Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 426: Mrs. Jun woke up

Yun Qianyu's figure jumped, and once again used Lu Ling to fight Jun Haotian.

Her spiritual strength cultivation base is fighting against Jun Haotian, basically hitting the stone with the egg, so she only suffers.

Fortunately, Jun Haotian was only helping her to temper her spiritual power, so she didn't make any heavy hand, just kept flying her out, and the two people collided with spiritual power.

After several hours of effort, Yun Qianyu was embarrassed and injured in many places.

Ye Jia, Diaoye, and Xiaoying were so distressed that they couldn't help but yell.

"Feather, stop hitting"

"Master, almost done, almost done."

It's a pity that Yun Qianyu ignored those guys at all, and still gritted his teeth and stood up, colliding with Zi Ling fiercely.

In the end, Jun Haotian couldn't stand it anymore, he closed his hand and floated to her side, and said warmly, "Okay, let me see how your green spirit tempering is doing?"

Jun Haotian quickly stretched out his hand to take Yun Qianyu's pulse, and then his face slowly said, "It's okay for the time being, but you don't need to practice spiritual power in a short time. It's okay to practice spiritual power more, and then find someone to fight. When your green spiritual cultivation is at ease, you can practice spiritual power again."

When Jun Haotian said this, he paused and blamed: "You kid, even if you want to be strong, don't work hard like this. The spiritual veins in your body are the most superior ones, but there are also superior ones. The shortcomings of the spiritual veins, you can’t be greedy and aggressive. If this is the case, the spiritual veins will explode too fast, and it will probably cause you to burst into death."

"In addition, cultivating spiritual power is a matter of gradual progress. If you are eager to be fast, you may end up stagnating your spiritual power cultivation base, do you know?"

Yun Qianyu nodded immediately: "I know the sovereign."

It's so dangerous. In the future, she can't be too coveted to be strong without considering the consequences. If it wasn't for Jun Haotian to understand this today, I'm afraid she would burst and die.

"Thank you Monarch."

Jun Haotian was about to speak, and suddenly rushed over eagerly with the sound of footsteps. Someone yelled excitedly, "Chuangzhu, Madam, Madam, she woke up."

As soon as he said this, Jun Haotian seemed to hear the sound of an immortal outside of the sky, so he could not care about anything else, so he rushed to the Lingyu Fairy Pond.

Yun Qianyu smiled happily when he heard the news. I was relieved.

It was great, she finally cured Mrs. Jun, so that she could get the eight-petal spirit sunflower and detoxify Xiao Jiuyuan.

Yun Qianyu struggled to get up, and Ye Jia hurriedly helped her up, and said with a look of fear: "Feather, you must know what to do in the future. Just now, we were scared to death."

Diaoye and Xiaoying also nodded quickly, and the two spirit beasts were so scared that they almost cried.

"Woo, Master Diao was scared to death. Master Diao should not practice anymore. Master Diao will practice hard and then protect the master."

"Little parrot will also practice hard. We can definitely protect the master, so master, don't scare us."

Yun Qianyu reached out and touched the heads of Master Diao and Xiaoying. With these guys by her side, her heart was warmed.

"Well, I will pay attention to it in the future, and things like today won't happen again."

Several people went straight to the Lingyu Fairy Pond.

On the Lingyu bed in the Lingyu Fairy Pond, Jun Haotian stretched out his hand to hold the woman sitting on the Lingyu bed tightly, and did not say a word for a long time.

Until Mrs. Jun Lin Xinmu's hesitating voice sounded: "Haotian, are you Haotian?"

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