Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1140: Get out

Yun Qianyu moved Ao Ming into Feng Ling Ring.

The other two were also taken into Feng Ling Ring by her.

Even if she couldn't hide away today, she didn't want to hurt others, whether it was Feng Wuya or the Three Spirit Beast.

The old man on the other side sneered and said: "Little bitch, you are so ugly and expect to marry into my Qinglong family. It's a vain thought. Today, the old man will send you to the west."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand steeply, and a huge giant palm fell from the sky and patted Yun Qianyu fiercely.

Yun Qianyu wanted to retreat, but the air he was facing was suppressed by the coercion of the old man of the spirit emperor.

She couldn't move at all, so in the end she could only watch the giant palm fall from the sky and slap her fiercely.

With a bang, she was deeply photographed into a rock pit.

Wow blood came out from his mouth.

However, although he was photographed with blood, he did not die, but suffered serious injuries.

If it weren't for her wearing a golden Shura armor, she would definitely die today.

The old man who jumped into the air originally thought that she could slap the woman to death with one palm. He didn't expect that she was only injured, but she was not dead yet.

At this time, the old man of the spirit emperor was on fire, and a powerful spiritual force raised his hand and blasted towards Yun Qianyu again.

Spiritual power violently pulled Yun Qianyu out of the pit, and slammed into the opposite cliff.

With a snap, Yun Qianyu only felt that the blood qi in his five internal organs and six lungs were all messed up. The blood reverberated in his heart, and then the blood in his mouth was spit out.

She went into a black coma, and fell down the cliff.

Seeing her about to fall off the cliff, the old man Linghuang raised his hand unwillingly and planned to fill his palm again.

However, the sky suddenly darkened, and a big hand passed through the dark night, directly reaching out to catch Yun Qianyu, and then a figure appeared on the cliff.

The man carried Yun Qianyu, put her on the ground, and then sternly shouted: "Did the hands of the Qinglong family stretched too long, they even reached my Tianqing Academy."

"Get out immediately, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

Dean Sikong shouted in anger.

The old man Linghuang on the opposite side had a cold face, and said unceremoniously: "Lao Sikong, the eldest lady of my Azure Dragon family, something happened in your college, I haven't settled with you yet."

"What's the matter with your eldest lady of the Qinglong family, what to do with me, my college is dead every day, I can't manage it."

"Why, other people's lives are not fate. Is the life of the young lady of your Azure Dragon family more precious than others? Is it possible that the young lady of your Azure Dragon family is more expensive than Emperor's daughter. Even if the Emperor's daughter has an accident here today, it's no wonder that On top of my Tianqing Academy."

Sikonglin was getting a little angry, and the arrogance of these young dragon family was getting higher and higher, and now he didn't put his Tianqing Academy in his eyes at all, something hateful.

"If you only need a stick of incense, get out of my Tianqing Academy immediately, otherwise don't blame me for going to the Imperial Capital to talk to the Emperor."

"I want to ask the emperor, does your Azure Dragon family want to cover the sky with just one hand, and even want to occupy my territory."

Sikonglin's words made the old man Linghuang on the opposite side look more and more ugly, gritted his teeth and stared at him.

"Sikonglin, you want to keep this little bitch."

"The people in my academy are the little guys in my academy. I won't let them be killed by you."

"Get out quickly."

Sikong Lin coldly lowered his face and said fiercely.

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