Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 1427: I want you to die

Feng Wuya said fiercely, and Xiao Jiuyuan on the opposite side didn't want to talk to him any more.

Raising his hand directly, powerful spiritual power swept from heaven and earth.

In the dark night, black clouds formed a huge vortex above the head, which was completely earth-shaking spiritual power.

Xiao Jiuyuan quickly closed a barrier, and then slammed Feng Wuya with a palm.

Feng Wuya raised his hand and wanted to attack Xiao Jiuyuan. He didn't want Yun Qianyu, who had been standing quietly behind him, suddenly stretched out his hand to hold him, and pulled him behind him, and she raised her hand and blasted over with a powerful spiritual force.

The two spiritual powers collided fiercely.

Xiao Jiuyuan's spiritual power cultivation base was much higher than Yun Qianyu's, so after the collision of the two spiritual powers, Xiao Jiuyuan's spiritual power completely crushed Yun Qianyu's spiritual power.

Her spiritual power was directly crushed by Xiao Jiuyuan's spiritual power.

Her body was blown away by Xiao Jiuyuan's spiritual power.

And the spiritual impulse of the previous collision between the two people exploded in the enchantment.

The loud noise of crackling continued.

Countless huge pits were exploded in front of the Doulong Sect Master Peak.

Xiao Jiuyuan saw Yun Qianyu's body being knocked out by his spiritual power, his face instantly hard to look like, he originally wanted to knock Feng Wuya away.

Unexpectedly, it was Yun Qianyu who was injured last.

Xiao Jiuyuan wanted to fly out to catch Yun Qianyu as soon as he moved, but Feng Wuya caught Yun Qianyu one step faster than him.

"Yu'er, are you all right."

Yun Qianyu suffocated his chest, feeling very uncomfortable, and directly vomited blood.

She struggled and shook her head: "I'm fine."

The opposite Xiao Jiuyuan saw her pale face and the blood stains on her lips, and his heart seemed to be cut with a knife.

That crazy impulse swallowed his whole person. He could no longer bear to rush over, rushing to Feng Wuya's side, and slapped Feng Wuya with a palm.

Feng Wuya was shot off by him, and he stretched out his hand and hugged Yun Qianyu tightly.

"Yu'er, I didn't mean to beat you, I want to beat Feifeng Wuya."

Yun Qianyu did not show the slightest expression on his face when he listened to him.

She struggled and said: "Let me down, Emperor, please respect yourself."


Xiao Jiuyuan hugged Yun Qianyu tightly and didn't let go: "I won't agree that you marry him, you can't marry anyone."

Yun Qianxin sneered, raising her hand steeply and patted Xiao Jiuyuan. .

Xiao Jiuyuan was beaten out by her unsuspectingly.

After he landed, he raised his eyes and looked at Yun Qianyu and slowly said, "Yu'er, what on earth is going to make you not angry."

Yun Qianyu stared at him with hatred in his eyes. How much he liked this person before, and how much he hates him now.

She gritted her teeth and said, "If you don't want me to be angry, unless you die."

Xiao Jiuyuan moved and bullied himself up. He stood in front of Yun Qianyu quickly, looked at her and said solemnly, "If you really hate me so much, then kill me."

Yun Qianyu looked at him and grinned slowly.

"Xiao Jiuyuan, do you think that I can't make a move, so that's why you are so unscrupulous, but unfortunately you are wrong."

After she finished speaking, she lifted her hand, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth rushed into her palm. She raised her hand and patted Xiao Jiuyuan's chest with a fierce palm.

If it is said that no spiritual power was used before, it is now using a powerful spiritual power.

And Xiao Jiuyuan was useless at all spiritual power, so he was severely injured by Yun Qianyu's palm and flew straight out.

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