Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1114: All jealous

To be honest, Taoyao is a person of the Spirit King level, so it shouldn't be a loss.

But she didn't expect this woman to do it if she didn't agree with her, and she did so harshly. She was completely defenseless, so Yun Qianyu slapped her severely.

Tao Yao was stunned, and everyone around was stunned.

In fact, in addition to their first team, there are other members of the academy, and none of them left.

But when they saw their team making trouble, they felt dark and cool.

And here Yun Qianyu finished playing Taoyao and said coldly: "You have a brain disease. Why should I give you the things I got? You think you are a green onion. Since you don’t have a face, then Just hit it hard."

Yun Qianyu's words awakened Taoyao. She raised her hand like crazy, a strong spiritual power wrapped in her palm, she raised her hand and attacked Yun Qianyu fiercely.

Seeing Taoyao's spirit power blast towards Yun Qianyu fiercely, Xiao Jiuyuan who was beside Yun Qianyu quickly pulled her back.

He raised his hand and attacked fiercely with spiritual power.

Feng Wuya also raised his hand and joined Xiao Jiuyuan to blast towards Taoyao.

The two spirit powers collided with each other with a boom, and both retreated quickly.

Taoyao's face was indescribably ugly, especially when she saw two handsome men guarding that ugly monster, she became even more angry.


Tao Yao was completely crazy, she didn't stand still, and she quickly raised her hand to attack.

Not far away, Luo Li flashed out and said quickly: "Enough."

He reached out and suppressed Taoyao with spiritual power.

Taoyao stared at Luo Li with red eyes and shouted: "You let me go, didn't you see them bullying me? Especially that ugly monster. She actually slapped me, I'm not reconciled."

"Are you sure you want to fight them? Although their spiritual strength is low, don't forget what they have, but they are very powerful. If you really fight, you may not get a bargain."

When these words fell, Tao Yao was taken aback for a moment, and finally gritted her teeth secretly and vowed that she would never give up, Pei Xi, you wait for me, I will definitely report back, and definitely will.

But although Taoyao was swearing, she stopped her action right now.

Luo Li quickly looked at Yan Tian and said, "Congratulations on a few of you."

Xiao Jiuyuan raised his eyebrows faintly, and didn't say anything. Instead, he turned to look at Yun Qianyu and said, "Let's go."

It's getting late, so they'd better leave here as soon as possible.

A few people flashed away and left, without leaving Luo Li and the others behind, the faces of a few people were hard to look at again.

But this time no one spoke, and rushed all the way to keep up with the figure in front. The people at Tianqing Academy behind him couldn't help being disappointed.

I thought there was a good show to watch, but I didn't expect it to be so good.

However, many of these people are jealous of Xiao Jiuyuan, Yun Qianyu and others. They were jealous when they thought that they were powerful god-ranked spirit weapons when they shot them before.

Because of that powerful spirit tool, even if their spiritual power cultivation base is lower, they are not easy to deal with right now.

So they want to grab it, but it's difficult.

One by one, all the way to the Teleportation Array of Tianqing Academy, each with their own thoughts.

When it got dark, everyone finally rushed outside the teleportation array of Tianqing Academy.

The leading players of each team counted their own team members, and finally everyone entered the teleportation array.

After the teleportation formation stopped, they were already in Tianqing Academy.

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