Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1145: Molested woman

Xiao Jiuyuan's long, narrow and dark eyebrows raised slightly: "You must tell me when you come out in the future, or I will worry about you."

"I know."

Yun Qianyu really forgot, otherwise she would have told Xiao Jiuyuan, she saw Xiao Jiuyuan upset, and shook his hand.

"Okay, I will tell you next time. Don't worry about it. By the way, have you advanced to the spiritual tower this time?"

Xiao Jiuyuan nodded: "I have entered the first level again. Right now I am the three-star spirit king."

After becoming the Spirit King, it is more difficult to advance to the first level.

It's not as easy as the level above the general.

Although Yun Qianyu hadn't cultivated to the level of the Spirit King, he understood the truth.

Spiritual power training becomes more difficult as it goes up. Some people have stayed in the same class for ten years and can't practice.

This is all normal.

Xiao Jiuyuan advanced to the first rank in a few days, and he was already very powerful.

"Very good, it's another level."

Yun Qianyu was happy for Xiao Jiuyuan, but Xiao Jiuyuan himself couldn't be happy.

Because he can't wait to become stronger one day, so that he can protect Yu'er.

The two people talked all the way to the outside of the mountain, but after a few steps, several people in front rushed over.

The person who rushed over was from the Yan League, and Yun Qianyu also knew him. The person who came quickly said, "Boss, several of us were injured by the people from the Zimen."

Xiao Jiuyuan's face turned dark, and he looked at the man gloomily and said, "Why did the people from the Zimen beat our people?"

"A member of our Yan League, who likes a female member of Zimen, had nothing to do with the two of them, but they didn’t know what happened. They had a misunderstanding. The woman said that our players molested her and insulted her, so Zi A large group of people gathered at the door and beat our people."

"Injured several of our players."

When Xiao Jiuyuan heard this, his face turned black, and then he said in a deep voice, "Whether those two people are really better, or are you molesting others?"

If you molest others, even he wants to fight.

The person reporting the report shook his head quickly: "Because the two had a good relationship, the person who was beaten would be wronged. He died unjustly, and I don't understand why the female player turned his face against him and was beaten for it."

"Go, let's go and see."

The group of people went all the way out of the mountains and forests and went straight to the Yan League.

In the Yan League Chamber, several injured people were waiting.

Yun Qianyu quickly stepped forward and checked them again. Except for the serious injury suffered by the person involved, all others were not serious, just skin injuries.

Yun Qianyu took the pill to the severely injured, and simply applied some medicine to the lighter.

Several people are better.

Finally, everyone looked at Xiao Jiuyuan, Xiao Jiuyuan looked at the person involved, and said in a deep voice: "You are sure that you have a good relationship with that female student, but today she turned her face and asked someone to beat you."

"Yes, I was in a good relationship, but she said that I molested her and asked someone to beat me."

"Yes, we were originally to persuade, but we were also beaten."

"The people at the Purple Door clearly don't put us in their eyes."

"By the way, I haven't seen their activities for a while, do you know the result? I heard that the boss, Ziyi, is not in the academy and went out to practice. He came back a few days ago."

"This kind of thing happened when he came back. It is clear that he targeted our Yan League."

Xiao Jiuyuan said with a gloomy face: "Immediately summon everyone in the Yan League and go to the Zimen. I want the people from the Zimen to give my people from the Yanmeng an confession. If not, I will definitely not let go of their boss, Ziyi. of."

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