Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 407: The second dangerous level

After Yun Qianyu walked to Feng Wuya's face with the tray, he waved his hand: "Rang, I'm going to hand in the medicinal materials."

Feng Wuya slowly stepped away, his evil face was full of blows, and at the same time thoughtful, yeah, he and Yun Qianyu are not familiar, why would he always take for granted what she is like Of people.

Feng Wuya turned around and looked at Yun Qianyu, then slowly turned his head and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan not far away.

Xiao Jiuyuan was looking at him provocatively, with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

How about, this king didn't force her.

Feng Wuya gave Xiao Jiuyuan a gloomy look and snorted coldly, Xiao Jiuyuan, you'd better not fall into the hands of this monarch, if you fall into the hands of this monarch, you will definitely want you to look good.

Xiao Jiuyuan curled his lips, thinking that the king was afraid of you?

The effort of Yizhuxiang was too early, and Jun Haotian asked one of his doctors to check the passers.

Because it was delayed by Xiao Jiuyuan and Feng Wuya, the time was extended, and nearly a dozen people passed this pass.

Yun Qianyu is naturally one of them.

The second level of competition is to collect medicine.

This level is very dangerous. The terrain of Tianmu Villa is steep. There are many violent beasts on the mountain. Although rare medicinal materials can be seen everywhere, some wild beasts with a little bit of wisdom are staring at those rare medicinal materials. When the medicinal materials mature, they They would be picked and eaten. Slowly through these rare medicinal materials, some fierce beasts turned into spirit beasts and could communicate freely with people.

So regardless of the small medicine collection gate, it is very dangerous.

A principal of Tianmu Villa is explaining the danger.

"The mountain on which Tianmu Villa is located, the name Guiling Peak, is very steep and steep. There are many rare medicinal materials on the mountain, but everyone should remember that there may be one or several fierce medicinal materials beside each rare medicinal material. The beast is staring. The beasts on this mountain, because they eat rare medicinal materials all year round, have a lot of new spirits and know how to protect food. If they see you grab their food, they will never let you go."

The speaker paused and continued.

"So the second level, if you give up voluntarily, it's fine."

The subject fell, and many people on the square looked around. Two of them were frightened, and quickly raised their hands to express their willingness to withdraw.

The remaining people did not move.

Yun Qianyu stood calmly in the crowd, and did not move. Instead, Ye Jia, who was not far away, couldn't help but worry. At the same time, she was a little disappointed with Prince Li Xiao Jiuyuan. She originally pointed out that this man could protect her cousin, but she did not expect him. Not only was he unprotected, he also looked cold and cold.

Feng Wuya of the Demon Shadow Palace heard the steward of Tianmu Villa talking about the second level of the test, and couldn't help but worry about Yun Qianyu. He wanted to stand up and stop Yun Qianyu from participating, but thinking of what the woman said before, Feng Wu Ya tried his best to hold back again, but his hands clenched subconsciously. One of the men standing behind him naturally saw Feng Wuya's movements, and he couldn't help but frowned slightly. What's wrong with Lord Jun?

Feng Wuya didn't move.

Xiao Jiuyuan, dressed in white and wearing a silver mask, moved. He walked slowly to Yun Qianyu and looked at her condescendingly.

The black pupils were dull, like a deep night, without a hint of light.

His dark and cold voice slowly sounded.

"Yun Qianyu, I don’t care about the fact that you beat and kicked the king and stole the soldier talisman before. You saved the king that night, and the king can make you out of your merits, but you have to say your identity. You confess your true identity. You can give up at this level. This king will not blame you."

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