single-killing skill of the female fire department.

Subsequently, an explosive fireball that was raised by a hand was blown on the face of the female fire controller who broke the energy shield.

In the case of the female fire control officer's eyes dazzled, a white hand fanned her face to the face, knocking out her last 5% of the blood.

This battle is over!

"You turned out to be..."

A few seconds later, two women of similar temperament walked out of the virtual cabin at the same time.

However, the corner of the phoenix wearing sunglasses reveals a hint of laughter.

The female fire department is in charge of the controller, but the hair is messy and the face is a little crazy.

Anyone who is slap in the face will definitely be crazy.


In the "Phoenix Feather" squad, one of the most heavy fighters who had not participated in the battle and did not participate in the last five games, shouted.

"Captain, she actually hit me... she was deliberate..."

The female fire department controller was somewhat unwilling, but in the case of being blocked by two warrior teammates, she was only able to stare at the phoenix with a grudge.

If it is said that she was similar in temperament to the phoenix with 70%.

At this time, the two are only three at most.

This woman, obviously, can't be mentally minded. Of course, the wind is sure that the last thing about the phoenix is ​​absolutely deliberate.

Who called this woman, it was too loaded at first.

"Everyone, good deed, I hope we can have another chance to fight again next time!"

However, the headed heavy armored soldier apparently had sufficient authority in the team to stop the female fire department controller.

The face was a little dignified and said to the wind and five people.

Then the group turned and left.

Of course, the female fire department controller, before the departure, looked at the phoenix with a smile in his mouth.

Then, for a big pineapple staring at her back, she turned and followed to leave.

"Old style, these people, will you know our identity and deliberately come to us for trouble?"

Looking at the "Phoenix Feather" squad that left, the big pineapple had a positive expression on his face and whispered to the wind.

The female fire control officer mentioned "the city that never sleeps" and played with them. This made him somewhat doubtful about the intentions of these people. Is it really just to participate in the selection? Rw

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